Chapter Thirty: "Truth & Lies"

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Sean scooted a little farther down the bed, asking utterly confounded. "I have? Who?" Nathan looked away from him with a heartbroken expression. Shaking his head, Sean asked in a soft whisper. "No... Tell me that you're not Zedekiah's son." Nathan licked his dry lips, then checked to make sure the door was closed, before answering in the same low whisper. "You can't hold it against me. I didn't get to pick who my father was..." Sean exhaled all his breath, before saying bluntly. "You told me that you didn't know who he was." Nathan bowed his head in shame but said honestly. "It's not technically a lie. I don't know him. We don't spend quality time together. We aren't a happy family. We just... share blood." Sean shrugged a tiny bit at that. He didn't like his answer, but it was a sound logic. Nathan tried to lean closer to him to whisper out in a slightly panicked tone. "Please don't tell them. They are already going to cage me... If they find out who I am, they'll think they have leverage against him. But they won't." Sean nodded, saying under his breath. "No kidding. He was trying to kill you... For helping us."

When more of what Nathan said sank in, he turned to look at him with wide eyes, asking curiously. "What do you mean they are going to cage you? Why?" Nathan blushed, then replied cautiously. "They don't trust me. I endangered Mark and possibly knocked you up. And with Zedekiah's likeliness to make a move on the Valley..." Nathan faded off, but Sean finished for him distantly. "They don't want to take the risk that you are still working for him." Nathan nodded, answering flatly. "Exactly." Slowly getting up from the bed, Sean moved to lean on the foot railing before asking reluctantly. "Nathan... I want you to be honest with me. Were you working for him?" Nathan kept his neutral eyes on Sean's, upon answering softly. "You don't want me to answer that." Sean gripped the railing tighter, almost growling out. "No. I need to hear it from you. Cause if I find out from someone else... I won't let you explain." Nathan sat up more, bowing his head, before mumbling out. "At first, I was..." Sean let out a low growl that prompted Nathan to look up at him with worried eyes. Shifting uncomfortably, Nathan told him quickly. "You've seen the City, Sean. What choice did I have? It's all I've known!"

Sean stopped growling to listen with more sympathy. Sniffling, Nathan told him truthfully. "I did what I had to survive. I was supposed to kill Mark... but YOU stopped me. I tried to kill him at the Festival... but by then I..." Sean's grip on the railing loosened when he said under his breath. "You fell for me..." Nathan sniffled again, gesturing with his cuffed hand. "Not just you. All this. This community you have. Your families. You don't fight to survive here. Sure, you have your assholes... but you are a Pack. I envy that. You have no idea what I'd give to feel that." Nathan sighed, then added grimly. "With the Festival over, the City wolves were going home. Lexus was going to tell Zedekiah that I was getting... distracted. He wants the Valley... It's all he talks about. I... I thought I could keep my hands clean." Sean hugged himself, backing up from the bed as he said startled. "You took me to the City... Knowing Mark would come for me. It was a trap to kill Mark. Wasn't it?" Nathan whined a little, before nodding without looking at Sean. Sean shook his head, feeling so betrayed and stupid. Nathan then piped up as Sean turned away to face the window. "I'm sorry... I just wanted what he had. You. I thought I could live with it... but things didn't... go as planned."

Sean shivered at the memory, before turning to face him, growling out darkly. "Because Zedekiah turned his attention on me. The true reason he wants the Valley. For the Omegas." Nathan kept his eyes on Sean, telling him sincerely. "I would NEVER do to you what he did to my mother. I was afraid of him... Until he went after you... and Mark. I... hate Mark... but not enough to kill him. I... think that had I been born on this side of the fence. Mark and I might have been friends." Moving back to the foot railing, Sean bluntly asked him. "And now? What's the plan?" Nathan showed no hint of confidence, when he said openly. "To run. If Zedekiah sees me again after what I did... robbing him of his revenge and victory. He'll kill me without hesitation. And I can't stay here after what I've done... So... My only plan is to run and keep running. But if they find out who I am... I'm dead." Sean leaned casually on the foot railing, asking in a tender voice. "I believe you. And you did get us out... but I wanna know something." Nathan sat very still, his soft brown eyes looking into his with a docile look. Swallowing, Sean asked him gently. "Did you really care about me? Or were you using me to get to Mark?"

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