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Christmas Day

Celina wakes up to the sound of Bucky snoring. She stares happily at her engagement ring. She slowly climbs on top of him, kissing his neck softly. He wakes up not long after. He quietly moans as he opens his eyes.

"Hey doll. Morning", he kisses her nose.
"Morning....fianceé", she says smiling so hard. He chuckles.
"I'm gonna go make some breakfast. Hungry?", she asks. He nods, rubbing his face.
"Yeah. Want me to help?"

"No, I got it. But thanks." She kisses him & gets out of bed. She throws on a tank top & small shorts.
"I'll meet you down there in a bit", he says as she leaves the room. She gets down to the kitchen & sits on the island. She debates what to make. Bucky comes down soon after.

"Thought you were making breakfast", he says sarcastically. She laughs.
"I know I know. But I don't know if I want pancakes or french toast." He walks up to her, standing in-between her legs.
"Make whatever you want", he smiles.
He grins, she bites her lip.

"I know what I want", he says sliding his hand up her thigh. He slides her panties out of the way & fingers her.

She moans. He kisses her.
"That feel good, doll?", he asks.
"Mm-hmm", she says biting her lip. He pulls out his fingers, tasting them. He unzips his pants & shoves himself deep within her. He thrusts as she grabs onto him. Several minutes later, he explodes inside of her. Once they're finished, he kisses her once more.

"I love you

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"I love you."
"I love you too." He helps her down & they both make a bowl of cereal.
"Hey Buck, I wanna discuss something with you", she says. He puts his bowl down.
"Ok what's up?", he asks.

"So I was thinking that maybe....we should have the wedding in the backyard. We can persuade Steve to officiate the wedding. What do you think?", she asks. He smiles.
"Sounds like a great idea, we will need to pick a date for the wedding", he says.

"Yeah we do", she chuckles. He takes a bite of his cereal.
"What if we do it on our anniversary?", he suggests. Taking a bite of her cereal, she swallows quickly.
"I love that. That could work", she replies. She goes to check the calendar.

"It would be on a Saturday so that's perfect", she says. He smiles.
"Look at us getting some planning out of the way", he says high five-ing her. After she's done with her cereal, she tells Bucky that there's 2 presents under the tree. They both unwrap it. Bucky has new boxer briefs. Celina has a new pajama set.

"Useful gift. I love it. Thanks Doll", Bucky says chuckling. She smiles.
"You're welcome. I love you too. Thanks for the pj's", she replies back. They kiss. Celina gets some work done, they hang out & eat leftovers.


New Year's Eve

Bucky & Celina are taking down all the Christmas decorations & putting them away. Bucky turns on 40s music. He pulls Celina into him & they begin slow dancing.
"Man, I haven't danced like this in forever", he says smiling. She smiles back, staring into his eyes.

"You are full of surprises", she says. He kisses her softly.
"I can't wait to do this at our wedding", he says.
"Neither can I." The song ends, she thanks him for the dance & they finish putting away the Christmas decorations. They store it in the basement.

"Hey Buck, have you ever had flautas?", she asks. He looks confused.
"No. What is that?", he asks.
"Basically a rolled up tortilla with meat inside that gets deep fried."

"That sounds delicious." She lights up.
"Good. I'm making it for dinner then we can cozy up & watch the New Years Eve Countdown", she says.
"The New Years Eve Countdown?", he asks confused.

"Yeah. It starts at like seven o'clock & they have a lineup of people performing. They count down until midnight. It's pretty cool."

Celina begins making dinner. She puts on a Spanish music playlist on her phone. Later on, Bucky comes in & sees her dancing to bachata. He comes up to her & smacks her ass.

She playfully shoves him, chuckling.
"What was that for?" He eyes her up & down.
"You looked good dancing like that. Whatever it was, it was sexy as fuck."

"It's called bachata, men think it's sexier when it's two women dancing to it", she says. He chuckles.
"It smells amazing in here, doll." She smiles.
"Good." Soon after, dinner is ready. Flautas, rice & side salad.

"Dinner's ready, Buck", she shouts. He comes to the kitchen & she serves him a plate & they eat at the kitchen table.
"Take a bite", she says. He eyes her as he picks up a flauta & eats it.
"Oh, it's so good", he says. She giggles.
"Good. I'm glad you like it."

They talk more as they devour their dinner. Afterwards, he washes the dishes. He kisses her.
"Thanks for dinner, doll. It was delicious." She smiles.
"I'm glad you liked it."

"No, no, I didn't like it, I love it." She laughs.
He finishes up & heads to the living room. Celina turns on the new years eve countdown & Bucky cuddles with her, throwing the couch blanket over them.
Hours pass by & it's finally time to count down the seconds til midnight.

The clock finally strikes midnight & they kiss.
"Happy New Year, Mr Barnes."
"Happy New Year, soon-to-be Mrs Barnes."
"Only a few more months, can you believe it?", he asks.
"I know, I'm really excited to become your wife", she says admiring her ring.

"I love you, Celina."
"I love you, James." He cocks an eyebrow.
"What?", she asks.
"You never call me James. I feel like I'm in trouble or something." She laughs.

They kiss.
"You tired yet", he asks.
"Yeah, sadly", she says. He throws the blanket off & stands up.
"Then let's go to bed, brat." He picks her up over his shoulder, carrying her upstairs & flops her down onto the bed. They get in under the comforter & cuddle up. They fall asleep not long after.

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