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Three weeks later

Celina wakes up & watches Bucky sleep. His sleep pattern has gotten better. He hasn't had night terrors in a couple of months. He is now accustomed to sleeping in a bed rather than the floor. She admires the peaceful look on his face as he quietly snores.

She kisses his cheek so lightly, trying not to wake him. Not long after, he starts to wake up. He opens his eyes & stretches.
"Morning." She smiles softly.
"Morning Buck. I want to talk to you about something."

"Is everything ok?", he asks. She nods.
"Yeah, so I've been thinking. I want you to move in with me. What do you think?"
"You want me to move in? Are you sure you're ready for that?"
"Yes. I mean, you're here so much already. Is this something you want to do?"
"Yeah, let's do it", he smiles.

"Really? We're moving in together?", she says excitedly.
"Yup, we're moving in, brat", he smiles & rolls on top of her to kiss her.

 "Yup, we're moving in, brat", he smiles & rolls on top of her to kiss her

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"I love you, Buck."
"I love you too, brat." She giggles.
"Why, Mr. Barnes, are you happy to see me?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Well it is morning", he says poking her with his hard on.

"Well, we have about twenty minutes before we have to get ready for breakfast with Steve", she says running her hand down his chest. He kisses her as he slides her panties down.

Once they're down, he inserts himself. She wraps her legs around him as he thrusts into her. They moan into each other's mouths.
"Goddamn, you feel so good", he says. She bites her lip.

He grabs her hair, tugging it. She grabs his hand & places it on her throat. He smirks.
She nods, allowing him to tighten his grip. Not long after, both unravel through their orgasm. Bucky rolls off. They kiss. Celina holds Bucky's hand.
"We gotta get up. Come on", Celina says.

They get up, brush their teeth & get dressed. Celina grabs her keys, phone & wallet. They head out & drive over to Steve's house. They park & get out. Steve's door is unlocked & they walk in.
"Wanda?", Bucky says.

She turns around.
"Hey Bucky. Long time no see", she says walking over to hug him. They pull apart.
"Wanda, this is my girlfriend Celina. Celina, this is Wanda." Wanda smiles & shakes her hand. Celina smiles back.
"Nice to finally meet you. I've heard alot about you. My condolences on losing Vision", Celina states.

"Nice to meet you too. Thank you. It's been hard without him but I'm trying my best to manage", Wanda says. There's a knock on the door. Steve's goes to answer it.
"Any idea who else is coming?", Celina asks Wanda.
"No idea", Wanda says trying to peak.

Steve walks in with Pepper, Morgan, Happy & Rhodey.
"Hi everyone", Morgan says.
"Well, hi cutie. What's your name?", Celina asks.
"Morgan Stark", she replies.
Everyone gets introduced.
"My condolences to you all on losing Tony. Bucky told me about it."

They all smiles.
"Thank you. I appreciate that. If you'll please excuse me I have to go chase down my daughter", Pepper laughs.
"Celina, can you help me in the kitchen?", Steve asks.
"Yeah. Absolutely", Celina replies as she follows Steve.

"So apparently you want to talk, right?", she chuckles. Steve does also.
"Yes I did. Can I ask you something?"
"Always. What's up?"
"How are things going with Bucky?"
"Really great, actually. I um, just asked him to move in with me. He's at my apartment so much anyways."

"Wow. That's a big step. Did he say yes?" She nods & smiles.
"He did. Oh, I wanted to tell you that he doesn't have night terrors anymore & he's alot more comfortable sleeping on a bed." Steve hugs Celina.

He says once they pull away, "Whatever it is you're doing, keep it up

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He says once they pull away, "Whatever it is you're doing, keep it up. I haven't seen him this at peace or this happy since he was in Wakanda. You're so good for him." She looks at him with a tear streaming down her face.
"Thank you. You have no idea how much you saying that means to me." She wipes her tear as Bucky walks in.

Steve, Bucky & Celina bring out the food. Eggs, sausage, waffles, hash browns, coffee, orange juice, fruit.
"Before we eat, I just wanted to say something. Its good to see everyone still keeps in contact. Now with that being said...Welcome to the family, Celina. You're one of us now", Steve smiles raising his glass.

Her eyes water as she smiles at everyone. They all dig in. Eating, talking, laughing. Bucky places his hand on her thigh. He kisses her.
"Ew, gross", Morgan says. They pull apart laughing. Once everyone is done, Celina & Wanda do the dishes.

Once they're done, everyone hangs out. Pepper, Celina & Wanda are playing Barbies with Morgan. They men chat.
"I'm gonna marry her", Bucky says. The men are surprised.
"How long have you guys been together?", Rhodey asks.

"Three months. But there's something different about her. I've never felt this way about anyone. (Celina & Bucky lock eyes, she smiles & looks away) I'm so in love with her." Steve smiles at Bucky.
"She's good for you. I like her." They all spend the day at Steve's house.

Around 7pm, everyone starts leaving. Bucky & Celina are the last to leave. Wanda is staying with Steve.
"Well, thank you for a fun day", Celina says.
"My pleasure. Thank you both for coming", Steve replies. They hug, say goodnight & drive home.

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