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Brooklyn, NY

Celina is up reading a book when she hears a faint knock on her apartment door. She sets the book down then gets up to go check it. She looks through the peephole then opens the door & sees her neighbor Bucky Barnes standing there.
"Hey. Everything okay?", she asks.
"I couldn't sleep. Can I come in?"
"Sure." She steps aside as Bucky comes in. He sits down on the couch. She closes the door & sits next to him.
"Night terrors again?", she asks.

"Always." She hugs him.
"I'm sorry, Buck." They pull apart, Bucky sees an unopened letter on her coffee table. He picks it up. It's a letter from Zemo.
"How does he even know where you live?", he asks holding up the letter.
"That was one of his talent's. He always knew how to find me."
"Have you visited him at all?"
"Once. I haven't been back there since."
"Maybe you should open it. Give yourself some peace."
"Can you read it for me?", she asks. He nods then opens the envelope. Bucky takes the letter out & reads it aloud.

"My dearest Celina, I have been wanting to write this for so long. When you visited last, I know things didn't end well. I lost my temper & I deeply apologize. Since being imprisoned, I have spent many sleepless nights thinking. About you. My mistakes. Everything. Your saddened & angry face that day you came to see me, still haunts my dreams. I want you to know I am so sorry for hurting you. I know I couldn't give you the life you desired. I never understood how someone so incredible could ever love an evil man like myself. I never said this but I love you. I know it's years too late but I remain in love with you, forever regretting I did not say these words to you sooner. Zemo"

Celina gets up in tears. She walks over to her window, staring into the dark sky not saying a word. Bucky waits for her to speak. She sighs then sits back down, wiping away her tears.
"That's all I have ever wanted to hear. Anyway, how's therapy going?", she asks. Bucky sighs.
"Uh-oh. That bad, huh?" He nods. She touches his metal arm.
"You are not the same person you used to be, okay? You have to stop torturing yourself. Start forgiving yourself."
"Now you're starting to sound like my shrink. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I went on a date."
"Ooh, look at you finally getting out there in the dating world. How'd it go?"
"Horribly." He explains that the date was going horribly wrong & goes on to explain why he abruptly got up & walked out.

She smacks his metal arm.
"What is wrong with you? She deserves an explanation."
"I know. I know. Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"How can anyone fall in love with an evil person? Like you & Zemo." Sighing, she replies.
"His intelligence & resilience is what got me. I loved how special he made me feel. (she chuckles) Man, he could make me laugh like nobody else. When I last saw him, all I wanted was for him to admit that somewhere within that cold heart, he loved me." Bucky grabs her hand.
"You deserved better than him. I know how much you loved him but I can honestly say ever since you broke it off for good, you look happier."
She half smiles.
"Thanks. I am. I had to learn to forgive myself for looking past all the horrible shit he did. You need to do that too. You are not the Winter Soldier anymore, Buck." He looks like he's about to reply but doesn't. She touches his face.
"Any woman would be lucky to be with you. You just need to learn to love yourself. You're pretty great."
"You think so?" She shakes her head as he looks at her.
"I know so." Bucky gets up.
"I'm gonna go back to bed. You get some sleep, okay?" She stands up & walks him to the door. He opens the door & looks back at her.
"Thanks for the talk." He hugs her.
"That's what I'm here for. Goodnight, Buck." He smiles then leaves. She closes the door, turns off the lights & heads to bed.

A few hours later, she gets up & makes some coffee. Sitting in her living room, she turns on the TV. She flips through the channels & comes across the news. "What the hell?", she says turning up the volume. She watches for a couple of minutes before knocking on Bucky's door. He opens it & she walks in.
"Have you seen the news?" She sees the TV on.
"Yup. They just elected a new Captain America."

They sit on the floor together watching the news. She nudges him, he turns his attention to her.
"Hungry?", she asks. He nods.
"I'll make breakfast. Come on." They stand up & he picks her up over his shoulder.
"Bucky, put me down." He turns off the TV & walks to her apartment. She tries to wiggle out of his grip.
"Quit it or else." She wiggles even more. He almost loses his grip. He smacks her ass with his metal hand.
"I told you to stop", he laughs. He opens her door. Puts her down.

She sticks her tongue out at him. He laughs.
"Fucking brat." She winks at him. Walking into her kitchen, she makes some pancakes & eggs. He walks up next to her, grabbing a cup of coffee. She smacks his ass. He looks at her & starts laughing.
"Food's ready. Make a plate." They make their plates & sit at the counter. Not saying much but enjoying the food.

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