Chapter 84

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Elizabeth's POV

I dropped off Victor and Penelope at the school. I wanted to be alone right now. I went the cematary and went to their graves. I had tears in my eyes already from the house.

I sat infront of their graves. "Happy twin day Nik." A tear slid down my face. "Wish I was with you guy's. Wished I stayed with you."

"Why would you want to leave me alone pumpkin. Said Marcel." I looked up and saw him. "Marcel." I got up and ran into his arms.

"I just miss them." "I know you do pumpkin I know. Said Marcel." He wrapped his arms around me. "It's ok to be upset it's ok to be mad and it's ok to cry. Said Marcel." I looked up at him.

"What happened at the house. Said Marcel." We sat down infront of the graves. "Everything happened. From Harry to Lily and then everyone else."

"Why did you snap at Lily. Said Marcel." "It feels like she's trying to replace my mom and I don't want that to happen." Another tear slid down my face. "It won't ever happen wanna know why. Said Marcel."

I nodded. "Because your mom is irreplaceable nobody can ever replace her. And every good thing in your mom is in you. Said Marcel." I smiled at him.

"And your dad. Said Marcel." I looked down. "Liz what happened. Said Marcel." "Everything's changing I don't like it. It's changing and it's scary. It scares me that it's changing I don't want it to change."

He nodded. I leaned on his shoulder. "I don't like change it scares me. It's so scary that it's changing. It scares me that it won't ever be the same again." "Listen to me change is good. Change happens for a reason theirs no need to be scared of it. I'm always here for you no matter where I'm at I'm one call away. Said Marcel." I flashed him a smile.

James POV

We all sat on the couch waiting for them to come back. Marcel walked in the house with Elizabeth in his arm. We quickly got off the couch and walked over to him. "She ok. Said Lily." "What happened."

"She's fine she's asleep. I'm gonna go lay her down. Said Marcel" He walked around us and upstairs. We sat back down on the couch.

He walked back downstairs. "What happened where are Victor and Penelope. Said Ric." "The school she dropped them off their. Said Marcel." He nodded. Marcel sat down with us.

"Where did you find her." "Cematary I always go look their first and that's where I find her first. Said Marcel." "Why their. Said Sirius."

"That's where her family is buried at. Said Marcel." He nodded. "What happened did she tell you anything. Said Ric." "Yeah she did. Said Marcel." "Well." "I'm not gonna say. I promised her I won't say I'm gonna keep it. Said Marcel." "Marcel she won't know if you told us. Said Remus."

He looked at us. "Yes she will. Said Ric." "How. Said Dorcus." "It's Lizzie we are talking about she will know. Said Ric." "Well give us something." "All you need to know is be patient and be their for her. Said Marcel."

We nodded. "I'm gonna head to bed now night. Said Marcel." He got up and walked off

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