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One week later

Celina is hanging out with Bucky, Sam & Steve. They met up to have a drink at the bar. Everyone's talking & laughing. Sam's telling everyone about his nephew's science experiment gone wrong.

Celina is being watched by someone. She hasn't noticed yet.
"I'm gonna fuck her up", the girl says to herself. Celina's group is laughing & having fun.

"Anyone want another drink?", Celina asks. Bucky wants another whiskey on the rocks. She goes up to the bar & orders. While she's waiting, someone comes up to her & starts talking.

"Hey." Celina turns her head.
"How's your night going?", she asks.
"Good. Yours?", Celina asks. Something doesn't sit well with Celina.
"Good." The bartender passes Celina her drinks.
"Well, have a good night", Celina says smiling. She walks back to her table.

Celina is feeling uneasy but tries not to show it. Bucky notices it.
"Are you ok?", he asks. She blows it off. "Yeah. Yeah." Bucky pushes away the drinks.
"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?", he asks. Steve & Sam turn their attention to her.

"I don't know. I just.....I'm feeling weird. This girl approached me at the bar but something about her talking to me started feeling off." They are all cautious.

About ten minutes later, the girl orders a drink. She comes over the Celina's table.
"Hey again. I saw you & decided to come over & introduce myself." She looks at Celina. Celina is feeling uncomfortable.

"I'm Debra Spears. But my name used to be Debra Castellani. You remember my brother, Daniel, don't you?" Celina freaks out for a second. Before she can reply, the girl throws the drink in her face & leaves the bar.

Celina is fuming, taking off her small hoops & throwing her hair up

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Celina is fuming, taking off her small hoops & throwing her hair up.
"Nah, fuck this. I'm ending this shit right now", she says.
"I'll explain when it's done. Do not, I repeat, do not step in or else", she  says  Celina gets up & runs out. The guys run after her unsure of what's happening.
Celina chases the girl down the block.

She catches up & Debra slams Celina against the wall then spits in her face.
"My brother is dead because of you!", she shouts. Celina shoves her & punches her in the face as Debra tries to choke her. Debra gets Celina on the floor & Celina scratches her face, pushing herself back. Celina kicks her, she falls back then Celina jumps on top of her, punching her.
"That is not my fault. That's his. He ruined my life."

Bucky understands what's happening but prevents Steve & Sam from interfering. In the midst of the struggle, Celina continues to punch Debra as Debra tries pulling out Celina's hair.

Bucky runs up & pulls her off.
"Enough. Celina, you're gonna kill her." He pins her against the wall. The cops show up. Debra yells at the cop the second he steps out of the squad car. The officer looks over & sees Celina. He walks up to her.
"That's Daniel's sister, isn't it?" She nods.
"I told you that she would come after me & blame me."

Debra screams at her. Celina tries to move Bucky to attack her again.

"Your brother beat me & raped me. Go to Mercy hospital, I'll fucking prove it to you, you fucking cunt. Your brother sealed his own fate, bitch. I had nothing to do with it."

Sam & Steve are stunned. Debra throws something at her. Celina sneaks from under Bucky's arm & almost attacks her again but Officer Anderson catches her.
Steve, Sam & Bucky hold her back. Officer Anderson puts Debra in the back of the squad car.
"Celina! Stop!", Officer Anderson yells. She snaps out of it, crying.

"He ruined my life, Anderson! I moved to get away from him & he found me. He's dead & he still gets to ruin my life!" She breaks down.
"I want this to stop. I don't deserve this. Not after what he did to me!" He holds her bloody face.

"I know. I was there when you reported it. Don't let her unleash the monster. I thought you were better than this."
"I thought so too", she says disappointedly.

He gets both their statements & tells the guys to get her checked out. He drives away. They take her to the ER & she gets seen quickly. Several bruises & cuts, fractured hand. Bucky, Steve & Sam wait in the waiting room.

"That was terrifying. What the hell?", Sam states.
"Is it true? What Celina said?", Steve asks. Bucky nods in tears.

 Bucky nods in tears

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Sam & Steve hug him.
"I have never seen her like that. It's like her eyes went completely black", Bucky says.
"She's been through alot, Buck. This isn't easy for her." Steve comforts Bucky.

"Mr. Barnes?", a doctor calls out. He stands up.
"Yeah? That's me", he says wiping his eyes.
"Your girlfriend is asking for you." Steve & Sam watch him leave.
The doctor brings him to the back & tells him where her room is.

He finds the room & opens the curtains. Neither say anything at first.
"What the fuck were you thinking?", he asks angrily.
"I wasn't, that's the thing. I always said that someone from his family would retaliate."

"You could've killed her had I not stepped in. You're lucky the officer let you go", he yells. She cries.

"I know." The doctor comes in, giving them the discharge papers. They leave the hospital with Steve & Sam. Bucky drives them to her apartment.

"I need you both to take her in so I can stop at the pharmacy & pick up her prescriptions." All three get out. Celina opens the apartment door, letting in Steve & Sam. She lays on the couch in pain. None of them know what to say.

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