Twenty Five

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The following morning

Celina takes a break from work & turns on some music. She goes through her playlist & picks a song. She grabs an orange & peels it as she dances to "Mi Tierra" by Gloria Estefan. Bucky stands in the doorway watching her.

She turns around & sees him. She smiles while dancing & eating her orange. She gestures for him to dance with her.
"You know I don't dance, brat."
"Come on. It's easy. I'll teach you." She spends the next ten minutes teaching him to salsa dance.

She replays the song & they dance together. She chuckles.
"See? It's not hard", she says. He spins her around. Her phone rings. They stop & she answers. Lois Lane calls Celina to invite her & Bucky to dinner at a Cuban restaurant. They accept & Celina tells Lois to text her the details.

They hang up & Celina continues working for a few more hours. She closes her laptop & hurries upstairs. Bucky just finished his shower & walks out the bathroom.

She's bites her lip as he eyes her

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She's bites her lip as he eyes her.
"You gotta get dressed, brat."
"I will. I will", her eyes roaming his body. He chuckles.

"You have seen me shirtless before, you know?" She nods.
"Oh, I know. But it's sexy when you are." He kisses her & smack her ass.

"Go get ready. We need to leave soon."
"Ugh. Fine, I'm going. I'm going." They go through the closet & find an outfit. She throws on a leopard print shirt, faux leather skirt & black wedges. Bucky wears his signature black shirt, jeans & athletic shoes.

They grabs their things & head out the door. Bucky drives them & they arrive 20 minutes later. They park & walk in. Clark & Lois are already seated. Clark waves them over. Clark & Lois stand up to greet them. Bucky & Clark shake hands. Lois & Celina hug. Lois compliments her outfit. Celina thanks her.

"Nice to see you again, Celina. You look great", Clark says. She smiles & thanks him. Clark & Lois sit down as Bucky pulls out Celina's chair. They look over the menu & the waiter comes by, they order appetizers. Bachata begins playing. Celina taps Bucky.

"Wanna dance?", she asks. He gives in & she drags him to the small dancefloor.
"Ok, now watch what I do." She demonstrates & tells Bucky to join in. They begin dancing & Bucky steps on her feet a couple of times.

"Sorry", he says as they continue dancing

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"Sorry", he says as they continue dancing. She chuckles.
"It's fine baby. Not too hard right?" He laughs as the song ends. They walk back to the table as Lois & Clark clap. They both fake bow.

Food arrives & they all enjoy their meals, laughing & talking. Bucky warms up to Clark & Lois. Once they're done with dinner, they all step out on the dancefloor. After about thirty minutes, Celina & Bucky sit down.

"You feeling ok, babe?", he asks.
"Yeah, I'm good. Having fun?" He smiles.
"Yeah, I am. My dancing sucks but I like dancing with you." She kisses him.
"I'm glad you let me teach you." Clark & Lois join them.
"Shall we order dessert?", Lois asks.

They look over the dessert menu & order. Cherry pie for Lois & Clark. Skillet chocolate chip cookie for Bucky & Celina. Clark & Lois ask them about the pregnancy. Soon after, the desserts arrive & they all dig in.

Less than fifteen minutes later, the check comes & they split the bill. Not long after, they all leave & head outside.
"Thank you for inviting us. This was great", Celina says hugging Lois.
"We're glad you could come along. Congrats on the pregnancy by the way", Lois says smiling.

They pull apart. Clark & Bucky shake hands.
"It was a good evening. Thank you." Clark nods.
"It was our pleasure. I figured Celina wouldn't be able to turn Lois down", he laughs.

Clark & Celina hug.
"Good to hang out with you again. When I met you, you were so sad. But now, now you are absolutely glowing. I'm happy for you guys", he says. Bucky grabs Celina's hand.
"Thank you for that. We are so thrilled for our future." Clark & Celina hug.

They chat a bit longer before they take off, going to their separate cars

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They chat a bit longer before they take off, going to their separate cars. Bucky drives them home. Celina runs her fingers through his hair.
"I love you, Buck. I'm glad you had fun."
He smiles while driving.
"I love you too, doll."

She kisses his neck & runs her hand over his jeans. He bites his lip, smiling & shaking his head.
"What are you doing?", he asks. She giggles.
"Nothing." They get to a red light & she unzips him. He grabs her hand.

"Babe, I'm driving."
"We're at a red light." He looks at her. She kisses him & strokes him. The light turns green & she places her mouth on his erection. She begins working her magic as he tries not to moan or close his eyes.

This continues on for a few minutes. He gets to another red light & begins moaning. He closes his eyes & leans his head back. He pops his eyes open & sees a police squad car approaching.
"Shit! Doll, the cops are coming. Sit up." She sits up quickly. The car is behind them & they drive off when the light changes.

Bucky drives them to an empty parking lot. They laugh hysterically. She gets into the backseat.
"Care to join me, Mr. Barnes?" She begins undressing. He hops in the back & unbuckles his pants quickly. She climbs onto his lap as he slams her down his length.

They moan as she rides him back & forth

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They moan as she rides him back & forth. She kisses him.
"You're insane, you know that", he says.
"Mm-hmm." She gets off & turns around, grabbing onto the middle console. Bucky grabs her hips & begins thrusting into her. She feels herself reaching her peak & moans his name loudly.

He feels her climax hard. He slams into her as he soon reaches his orgasm. Once they finish, they get dressed & drive home. About ten minutes later, they make it home, park & head inside.
Celina & Bucky go upstairs. Bucky strips down to his boxers & climbs in bed.

Celina changes into a t shirt & panties. She crawls into bed with Bucky & they find a movie. They snuggle in bed & fall asleep a little while later.

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