Chapter Eighteen: "Tug-Of-War"

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Nate lightly grabbed Sean's wrist, trying to stop him from answering the door. Sean pulled easily from his grip though, walking up to the door to unlock it. Opening it, Mark asked him with a worried expression. "Are you ok? I heard what happened and-" Mark drifted off as his attention was drawn to Nate. Sean glanced over his shoulder to see Nate spreading himself out on the couch as he watched them with a guarded look. Sean shifted to stand in Mark's line of sight as Mark growled out under his breath. "What is HE doing here?" Sean cleared his throat, answering flatly. "He's checking on me. Just like you." Mark looked him in the eyes with his softer ones, whispering to him. "Does he lock you in rooms often?" Sean rolled his eyes, putting a hand on Mark's arm to calm him. Mark relaxed to his touch, allowing Sean to slip in calmly. "He was just trying to protect me. Why are you here, Mark?" Mark huffed, lowering his eyes to the floor when he told him openly in a softer voice. "I'm the lead Alpha. I'm here to piece together what happened. My dad is... coaching me on how to handle it." Sean bit his lip, mumbling out uneasily. "Mark... You know I didn't start this. Ethan has had it out for me since-" Mark put his hands on Sean's arms, quickly informing him. "I know... but I have to PROVE he started it. Otherwise, they'll think that I..."

Mark drifted off, but Sean finished for him grimly. "They'll think you're playing favorites because you love me." Mark put his back to the doorframe, admitting under his breath. "Yes..." Sean gestured out to the rest of the bowling alley, stating out firmly. "There should be plenty of witnesses to it. He attacked me at the festival. How much more proof do you need?" Mark shrugged out anxiously. "I don't know. It's complicated when Omegas fight each other. Omegas are exempt from the normal punishments we give to Alphas and Betas." Sean crossed his arms, asking Mark a bit bitterly. "So, what do you need from me?" Mark inhaled slowly, before relying in a docile tone. "Right now, my father is just collecting everyone's statement. He'd like to hear your version of the events." Sean stepped up closer to Mark, telling him bluntly with a low growling voice. "You are MY lead Alpha. Not him. You know me better than he does. You know Ethan." Mark lifted his head to look him in the eyes. Refusing to back down, Sean told him a bit bitterly. "Ethan is in good with your parents. You know that. If you push me before your father and the Elders, they are going to take the word of Ethan and his friends over mine!"

Mark shook his head, starting to say. "The other witnesses will have seen-" Sean let out a sharp small whine, before rushing in. "Saw what? Ethan attack me in self-defense? You don't know what those Zetas saw or heard. What they'll say." Mark inhaled deeply, prompting Sean to ask him seriously. "Mark... Are you on my side or not? I kneeled to you. You want my statement in front of the Elders. Fine. But this incident is YOURS to decide. So, promise me that you will not let your father walk over you on this." Mark nodded, telling him confidently. "I promise." Sean put a hand on Mark's chest, then started walking in the direction that Mark pointed to as he told him. "My dad is in the dining area with the Elders." As Sean moved out of earshot, Nathan casually told Mark from across the room a bit smugly. "I'm curious. What excuse did you tell the Elders as to why 'Bill' isn't present for such an important pack meeting? Is that why Daddy is 'helping' you." Mark shot a glare in Nathan's direction, growling out. "I don't know what you're talking about." Nathan slowly got to his feet, locking challenging eyes with him as he growled out in return. "Don't play dumb. You can change your scent, but not your blood. You cheated."

Mark stepped into the room and shut the door behind him, his dark eyes never leaving Nathan's. Nathan smirked wickedly, cooing out playfully. "All the Elders are here? Maybe this would be the perfect time to tell them about your little charade. How I'd LOVE to see the look on your daddy's face when he realizes that you broke more than just one pack law last night. And by default, the pack is mine." Mark growled, then collected himself enough to sneer out. "I beat you. And if it hurt you so much... Why didn't you address it during the festival?" Nathan flashed him a wolfish grin, telling him honestly. "I had my reasons for throwing the fight. Just as you had your reasons for rematching me with... lower stakes should you have failed." Mark glanced at the door nervously, holding the door shut as he asked darkly. "What did you tell Sean?" Nathan sauntered forward, teasing out truthfully. "Nothing... yet. But he told me quite a bit about what you were up to last night." Mark puffed up his chest, tensing up for a fight as Nathan moved closer. Stopping only an arms distance away, Nathan whispered to him. "I can't decide what would be worse. Telling him who Bill really is. Or not telling him and watching what your pack does to him."

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