Chapter Forty-Eight: "Protecting Family"

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Sean whimpered in relief to see Mark. As aggressive and wild as Mark looked, Sean had to admit. He needed him. Thick saliva dripped from Mark's beautiful brown muzzle as he panted out deep growls. Even with his sleek thick fur, Sean could see his every muscle and the fury behind his dark eyes. Sean forced himself to roll over and away from them and under a bush to avoid being stepped on. Mark dragged his thick nails across the dirt as he slowly rose up onto his hide legs and puffed his chest up. Rising to his own feet, Zedekiah chuckled out excitedly. "Well... Not exactly how I wanted to get your attention. But this works." Raising his hands, Zedekiah beckoned Mark to him, teasing him smugly. "Come, pup. I'm not scared of you." Mark let out a loud growl of challenge and Zedekiah spread his arms out and yelled at him in response to accept it. Sean shivered from the power of their clashing influences. Mark didn't even flinch under Zedekiah's influence. Dropping back down to all fours, Mark ran toward Zedekiah. Sean held his breath as Mark leapt off the ground and slammed into Zedekiah. Zedekiah grabbed Mark's throat to keep him from biting him, using Mark's momentum to flip him to the ground. Mark thrashed his hands and feet to try clawing at Zedekiah, but he easily avoided his flailing limbs.

Instead, Zedekiah backed up to let Mark start to roll back up onto his feet, before jumping onto him. Wrapping his arms around Mark's neck. Mark snarled and Sean weakly tried to get up, but his contractions were sapping his strength. Zedekiah tightened his arms around Mark's neck, before trying to grab his muzzle with his free hand. Mark whimpered as Zedekiah grabbed his jaw and tried to pull on it to twist Mark's head to break it. Instead, Mark reached back to grab Zedekiah's arms and dived into a forward roll. The rough jostling of it allowed Mark to get his head free of his arms. Zedekiah then cursed and started to roll to avoid Mark's snapping jaws as he chased after him. Mark's fingers slashed the dirt inches from every spot Zedekiah had been and his jaws came closer and closer to catching him. Just as Mark managed to snap his jaws onto Zedekiah's arm, Zedekiah started punching Mark in the face. Aiming for his eyes and nose to hit them as hard as he could. Mark slashed his nails across Zedekiah's chest, but he barely felt it, continuing to punch Mark and kicking him in the ribs. Unable to remain so close, Mark released him, and Zedekiah got in one last kick that missed Mark's ribs but hit his jaw.

Mark's yelp caused Sean to whine loudly as he watched him go down across the ground. Zedekiah panted but rushed up on Mark to grab him while he was stunned. Grabbing his jaws, Zedekiah pried Mark's mouth open and Mark's padded hand clawed at Zedekiah's chest as he squealed in distress from him trying to break his jaw! Sean tried to get up but saw stars and slumped back down. To his shock, he saw his mom run on her injured leg passed him. Her run was a bit slow, but she managed to leap off her good leg to jump onto Zedekiah's back. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she sank her teeth into his throat with a loud snarl. Zedekiah staggered away from Mark, releasing him in order to keep himself upright, letting out an angry growl. Zedekiah punched his mom in the face to stop her from her biting him, then grabbed her arms and flipped her off him to the ground. His mom hit the ground hard, where he stomped a heel on her chest. His mom gasped in pain, before he bent down to pick her up and threw her aside. His mom hit the ground roughly, but she weakly propped herself up on her hands. Zedekiah turned to head back to Mark who was slowly shaking off the blow. Spitting blood, she looked up and growled out to his back. "You're gonna turn your back on me? After what I did to your brother?"

Zedekiah stopped in his tracks, prompting his mom to chuckle out. "You wanna know what his last words were?" Zedekiah slowly turned around to face her, causing Sean to whimper. He wanted her to stop. Yet, his mom chuckled smugly and sneered back at him. "Should I tell you how he screamed like a scared pup when I RIPPED HIS FUCKING THROAT OUT!" Zedekiah growled but didn't move toward her. Curling his fists though, Zedekiah coolly retorted in a dark voice. "Are you trying to hurt me? Because I'll show you how you hurt someone." Moving away from her, Sean cowered farther under the bush as Zedekiah stomped toward him. His mom yelled out to Zedekiah in a distressed tone. "HEY! NO!" Reaching the bush, Zedekiah reached in to grab Sean by the scruff off his neck to drag him out. Sean squealed in pain, snapping his jaws at Zedekiah's arms but his stomach was cramping up too much that moving around was painful. Zedekiah pulled him out all the way into the open, growling out. "Pushed out a pup yet? Cause I know who I want to give it to." Sean yelped in sharp pained pitches, but Zedekiah didn't care as he grabbed Sean's leg to lift it to see if he was hiding them.

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