Chapter 37

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Previously on.....

I woke up to my mom shaking me. "Lizzie. Said Mom." "Yeah." "But your seat belt on. Said Mom." I was about to put it on when I passed out. I woke up on the floor in the forest. I winced in pain I got up quickly looking for my mom and the other's. I saw Victor and Penelope she got her leg stuck. I didn't see my mom or Ric or Regulus. Then I saw Regulus walking towards us. I ran and gave him a hug. He held onto me right. "Your ok. Said Reg." "Yeah just my head hurts." He looked at it. "Your ok. Said Reg." "Where's my mom and Ric." "I don't know. Said Reg." Then we heard banging coming from out more in the woods. I started to follow it Regulus went to look for Ric. I saw a piece of the plane then a hand I ran towards it. I saw my mom under it. "Mom." "Hey luv your ok. Said Mom." "Yes I'm fine are you." "Yeah I'm fine luv. Said Mom." I tried to move the plane and siphon but their was no magic anywhere. I kneeled infront of her. "Mom are you hurt." "It's stuck on me luv. Said Mom." I could see her bleeding. I looked for anywhere I could siphon from but didn't see anything. "Uncle Reggie." I yelled for him so he can help me. He ran over towards me and saw my mom. "I need help moving it help me." He nodded and we tried to pick it up but it was no use.

I got back infront of her. "Mom I can't move it Uncle Reggie went to look for Ric." "It's ok Lizzie. Said Mom." "No it's not mom you'll die if we don't move it." "Lizzie it's ok. Said Mom." "No mom it's not ok I need you still don't leave me." "You'll be ok Lizzie. Said Mom." "No I won't I need you here with me mom I need you don't give up." "Lizzie I can feel it I'm not gonna make it. Said Mom." "No don't say that mom I need my mom still you don't get to give up on me mom not this time I need you." "You'll be ok Elizabeth you'll be fine I know you will. Said Mom." "No I won't mom I won't be fine I need you still you can't give up." I got tears in my eyes

We all watched as Elizabeth tried to reason with Josette. "You'll be ok Lizzie. Said Josie." "No I won't mom. Said Liz." I walked over towards Josette. She saw me I sat infront of them. "Elizabeth listen to me this is not your fault. Said Josie." "But it is if we didn't come this wouldn't have happened. Said Liz." "It's not Lizzie I love you you'll be ok I know you will be ok. When they find you guys and when you go home don't push them away they can help you. Said Josie." "Don't talk like that mom your not dying not on me. Said Liz." "I'm sorry Liz but I am dying and it's not your fault. Your an amazing daughter and sister don't forget that Lizzie. I love you Elizabeth. Said Josie." "No mom I need you still don't leave me. Said Liz." "I love you remember that always and forever I need you to say it. Said Josie." She didn't say anything. She stared to cry then Josette passed.

She ran and hugged us. She started to cry. "It's not your fault luv. Said Klaus." I pulled her into a hug. "She'll be ok mom. Said Nik." She didn't say anything. "Nice to see you again Joe. Said Bexs." "You guys too. Said Josie." We watched as Elizabeth cried it broke all of our hearts. Regulus came back and ran to her. "Lizzie what happened. Said Reg." She didn't say anything. "Lizzie. Said Reg." "I didn't get to say goodbye. Said Liz." He pulled her into a hug.

This is just a fuller don't worry this is what happened.

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