Chapter Thirty-Nine: "The Uninvited"

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Sean timidly sank his canine teeth deep into Mark's warm soft flesh. Tasting his blood made Sean whine a little with worry. He didn't like the idea of hurting Mark, but Mark didn't make a sound or show any trace that he was in pain. Instead, his fingers calmly stroked Sean's neck in a way that comforted Sean. When his teeth went deep enough that Mark's scent mixed with his own, he carefully removed his teeth and licked the bite. Mark shivered from the way his tongue licked him, his beautiful smile shining on his face. When Sean finally laid back to relax, he asked him a little worried. "Did it hurt?" Mark kissed him briefly, before answering in a deep voice over his lips. "Just a little. But I've been through worse." Mark turned Sean's chin with his thumb, licking the bite he gave Sean. Sean couldn't help tilting his head more for him, enjoying the sensation of his warm breath on his skin, combined with the gentle loving caress of his tongue. Nuzzling his neck after, Mark asked him in return in a voice that held a little distress. "Did it hurt you?" Rubbing the back of Mark's neck and shoulders, he whispered to him in a sweet and honest voice. "I expected it to feel awful... but I barely felt it." Mark kissed his neck, whispering to him in a cuddly tone now. "You have no idea what a relief that is to me..."

Sean smiled to himself, hugging Mark as close as possible. He'd always liked snuggling after sex, but the feeling was so much stronger now. Having been Claimed by him, he felt closer to Mark then ever. Not just physically but emotionally and mentally. There was a special kind of comfort that being Claimed provided. Being close to him now was like having a bowl chair that Mark could share with him. Then it suddenly made sense to him. Alphas took comfort from protecting their mates. So, in a way... being Claimed was like becoming Mark's version of his bowl chair. Kissing Mark's shoulder, Sean nuzzled against him more. Enjoying the way Mark moaned and snuggled into him. He just loved how Mark's hands stroked down his sides and back. As Mark's hand drifted over his belly though, Sean tensed a little. His stomach got a strange sensation that felt like butterflies in his gut. Giggling a little, he jerked beneath Mark and grabbed his hand. As extremely ticklish as he was... that had never happened before. Mark chuckled by his neck, teasing out playfully. "Was I being too light?" Sean playfully nipped Mark's shoulder to keep from answering until the sensation calmed down.

For a few minutes, Sean completely forgot where they were, until Mark's Mother said coolly to someone. "Is anyone going to tell him to elevate his hips before my son pulls out? You weren't shy to tell me." Sean whimpered, pulling the blanket up to hide his face under it and Mark's bicep. Mark's Grandmother snorted, before replying over her glass of wine coolly. "My son was older than you when he Claimed you. I feared he wasn't virile enough to get the job done. I don't see that being an issue at Mark's age. He's young enough that he can try again." Sean covered his face, mumbling out to himself in utter embarrassment. "Oh, kill me now..." Mark cleared his throat, his voice breaking a little when he snapped out. "Can we not do this right now?" Sean heard Mark's mom growl a little, before Mark told them in a slightly stronger tone. "I don't even know if I want puppies. I've got other things to worry about right now." Sean felt his words like a stab to the heart but tried to keep his emotions from showing too much. Another Elder male at the end of the table snorted out as he finished his plate of food. "That's what they all say... but that's for the Omega to decide."

Mark looked down at Sean with a neutral look. Sean stroked his bicep with a small smile to calm the worry behind his eyes. He couldn't tell him. Not yet. Especially not like this. The Elders chatted amongst themselves a bit about the best way to spread the word to the Pack, and who was to call Mark's dad in. Since he and Sean's mom were the only Zetas not present for this. Sean couldn't help asking Mark in their moment of distraction. "How did you ever get turned on knowing your family was watching? I don't know what I'd have done if my mom was..." Sean swallowed the last of the words, his eyes drifting to the empty chair reserved for the Alpha's Beta. Mark kissed a spot under Sean's ear, before whispering to him. "I couldn't even think about them... because I was worried about you." Sean locked fragile eyes with Mark, letting him add in a buttery voice. "Seeing you so afraid. It made me feel like I had to be stronger to make you feel safe again. Nothing else mattered to me in that moment. It was torture to think you didn't feel safe..." Sean cupped Mark's face, pulling him down into a long passionate kiss. He felt like he'd been so hard on Alphas and Betas growing up. Maybe all of them weren't as caring as Mark... but the idea that more like Mark did exist made him so happy. He couldn't imagine a more caring Alpha than Mark.

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