Chapter 83

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Elizabeth's POV

It's been a couple hours and we decided to go back to the house and watch some movies in my room. Victor drove back to the house I didn't feel like driving right now.

We arrived outside of the house and got out of the car. Victor grabbed my hand and held it. "Finally you two are happy again. Said Penny." I laughed at her. We walked in and they all looked at us.

"C'mon. Said Victor." He was still holding my hand when we were walking. "Wait. Yelled Enzo." We stopped and looked at him. "What."

"Are you two back together. Said Enzo." "Yes we are. Said Victor."  I smiled at him. Enzo looked mad. "What's his problem. Said Penny." We shrugged our shoulders.

"To my room we go." I jumped on his back while they both laughed. "Lets go we have movies to watch." They laughed and we ran upstairs.

We walked in my room and I jumped off his back. "Their luv you get the snacks and we will put a movie on. Said Victor." I smiled at him. I gave him a kiss before I ran downstairs.

I ran into the kitchen and threw some popcorn in the microwave and grabbed some drinks and other snacks. "So your back with him. Said Enzo." "Yes Enzo I'm back with him."

"He broke your heart and your back with him. Said Enzo." "Why does it matter to you." I threw the snacks in a bowl. "Can't you see I'm in love with you. Said Enzo."

I stopped what I was doing and looked up at him. "You burly know me how can you be in love with me." "I do you know you Lizzie. I know hate water in your eyes but like going under the water. How you hate onions but love tomato's. I know so much about you Lizzie. Said Enzo."

"Enzo I'm with Victor and I love him I'll never love you your just Sirius son to me." I grabbed the popcorn and walked upstairs. "I'm back my luv."

James POV

Elizabeth walked upstairs to her room with popcorn and snacks. Enzo walked back out here with us. "I'm back luv. Said Liz." He looked sad. "What happened. Said Marlene."

"She's back with him. Said Enzo." We all looked at each other. Then Penelope walked downstairs. "What happened." She looked at us. "Can't just come down here and hang. Said Penny."

We all looked at each other. "Lets go see what their doing. Said Marcel." We nodded and me and the boys ran up quickly. We entered the room and saw them making out.

She didn't have a shirt on. "Lizzie Victor. Said Ric." "Dad. Yelled Victor." He pulled the blanket over Elizabeth. "What are you two doing." "Nothing. Said Liz." "So you wouldn't mind getting off the bed and facing us. Said Sirius."

They were doing something under the blanket. "Not at all. Said Liz." She quickly got out of bed. Me and the boys covered our eyes. "Uncover your eyes. Said Lily." We did and she had a shirt on.

"Thank god didn't need to be scared. Said Sirius." She looked at him. "What are you doing in here anyways. Said Liz." "Well I don't need my daughter pregnant at 17." "Dad. Yelled Liz."

"What do you not see the hickey on your neck." She placed her hand over her neck. "See." She rolled her eyes. "You out of bed now. Said Ric." He got out of the bed and put his shirt on.

"What do you want. Said Liz." "To talk." She rolled her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes. Said Lily." "Your not my mom. Said Liz." "Elizabeth enough now. Said Marcel." "No Marcel I'm tired of her all of them acting like my parent's. Said Liz."

"James is your dad. Said Ric." "For only a couple months Ric. I had two parents a whole family before all of this happened. You know that you were their. Said Liz." "That doesn't matter he's still your dad and she's your step-mom so show them respect. Said Ric."

She rolled her eye's at him. "Enough of the attitude Elizabeth you been having one lately. Said Ric." "Wow you can't even remember can you. Can you Marcel can you remember what this week is about. Said Liz."

They both looked at each other. "No you don't. You forgot. Said Liz." "Of course we forgot we been watching over you making sure you were ok. Said Ric." She rolled her eyes.

"Elizabeth you can't keep doing that." "Why because you say so. Said Liz." "Yeah because I said so I'm your dad and your under my care." "No I'm not under your care I was an orphan at 16 my legal guardian died. Said Liz."

"Your my daughter your still under my care." She rolled her eyes.

(Ric=James Hope=Liz. Ignore the monster part and the grieving part too.)

Elizabeth and Victor ran out and locking us in the room. "Damm it." I hit the door. Lily pulled her wand out and used it to open the door.

We quickly walked downstairs and didn't see Victor Elizabeth or Penelope. "Where is she." "She just left why what happened. Said Enzo." I was frustrated already.

"You said that it won't happen." "Well you weren't supposed to start an argument with her either you two walked right into it. Said Marcel." "She's just a kid and you let her run around wild."

He scoffed. "I don't let her run wild. Said Marcel." "Yes you do you let her do whatever she wants. Said Sirius." "She's a kid who lost half her family including the only people she ever loved. She lost her parents and brother. Said Marcel." "Exactly instead of being their for her you let her run wild."

He scoffed. "I known her since she was still in the womb. I been around since Joe was a baby. I watched over her and Joe. And I made a promise to her dad. Said Marcel."

"I'm her dad." "No no your not you act like you want to be her dad but you don't show it. She's a teenage girl who has abandonment issues who has ADHD. Said Marcel."

We all looked at him. "She lost half her family all in one night. Then lost her own twin and she thinks it's her fault. She lost her mom and Uncle just a week apart. She was a orphan at 16 James. You say you know her but you don't. You only know the outside of her you don't know what goes on in her mind. Because in order for you to understand her you have to put yourself in her position. Said Marcel."

We all stayed quiet. "Ric it's twin week that's what's she meant. Now I'm off to go find her. Said Marcel." He walked out of the house. "What's twin week." "Her and Nik made a whole week about them two called it twin week. Spent the whole week doing things the other one did. They started it when they were 6. Said Ric."

He looked down to the ground we all did.

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