Chapter 12

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Elizabeth's POV

I was making my new plan for the game. When I got a text from M.G saying Ric cancelled the game tomorrow. I was mad he did that without a vote from me. I sat my stuff down. Then everyone walked into the living room I was sitting on the floor. "Liz what's wrong. Said Reg." "Ric he cancelled the game and I found out by M.G." "it's just a game Lizzie. Said Nik." "To you it's just a game to me it's my life." "Calm down Lizzie. Said Mom." "I am calm mom I'm just mad he didn't do a vote for it." "You can ask him next week Lizzie when you go back to school. Said Reg." "I guess I could. Mom can we leave now I'm board." "Can you sing Elizabeth. Said James." "It's Lizzie and yes I can why do you want to know weirdo." "Elizabeth stop being rude. Said Nik." "Your not my dad Nik." "I know but your being rude. Said Nik." "Lizzie stop being rude. Said Mom." "Because we have a piano you could play if you want. Said James." "To boring." "You just said you were bored. Said Enzo." "I know what I said." "C'mon Liz like old times when we did it for the family. Said Nik." "Yeah for the family these are strangers." "Their my friends Elizabeth. Said Mom." I rolled my eyes. "Just do I haven't heard you in a couple months and you always do it when I come home. Said Reg." I looked at him like is he serious. "Here we'll get the piano. Said Sirius." They got up and brought the piano out. "Here Liz I wrote it sing it. Said Nik." He passed me a piece of paper. I got up and sat at the piano. "Do I have to." "Yes now get on with it. Said Nik." I rolled my eyes at him.

I looked back at Nik and smiled at him. "Like it. Said Nik." "Yeah I love it." "That's a great song Nik. Said Mom." "Thank you. Said Nik." "Sing about your break up and try to use the words you told us. Said Nik." I smirked at him. "Alright then."

"Elizabeth your mouth. Said Mom." I looked at Nik and we started to laugh. "I didn't think you would do it Lizzie. Said Nik." "How'd you do that. Said Mione." "Just said whatever came out my mouth." "So that all came out your mouth. Said Reg." I gave him an incconent smile. "I guess it did." "Well theirs that. Said Remus." "That was good. Said Alice." "Who are you." "Right Alice Lupin. Said Alice." "Right then." I looked back at Nik. "Sing another one. Said James." "If you insist." I had a smirk on my face.

I got up and sat back down on the floor infront of Nik. "So who was that about. Said Nik." "No one." "Sure. Said. Nik." I just smiled at him. I got off the floor and sat next to Nik on the couch. "Mom can we go now." "We're spending the night Lizzie. Said Mom." "Right then see you in the morning Nik you coming home with me." "Yeah I'll go with. Said Nik." "Fine but be careful and lock the doors and call me if anything happens. Said Mom." "Got it mom." We walked over gave her a hug and kiss. "Bye." "Bye luvs. Said Mom" we left the house.

James POV

The twins left the house and we looked at Josette. The kids went upstairs to their rooms. "Joe can you finish showing us what you did earlier before Lizzie walked in. Said Sirius." "Yeah. Said Josie." She got up and we all held hands.

We all looker at Josette. "Don't look at me those are your kids. Said Josie." "I thought Lizzie liked boys. Said Sirius." "She does she'll do anything to annoy Nik no matter what. Said Josie." "Was this when I was gone. Said Reg." "Yeah it was. Said Josie." "Can we see more. Said Lily." "Yeah. Said Josie."

"How do you have all of these. Said Reg." "Their minds are connected to mine so if want I could go through their memories when I wanted. Said Josie." "Makes more sense now. Said Reg." She laughed a little at him. "She really loves him." "Yeah she does they protect each other at no cost so careful you might get caught in the crossfire. Said Josie." "What do you mean. Said Lily." "When it comes down to them they will do anything for each other no matter what. Even if one of them get hurt in the process they will want the other one to be safe. Said Josie." We just looked at her. "Remember when I told you when Lizzie did black magic. Said Josie." "Yeah." "Well Nik did everything to bring her back and it almost killed himself doing it so now he's extra protective of her get it now. Said Josie." "Yeah. Can we see more. Said Marlene." "Yeah. Said Josie."

We all look at Josette she sat back down on the couch. "Joe what was that." "That was Lizzie told you she took his death the hardest. Said Josie." "What do you mean." "She pushed everyone away did black magic did things she wasn't supposed to. Said Josie." "What about Nik. Said Lily." "It really did effect him much yeah Nik loved him but it didn't effect him like it did with Lizzie he wanted Lizzie to be ok. Said Josie." We didn't say anything. "Can we see more. Said Sirius." Josette started to laugh. "Yeah the next one I show you just wanna warm you. Said Josie." We looked at her confused. "I'll tell you after. Said Josie."

We looked at Josette confused. "What happened." "Nik thought it would be funny if he died. Said Josie." "What do you mean. Said Lily." "What she ment is that he wanted to see how Lizzie would react. Said Reg." We all looked at them. "She almost set the house on fire because of him and when she found out it was fake she didn't talk to him for a whole month and Klaus wasn't happy about it either. Said Josie." "What do you mean. Said Sirius." "In our family it's you die for each other because family is important. And when he found out what he did he wasn't happy with him. Said Josie." "What did he do. Said Marlene." "He told him to never to do that again because it wasn't a joke to any of us like my brother in law always said family is important so don't lose it because when you do you have nothing left anymore. Said Josie." We didn't say anything. "Want to see more. Said Josie." "Yeah."

(Scott=Nik Stiles=Lizzie also he's not a werewolf)

We looked back at Josette. "They had theirs up and downs because of their differences. Said Josie." "What do you mean." "Lizzie she's a siphon she doesn't have her own magic like me or Nik. Said Josie." "Nik tried to make it the same for her but it's hard for her not to have her own magic. Said Reg." "She thinks she will turn into my brother. Said Josie." "But she won't." "We know but she doesn't she think because her and Nik are like me and Kai she will turn into him. Said Josie." Before anyone could say anything the door barged open.

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