Chapter 9

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Josette POV

We ran to Elizabeth's dorm and saw her freaking out.

(Just watch the part where she was freaking out.)

I calmed her down and sat her on the bed. "Hey it's ok Lizzie." I got her to lay down on the bed. We walked out of her dorm. "Nik I want you to keep an eye on your sister." "Yeah I'll stay with her. Said Nik." "Clean up her room a little please." He nodded and walked in. I walked towards the library when I saw Ric. "Ric did you find anything Lizzie is freaking out" "Yeah I got a spell to post pone it for a little bit just till their older. Said Ric." "Give me the spell we need it just till we have more time." He passed me it and I started to chant it. "Did it work." I walked over towards Lizzie's dorm and walked in. "Hey how you feeling." I felt her forehead and it felt normal. "Better what happened. Said Liz." "Ric found a way to post pone it just till your older so for now we will find a way so neither of you die." I pulled her into a hug. "Ok. Said Liz." "Where's your brother." She pointed to him asleep next to her. "He fell asleep after you left. Said Liz." "Ok well I'll be in my office ok." She nodded and I went to my office. I forgot about the others. "So what happened. Said James." I put my hand on my heart and turned around. "My goodness James you scared me." "Did you forget about us. Said Sirius." "Yes I did I was busy focusing on my kids." "Anyways Josie these are my parents Euphimia and Fleaurmont. Said James." "Call us Mia and Monty. Said Mia." "Well hello I guess I been busy focusing on my kids so I didn't see you guys." "So tell us about the twins. Said James." "Well Lizzie is a siphoner where she doesn't have her own source of magic and Nik he has his own their like me and my brother Kai. Kai was like Lizzie a siphon and Nik is like me." "Can you do that thingy again where you show us. Said Sirius." "Yeah get in a circle."

(Pretend Josie is a boy)
I showed them the memories of them when they were little. "That was them when they were little." I smiled at the memories of them. "They were cute. Said Mia." "Thank you they were a handful." . "I'll show Lizzie now be warn."

"What was that. Said James." "After my husband's death she took it the hardest." "Yeah we know you told us. Said Remus." "Well she tapped into black magic and that was the dark Lizzie she went evil a couple months ago." They nodded. "Now I'll show you Nik."

(Pretend he didn't die and he was using magic.)

"That's Nik for you" "who was that guy is was fighting with. Said James." "My brother in law Kol he taught the kids how to fight him and my husband." "What was your husband like. Said Lily." "Well I met him a couple weeks after I found out I was pregnant. He was sweet and caring he loved the twins." Before I could finished someone barged in. "I heard we are talking about dad. Said Liz." I looked at her. "Lizzie seriously." "What can't talk about dad without me. Said Liz." "Well how much did you hear." "Just the part where you were talking about dad now finish. Said Liz." The others looked at me confused. "She loves it when I talk about him she wanted to know everything about him how I met him and all that." "How could you not it's like a romance novel mom. Said Liz." She sat on the couch with her feet hanging over and her head on the edge. "Well go on I want to hear it. Said Liz." "I told you this already a million times Lizzie." "I know I want to hear it again mom so go on. Said Liz." I shaked my head at her. "So where was I." "Well you were at the part where you were telling them how he was sweet and caring. Said Liz." "Thank you for that Lizzie before I was interrupted him and his family treated me like their own and the twins too. They helped raise them along with Ric. Klaus and Kol taught them how to fight incase of anything but for Lizzie she thought of it as spending time with them Nik he took it seriously." They nodded and Elizabeth was all in to it. "Lizzie always wanted to sleep with us in our bed." "Mom shh we don't speak of it. Said Liz." "Liz you just stopped a couple months ago and I'm sure you still do." She rolled her eyes at me. "Nik he always wanted to lay wherever Lizzie laid so they both always slept in our bed." "Go on and tell them how he proposed to you mom. Said Liz." "Well he got the help of this trouble maker here to pick out the ring." "Show them the ring. Said Liz." I walked over to them and showed them. "Its pretty. Said Lily." "Thank you I picked it out. Said Liz." We all laughed. I went and sat next to Elizabeth. "He had Nik keep me busy all do and boy he did but while I was with Nik the others were setting it up it was a nice date on the beach when he proposed. Then they raised the twins as their own few minor things here and their that's all that happened."

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