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Two weeks later

Celina & Bucky have officially moved into their home. They sold all their furniture & bought some new stuff. Celina has finished all the final touches of their bedroom. Bucky comes upstairs & looks inside the bedroom.
"Looks great in here", he states.
"You like it?", she asks. He nods & smiles.

He wraps his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. She plays with his hair.
"This feels right. I can't believe we have a house together."
"I know. I still can't believe we're living in the house you grew up in. Interesting, how things work out."

He nuzzles into her neck. She smiles.
"I love you, brat."
"I love you, Buck." He starts kissing her neck. She turns around & he picks her up, taking her to the bed. They begin taking each other's clothes off. He pulls off her panties, kissing up her leg.

He eats her out as she arches her back. His tongue encircles her, making her moan his name. He grabs onto her thighs as he penetrates deeper. She lays back, gripping the sheets. He pulls up & fingers her.

"You taste so good, brat." She sits up, kissing him passionately. They pull apart.
"Get in me. Now", she says. He growls at her tone. He inserts himself & she moans loudly. He thrusts into her as he moans in her mouth.

He thrust harder, he chokes her. He stops & apologizes. She evil grins, biting her lip.

"Don't be sorry. Do it again. I'm a big girl. I can take it." He kisses her & continues. Gripping her throat as thrusts quicker. She tugs his hair & he slams into her as they climax together. Making sure every drop enters her. Moaning louder than before. He rolls off of her.

"Well, we officially christened every room in this house now", he chuckles. She looks over at him, laughing. Bucky gets up & grabs a towel from the bathroom. He tosses it to her so she can clean herself up. They get dressed & go downstairs to decorate for Christmas.

"Do we know who is coming for Christmas Eve?", she asks. Bucky takes out the Christmas lights, untangles them.

"From what I know it's Steve, Wanda, May, Peter. Clint & his family are visiting Laura's parents. Sam & his family are staying in Louisiana."

"What about Pepper, Morgan, Happy & Rhodey?", she asks. She helps Bucky put the lights on the tree.
"They have plans. I think they're going to the cabin." After putting the lights on, Bucky states at the tree.

"You ok, Buck?", Celina asks. He looks sad, nodding.
"This is the first Christmas I've had since 1942." She walks over & hugs him.
"Oh, Buck. I'm sorry. But this is a good thing, you're celebrating with me." He smiles.

"Yeah & it's going to be a night to remember. We're celebrating our first Christmas together in our house." They kiss & continue decorating.
"Buck, what was Christmas like for you growing up?" He grabs the ornament box & decorates as he speaks.

"My mom & I would make gingerbread cookies from scratch. My dad would be working all day on Christmas Eve. At the beginning of December, we would cut down a tree, bring it home & decorate it. Mom would have the radio on. My parents would sometimes dance with one another. We would also invite Steve & his family over for a big Christmas day dinner. God, I can remember it like it was yesterday. The smell of the turkey, the cranberry sauce, everything."

He closes his eyes as he breathes deeply.
"What about yours?" He opens his eyes.
"We would go to my grandma's house on Christmas Eve & the whole family would be there. Everyone would bring a dish they made. We would eat, socialize & have fun. Later we would go home & my parents would set out the presents while I was sleeping. Wake up Christmas morning, go to church & open presents. In most Latin households we celebrate Christmas Eve not Christmas day. No idea why though."

"Sounds fun", he says smiling

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"Sounds fun", he says smiling. They finish decorating the tree.
"Yeah it was. That's when I had a family but fuck them. I forgave them for how they've treated me." He hugs her, they look around the living room.

"Everything looks great. We did a good job", Celina says. They high five. Celina snaps her fingers remembering something.
"Crap. We need to contact everyone so we know exactly what we're making for Christmas Eve." Bucky takes out his phone & sends a quick group text.

Putting his phone in his pocket, he says, "Let's wait & see what they say." Celina & Bucky put away all the boxes in the storage closet. He kisses her forehead.
"This is going to be a great Christmas", he says smiling.
"It will be once we go buy presents for everyone. Shall we?", she says.

"Yeah. Let's get ready to go." They grab their coats & shoes. Celina grabs the car keys & they spend the next three hours at the mall finding gifts for everyone. When finished they head home to wrap the presents & put them under the tree.

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