Chapter Forty-One: "Secret Burdens"

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Sean followed his dad out to the car, then as he got settled into the passenger side, he asked his dad softly. "Da? Can I ask you something?" His dad started to pull out of the parking lot, answering in a warm voice. "Of course." Shifting a little in the seat, Sean asked him gently. "Back in the barn. Mark transformed... Everyone thought that was... weird. But you and mom weren't phased by it when you saw them do it in the backyard that day. I've had so much going on that I keep forgetting to ask." His dad's grip tightened on the steering wheel a bit, before he told him in a low voice. "We've known about Mark for a while. Your mother and I. He started changing like that during his training. His father told your mother, but we tried to keep it hidden from the Pack. And Nathan being able to do it... Well, it just confirmed what we've been looking into." Sean shrugged, asking uneasily when his dad didn't continue. "Which is?" His dad glanced at him briefly, informing him gently. "Evolution." Sean wanted to scoff but stayed quiet. His dad exhaled heavily, then informed him clearly. "It was bound to happen. Back in the beginning the moon had a stronger hold on us. It seemed brighter and bigger. We were exposed to it more. But today... we are exposed to it a lot less. The bright lights of the Valley at night... Our homes being better built and designed to block out rays from the sun to keep things cool. These all affect us."

Sean took a moment to think on that, while his dad told him. "As a kid, I always wondered if the moon ever really had a sway on us. Or if it was just the wolf in us that picked those days because it was just... a nice night for a stroll. Our inner selves desiring something simple. Reminding us of what is really important. Family and fun." Sean smirked, lifting his feet to brace them on the dash as he asked curiously. "Why hide that from the Pack? It sounds fun." His dad bit his lip, before telling him casually. "Because a lot of the werewolves in our Pack can't transform like that. Mark is... or he was the only one that we knew of. His transformations are driven by emotion. Now there is Nathan... Which has us thinking that the next generations of werewolves might be more in control of their transformations. It's a bit frightening to think about... but until we know more. There was no need to have others worry." Sean chuckled, blushing out. "Well, you'll have to tell that to the Elders. Now that they know..." His dad nodded, chuckling out in reply. "I'll let Mark's dad explain it to them. It's not my place and it wasn't my son that did it." Sean rolled his eyes. It was weird not being the one blamed for it. Crossing his arms over his stomach, his smile faded a bit when he asked very softly. "You think my puppies will be like him?"

His dad shrugged, answering honestly. "I don't know. But they might... if our theory is right." His dad did a double take, asking him sweetly. "Sean? Does that worry you?" Sean rubbed his stomach, shaking his head, before smirking out. "No. I... Think it would be cute." His dad laughed, informing him playfully. "Oh ya... cute. Until they chew on your stuff and sneak around the house." Sean chuckled to himself, recalling some memories as a puppy in the house. Chewing and tearing things up had been a lot of fun... but he'd gotten grounded a lot when they changed back. He learned quick to chew on his own toys. Parking in front of the gym, his dad turned off the car before asking him with a deep fatherly love for him. "You are happy with him... right? You didn't just let him Claim you because of what's going on?" A smile pulled at his lips, when he told his dad honestly. "I'll admit that Mark and I are... still finding our feet. But I do love him, Dad. And he's sweet. He's always looked out for me, and he makes me happy. I like who I am when I'm with him." His dad nodded, then cupped Sean's neck to pull him close. Kissing the top of his head, he told him in a warm comforted voice. "That's what I want to hear. You let me know if that changes. Grown up or not... Remember that I will always protect you."

Sean dropped his legs from the dash and wrapped his arms around his dad's neck. Hugging him close, Sean snuggled against him like a puppy that needed a hug. He wondered if seeing Isabelle with her mom had made his dad emotional and had him worried for his own puppy's wellbeing. Kissing his dad's cheek, he told him honestly. "If something happens. You'll be the first person I run too, Daddy. I promise." His dad hugged him tighter, then pulled from him with a light sniffle. Snatching a tissue from his arm rest, he told him with a smile. "Good. Go ahead. I'm right behind you." Sean patted his dad's leg, slowly climbing out of the car and walking slowly to the door. He wasn't going to leave his dad alone, but he wanted to give him a minute to collect himself. He only waited at the door for a minute a two, when his dad stepped out and told him in a confident tone. "Why are waiting? Go in." Sean rolled his eyes, shrugging out. "I'm taking in the fresh air for a bit. I wasn't waiting." His dad narrowed his eyes on him like he knew it was a lie but ruffled his hair and opened the door for him. Making their way inside, Sean smiled and enjoyed how his dad rubbed his back as they walked. It was something his dad had always done. A way of keeping him close whenever he tried to wonder off as a puppy. Yet, unlike when he was little, when he pulled from him... his dad didn't pull him back to his side.

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