Chapter Fourteen: "Bill"

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Sean scanned the woods with nervous eyes. Even if he was a werewolf, a grizzly bear was bad news. Bill touched his arm, causing Sean to flinch as he looked back. Bill stashed his phone in his back pocket, while showing him his erase board that read. 'I told your Zeta Alpha that you are safe." Sniffling, Sean mumbled out a little pained. "Thank you." Bill wiped the board, then wrote out for him. "It's ok to be nervous. The Omegas were just intimated by you." Sean scoffed, leaning back against the tree as he told him in a heartbroken voice. "I don't see why they would be. I'm nothing special." Bill reached out to lift his chin with a finger. When Sean looked up at him with distant eyes, Bill shook his other finger at him before quickly writing out for him. "You're wrong. You dominated those games. You are a free spirit." Sean brushed his hand over the words, telling him numbly. "A free spirit wouldn't fall apart as I do." Bill cleaned the board better, then wrote out. "Why do you care what they think?" Sean shrugged, answering meekly. "I don't know. I've just... always felt like I'm on the sidelines. I don't have anything in common with them. So... there must be something wrong with me."

Bill cleaned his board, writing out for him. "Having different interests doesn't mean something is wrong with you." Sean shifted to look at him better, stating out dryly. "You saw the games. You saw what I did. The other Omegas didn't do that. I acted like... " Sean looked away unable to get the words out. Bill turned his chin to look at his board with the lightest touch. Sighing, Sean read it aloud like it was a question. "Like a parent?" Narrowing his eyes on Bill with confusion, he watched Bill write out why he thought that. After he finished, Sean read the board carefully. "The challenges were about helping to protect family. And you did that. YOUR way." Bill cleaned the board then quickly wrote out to add in. "You showed that you took the challenge seriously. It wasn't a game to you. You sacrificed yourself twice to protect what you believed was your puppy." Sean bit his lip, thinking it over. Had he done that? Bill quickly wrote more, sitting up straighter as he showed him the board again that read. "Your parental instincts are stronger than theirs. You made that doll family. They didn't. You are an Omega that fights for family. THAT is what I saw."

Bill cleaned his board, writing out for him with a hint at a warm smile beneath his hood. "You are different because you matured past being a puppy. They still act like puppies. YOU act like an adult." Sean smirked as his heart warmed up to the idea. Was that why he felt so different? It didn't seem so bad to think that he'd just matured faster. A stray tear fell down his cheek and Bill's warm thumb brushed it off. Giving him a smile, Sean took a deep breath and said cheerfully. "Thank you." Bill nodded, writing out to him. "Wanna go get cleaned up?" Sean looked down at himself, realizing he was still covered in colored paint. It had dried to him and would no doubt leave his skin tinted those colors for a few days. Rolling his eyes, he mumbled out to himself. "No wonder Mark could sniff me out... I probably smelled the most like paint." Bill chuckled and it was contagious enough to get Sean to chuckle with him. Bill got to his feet, extending out a hand to help him up, but Sean hesitated to take it. Looking him over, Sean asked a little worried. "I have to ask something first..." Tilting his head back against the tree, he watched him closely as he asked. "Why did you decline fighting Mark?"

Bill scribbled something on his board before turning it around slowly for him to read out. "I have no interest in being a lead Alpha. I came here to meet new people." Sean crossed his arms, asking suspiciously. "How did you learn about me? And that... gift..." Bill's blushing smile was visible beneath his hood as he quickly wrote down his answer. Sean blushed a little for even bringing up the toy but tried to hide it as he waited. When Bill turned the board around, his answer was not what Sean had expected. He'd expected him to say that he was a strong Omega or that he'd heard things about him. Instead, it read; "I saw you racing and loved your spirit. Everyone said you couldn't... you clearly could. And YOU knew that." Bill erased the board again, to write out for him. "You seem to follow your heart. And I like that. I wanna be your friend." Sean gave him a doubtful look and opened his mouth to talk about the toy, but Bill raised a finger to stop him. Quickly jotting something down, he turned it and chuckled. Sean read the words aloud with a chuckle in his own voice. "I didn't know what you'd like. So, I went with something that you might use." Sean dropped his face into his hands to laugh as he blushed harder.

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