Chapter 7

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James POV

Elizabeth passed out on the floor. I quickly caught her before she fell to the ground. "Josette what's happening." I laid her on the couch. Josette walked over and felt her forehead. "Watch her I'll be back. Said Josie." "Ok." She left the house and we waited for her to come back. She finally came back but with Nik and with Dorian and Ric and a book in her hand. "Where is she. Said Ric." "Passed out on the couch. Said Josie." "Mom what happened to her. Said Nik." "I don't know Nik. Said Josie." They walked in the living room and walked over to Elizabeth. Ric felt her forehead. "Josie she's burning up. Said Ric." "This can't be happening it wasn't till they were older. Said Josie." "Nik go upstairs. Said Josie." "What no I'm gonna stay with my sister. Said Nik." "Now. Said Josie." He walked upstairs. "Lite the candles Ric hurry. Said Josie." He lite the candles and she started to chant something in Latin. She finished chanting and they looked at each other. "What did you do Josie. Said Ric." "I'm giving them time Ric. Said Josie." Before he could answer Elizabeth woke up gasping for air. Josette pulled her into a hug. "Hey it's ok it's ok. Said Josie." "Mom what's happening to me. Said Liz." "It will be alright we will head back to the school and we will figure it out ok. Said Josie." "I have Dorian looking for an answer Josie. We must go now I'll get Nik. Said Ric." "Go wait in the car Liz ok. Said Josie." She got up and walked out along with Ric and Nik. She was about to leave when I stopped her. "Josie what's going on." "Don't worry James. Said Josie." "I am gonna worry their my kids what's going on." "Its a family matter James don't worry. Said Josie." "I'm their dad." "No your not I must go now James. Said Josie." She walked out the house. I was mad I didn't know what was wrong or anything. "She can't do that." "James calm down. Said Lily." "She won't tell me what's wrong with them." "We'll go to the school with your parents tomorrow don't worry. Said Lily." "Yeah I guess." We all went to sleep.


We arrived at the school and walked inside. My parent's came with us this time. We were looking for Josette when we saw Nik. "Nik." He stopped and walked over towards us. "Yeah what's up. Said Nik." "Where's your mom. Said Lily." "In Ric office. Said Nik." "Thank you" We walked to his office and we heard yelling coming from inside. "No their just 16 years old Ric. Yelled Josie." "Josette I know but they have too. Yelled Ric." We walked in and they didn't notice us. "No we'll find another way. Said Josie." "You know what the other way is Joe they both don't want that. Said Ric." "Well we'll find a different way I'm not losing my kids. Said Josie." "They have to Josette it's effecting Lizzie. Said Ric." "Because of my stupid parent's. Yelled Josie." "We have to. Said Ric." She ran her hands through her hair. "Joe I know you don't want to I helped raise them too but has to be one of those options. Said Ric." "No we just need time. I need time I have grimoires at my house maybe they have an answer then I have Freya's too. Said Josie." "Joe. Said Ric." "No because what if we lose both then what. Yelled Josie." "That never happened before. Said Ric." "It has Ric in the past it almost happened to me. Yelled Josie." Then someone ran in. "What. Yelled Josie." "Well theirs a guy here for you Josette. Said Dorian." "Deal with him Dorian I'm busy we both are right now. Said Josie." "Got it tell him come back later. Said Dorian." He walked out and she went through looking through books and papers. "Joe. Said Ric." "No Ric I will not do it we will keep looking for another option. Yelled Josie." He didn't say anything. "Go asks the witches to look I want them all looking for an answer. Said Josie." "They have school homework. Said Ric." "Well call a meeting for them and drop it because this." She pointed to the stuff on the desk. "Is more important than homework. Whoever finds an answer passes my class tell them that I will not be losing my kids. Said Josie." "Got it. Said Ric." He walked out and she continued to look through things. "God where's Freya when you need her. Said Josie." We walked over to her. "Josette." "What. Yelled Josie." We stared at her then she looked up at us. "Oh thought you were Dorian what I'm busy. Said Josie." She tied her hair up and continued to look back at the papers not looking at us. "What's wrong with Elizabeth." "Nothing James. Said Josie." "That did not sound like nothing what's wrong with her." "Mind your business James you wouldn't understand. Said Josie." "Of course I wouldn't because you won't tell me." Then someone walked in.

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