Chapter 41

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Elizabeth's POV

I walked out of Nik's room and towards mine. I walked in and closed the door. I have to clean it it's dirty. I put all my clothes away because they were just thrown on the bed. I threw the trash away and started to go through a box I had in here. I saw a tape of me and Dean. I picked it up and played it.

James POV

We all saw Elizabeth walk to her room. The kids were back now from the burrow. The others also came too. We heard voices coming from her room so went to check it out. She was watching a video. "Watcha watching. Said Reg." He went and sat next to her. "I found a video of me and Dean. Said Liz."

(Pretend she didn't get married.)

She laid her head on his shoulder. "I miss him. Said Liz." "I know you do. Said Reg." We all watched them two. "So how'd you find it. Said Reg." "Cleaning out our box saw the tape but I remember all of them but don't know how they got on camera. Said Liz." "Me and Nik might've spied and you two. Said Reg." She laughed and looked at him. "Of course you two did. Did dad help too. Said Liz." "Yes he did. Said Reg." She shook her head at him. "Liz I'm sorry about earlier. Said Reg." "It's alright you just wanted to help. So where are the others their quiet. Said Liz." He pointed towards us. "Of course they are. Said Liz." We walked in more. "Your not mad anymore." "I was never mad. Said Liz." "So who is that." I pointed to the screen. "Dean. Said Liz." "Dean who. Said Enzo." "The love of my life. Said Liz." "What happened to him. Said Lily." "He died protecting me. Said Liz." "I'm sorry. Said Lily." "It's alright. Said Liz."

Elizabeth's POV

They all came into my room. Me and Regulus was sitting on the floor. I laid my head on his shoulder. I whispered to him. "You think she's happy." "Who. Said Reg." "My mom." "I think she is I'm sure she's watching over you along with the others along with Nik and your dad. Said Reg." "I hope so." I started to cough hardly. So I covered my mouth with my hand. "You ok. Said Reg." I finally stopped coughing I looked at my hand it was blood. I looked at him he looked worried. "Can the kids leave the room. Said Reg." They got up and walked out. I had the urge to throw up so I ran to the bathroom and started to throw up. "Don't think this is supposed to happen Reggie." He looked at me worried. Ric ran over towards me. "Lizzie you ok. Said Ric." "Well throwing up blood is good right." I looked at him and him and Regulus looked at each other. I flushed the toilet and washed my mouth out and looked at them two. "It's back isn't it." "Yeah it is your mom tried to keep it away from you for as much as she could. Said Reg." "It's fine I'll figure something out." I went and sat on my bed. "You ok. Said Lily." "Yup I'm fine." "Get some rest Lizzie. Said Ric." "I will don't worry." "We'll be downstairs. Said Reg." "Shout if you need anything. Said Ric." I nodded and Regulus walked over towards me. "I don't care if it's for the smallest thing shout for me ok. Said Reg." I laughed a little. "Ok." He gave me a kiss on the head. "We'll be downstairs. Said Reg." I smiled at him.

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