Chapter Twenty-Six: "Lost In Love"

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Sean clung to his dad, nuzzling his head against his neck. His dad pulled him closer, his hands rubbing his arm and leg when he asked him curiously. "Mark didn't force himself on you, did he?" Sean shook his head, answering softly as he adjusted his legs over his dad's lap. "No. I... It's a long story... and... Dad, I could really use some advice." His dad turned off the TV, then told him as he wrapped him up in a large quilt that smelled like pine needles. "Start from the beginning. Tell me everything." Sean whined a little as his uneasiness grew. He didn't want his dad to think that he was stupid or that he had raised him wrong. Avoiding his dad's eyes, he started with the festival and explained the situation with Bill turning out to be Mark. He'd expected the story to be long, but it really didn't take long to sum it all up. The hardest part was just explaining why he felt so reluctant to do anything with his life. Explaining his fear and restlessness. When he finished what he could, Sean slipped off his father's lap to pace the room a bit as he finished off. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I should be happy, right? I should think that having puppies is..." Sean rubbed his stomach, before dropping his hands at his sides weakly with a lost puppy look.

His dad adjusted the blanket over himself, while informing him casually. "The only people excited for puppies are the ones that planned for them. For the rest of us... it's a lot of sleepless nights wondering if we are doing the right thing." Sean hugged himself, mumbling out. "Did you plan for me?" His dad locked eyes with him, answering honestly. "No. You were a surprise. And I spent many hours pacing a trench in my mother's carpet while trying to decide if I wanted to have you or not." Sean shrugged, reluctantly asking. "What made you decide to have me?" His dad smiled warmly upon answering. "It was a lot of things. The biggest one was the thought of raising you. To see what a part of me and a part of your mother would create. You always see puppies... but it's a different feeling when it's your own. The thought of you needing me... There was just nothing like it." Sean put his hands on his stomach, uttering out softly. "I don't feel that..." His dad reached out for his hand. Taking it, Sean let him pull him closer. His dad moved a hand over his stomach, causing Sean to flinch. Giving him a smaller smile, his dad told him gently as he lowered his hands. "It's still early for you. How long ago did Mark... lay with you?"

Sean liked that his dad tried to make mating with Mark sound more casual. Sitting down on the edge of the sofa bed, he told him a little ashamed. "At the festival. When we went to see the fireworks at his tent. The moon went behind the clouds and it was dark... I kissed him and... It was wrong, I know." His dad chuckled lightly, asking a little sarcastically. "What was wrong about it? Did you hate it?" Sean lifted his head to lock eyes with his dad, blurting out. "No, but Bill was an Outsider... At least, I thought he was. And even knowing that it was Mark now... I didn't mate with him in front of the pack and now everyone is going to think that the puppies aren't his." Turning to look away, Sean added grimly. "I just thought that you'd be ashamed of me..." His dad playfully fist-bumped his shoulder, before chuckling out with a small blush of his own. "Your mother was an Outsider. My mother didn't approve of her. My father tried to chase her off. Everyone told me things about her... but I judged her for myself." Sean raised an eyebrow, uttering out in shock. "She never told me that." His dad shrugged, relaxing back against the sofa bed as he told him. "It was never important. I don't care if your mate is an Outsider or apart of the Pack. All I care about is if they treat my puppy well."

Sean smirked, while his dad added swiftly. "Besides, after the way those assholes acted during your Presenting... I'd never let you mate for their amusement. It's better that you got Mark all to yourself. Even if you didn't know it was him. Which was a blessing too. Everyone was trying to track him down. Now I know why we couldn't find him or you. Using a Scent Blocker... Sneaky. I tried to track your scent but kept losing your it..." His dad flashed him a wicked smirk that made Sean blush. His dad told him more seriously after. "I probably could have found you sooner, but I spent a while snarling at Cliff over the Pack's behavior. By the time I had calmed down... Mark was missing, and tensions got high." Sean bit his lip, saying flatly. "The doctor said that my puppies will have to be tested to prove they are Mark's... He acted like I had a choice but... I didn't." His dad huffed, grumbling out. "Ya, that's normal. Pack leader pups are always tested to stop people from trying to question the parentage." Hefting a sigh, Sean asked his dad grimly. "How am I going to tell Mark? The whole Pack is going to be freaking out about Zedekiah... and this will only screw everything up."

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