Chapter Four: "A Little Attention"

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Sean writhed on the couch of the office, until his mother showed up. The Zetas in the office bowed their heads to her as their second in command and she barely nodded in return. Her main focus was on Sean. Wrapping her arms around him, she coaxed him up off the couch. Sean resisted and whined in distress. Everything ached and moving only made it worse. His mother nuzzled his neck, cooing into his ear as she pulled him up to his feet. "It's ok. Let's go home, Puppy." Sean leaned over, starting to whine more as more slick ran down his legs now that he was standing. His mother ignored it, walking him out and back to her car. Climbing inside, she closed the door behind him and suddenly stopped to look at the school. Sean forced himself to sit up across the back seats and saw Nathan standing a few feet away. Nathan didn't show any aggression. He just stood there staring at his mother. His mother tensed, letting out an aggressive growl that was loud enough to span the parking lot. Sean worried that Nathan would challenge his mother. Instead, Nathan sank down to a knee and bowed his head in submission. His mother snorted, then quickly moved around the car to get in the driver side and drove off. Sean laid back down on the seats, asking his mom as she drove. "Why did you growl at him?"

His mother kept her eyes on the road, when she answered in a calmer voice. "He's a Beta. Like me. I know how they think. You're going into your first Nest and... City Wolves like him are not used to the smell of that. They can get possessive. Especially with Omegas. And I'll be damned if he thinks he can pressure you into anything." Sean braced his feet up on the door of the car, groaning out with a small strained smirk. "Didn't dad say that you stalked him whenever he Nested?" She raised a finger to stop him, a reluctant smile forming on her face as she corrected. "I wasn't stalking him. I was avoiding fighting any Alphas for his attention. But I wanted him to know that I was there and interested. I wanted him to come to me. There is a difference." Sean rolled his eyes, prompting his mom to add out. "Don't roll your eyes at me! You wouldn't understand. My generation wasn't so... timid about everything." As silence fell between them, Sean looked at the wet streaks down his legs and tried to suppress the urge to cry. He felt no greater shame than this. Everyone had seen him act so vulnerable... he had triggered Mark's Rut and what an impression he'd made to the City Wolves. Not counting what the teachers might say about him leaking like this. He just wanted to dig himself into a hole and vanish.

Pulling up into the driveway, Sean forced himself to get up through his pain to head inside. His mother headed to the kitchen, telling him a bit cheerily. "Go lay down and I'll make you some soup. You father loved whenever I made him soup during his Nesting time. It helps relax your-" Sean's emotions were cracking, forcing him to stomp up the steps as fast as he could. Reaching his room, he slammed the door hard. Dropping weakly down to sit on his floor, he began to cry. He didn't want to be an Omega. He didn't want to be this way. His mother called his name with worry, chasing up after him. He heard her outside the door and quickly locked his room door to keep her out. He felt bad keeping her out, but she just wouldn't understand. His mom clearly heard the door lock, because she didn't try to enter. Sighing, she moved away from the door, but he heard her call someone as she made her way back to the stairs. When the person picked up, she told the person in a nervous voice. "Honey? I think you should come home. Sean... I think he could use some Omega company right now. I'm worried about him..." Sean laid down across the hard floor, burying his head under his arms to block her out. It hurt to think everyone was so worried about him. Was he so broken compared to everyone else?

After an hour of writhing on the floor and whining in pain, a knock came at his door. Whimpering, he told the door a bit snippily. "I can't open it! Just leave me alone!" Sean shoved his hand into his pants, rubbing his aching pelvis as he rolled around. The sound of his door unlocking made him growl in weak distress. Slipping inside, his dad told him sweetly. "That is why we have a master key." Sean groaned, whimpering out. "Please leave..." His dad closed the door, setting a bag on the floor. Inching closer, he crouched down by him as he told him gently. "Why are you on the floor? Go lay in the cradle chair." Sean growled, then muttered under it. "No!" His dad sighed, reaching out to rub his back. Sean flinched, yelping in his shock of being touched. He wanted to bite him, but the way he rubbed his back felt good. He hadn't realized how tense his body was. Slipping his hand under his shirt, his dad rubbed his back better, telling him sweetly. "Sean, you can still rebel against being an Omega... from a more comfortable spot. Doing it this way... you are only hurting yourself." Sean sniffled, rolling onto his stomach. His dad leaned over him a little, purring to him in a soothing voice. "I won't tell anyone you used it. Please? Just try it."

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