Chapter 14

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Josette POV

I finally got Elizabeth to calm down. Ric finally got here and we started looking through the grimoires. "How's she doing. Said Ric." "She thinks it's a joke still she won't accept it." I got tears in my eyes. "We'll get him Joe he ain't getting away with it Nik is like a second son to me. Said Ric." "I know we will and I known Nik was like a second son to you and Lizzie was like a daughter to you." "I'll go check on Lizzie. Said Reg." He walked upstairs. The others we're watching us James mom was making some tea. Then Regulus came running down. "She's not here and neither of is his body. Said Reg." I got up immidently. "Where did they go. Said James." "We know." "Where. Said Lily." "To the house. Said Ric." We all left and went back to my house. We walked inside and saw it was the same way it was when we left it. We walked upstairs and saw Elizabeth sitting on his bed writing in her journal. "Lizzie." I walked over towards her. "Hey mom. Said Liz." She was acting like he was gonna wake up. "Don't worry he'll wake up in a little bit. Said Liz." We walked back downstairs. "What is she doing. Said James." "Acting like nothing happened." I walked outside trying to catch my breath. James and Regulus followed me out it was getting dark. "Joe. Said Reg." I turned towards Regulus and James. "Reg I can't go through this again." "Joe. Said Reg." "No Nik was my baby boy and now he's gone Reg he's gone." He pulled me into a hug. "I know Joe I know. Said Reg." He pulled away from the hug. Then we smelt something. "What's that smell. Said James." Me and Regulus looked at each other. "Oh god." "I'll go with her. Said Reg." We all walked back inside.

(Pretend she didn't set the house on fire or turn it off.)

She cried in my arms as I held her. "He promised mom. Said Liz." I had tears rolling down my face. "Why me he broke his promise he said he was never gonna leave me he's gone like everyone else that has died. Said Liz." "I'm still here luv I'm not leaving you." "Stop your all making me promises and look where those promises ended up Nik's dead and he promised me he wouldn't leave me dad promised to protect me and he did but he died while doing it so did aunt Freya aunt Rebekah uncle Kol uncle Lijah they all made me a promise and their all dead don't make promises you know in your heart you can't keep. Said Liz." My heart broke to hear her say that but it was all true. "I promise you baby I'm not leaving you ever." She cried on me while I held her. "He's dead because of me. Said Liz." "No he's not." "Yes he is if I wasn't like Kai I could've saved him but he's dead because of me. I wasn't strong enough to fight him and now he's dead. Said Liz." Regulus and Ric walked over towards us. "Its not your fault Elizabeth it will never be your fault. Said Reg." "I'm sure Nik doesn't blame what did he say before he started the merge. Said Ric." "He loves me and mom and always and forever. Said Liz." "See he's not mad at you for being a siphon he was doing whatever it takes to protect his baby sister. What did you two always say. Said Ric." She didn't say anything. "C'mon tell me Lizzie. Said Ric." "Us against the world and it's do or die for each other to protect what matters. Said Liz." "And he kept his oath he died protecting what matters it may not be you two against the world anymore but you gotta live for him understand. Said Ric." "It hurts so much I need it to stop it hurts. Said Liz." "Let it all out Lizzie don't hold it in. Said Reg." "It's going to hurt Lizzie but it will get better we will help you we all will. Said Ric." She cried more. "I can't I can't it hurts to much I can't I need him I need him. I can't do it without him. Said Liz." "You can and you will. Said Reg." She held onto me tighter I held her as she cried on my chest. "No I can't it hurts and I need him. Said Liz." "Lizzie it will get better. Said Ric." "It can't because he's not here I need my brother I need my twin it hurts. Said Liz." "I know baby but he's with dad and the other's." "But why I still need him mom why now why. Why did he have to die. Said Liz." "I don't know." She cried harder on me. "This gotta be some sick joke please I can't live without him mom. Please be a joke please because this ain't funny anymore. Said Liz." "I'm sorry Lizzie but it's not a joke. Said Reg." "Liz let it all out. Said Ric." "I can't it hurts. Said Liz." I told Regulus to take his body upstairs so she didn't see it any more. "It's gonna hurt it's called grieving Lizzie. Said Ric." "No I don't want to do that I don't want to. Said Liz." "Liz he would've wanted you to grieve him. Said Ric." "I can't do it. Said Liz." "Yes you can Liz you can but you choose not to. Said Ric." "Because if I do I won't stop. Said Liz." "That's fine Lizzie. Said Ric." She started to cry more.

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