Forty Four

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Four months later
Twin's First Birthday

Celina & Bucky wake up but stay cuddled together. Celina kisses his chest.
"Can you believe they're already a year old?", Bucky says.
"I know. It seems like only yesterday we brought them home." Bucky kisses the top of her head. Celina slides her hand into his boxers. She sits up & kisses him as she starts stroking him. He touches her face as his tongue slips into her mouth.

He removes her hand & turns her onto her back. He gets under the sheets & yanks her panties down. He pushes his tongue into her. Her hand tangles in his hair. Soon, he pulls up & enters her. Bucky wraps his arm behind her back & tells her to wrap her arms around his neck. She does & he lifts her up as he stands on his knees.

He slams in & out of her. She bites her lip trying not to moan loudly. Bucky moves off the bed & pins her against the bathroom door. Not long after, he climaxes. He slowly puts her down then kisses her.
"I love you."
"I love you, Buck."

They shower quickly & go to check on the twins who are awake in their cribs, just talking.
"Mm ma ma ma."
"Da da da da." Celina & Bucky walk into the room each one picking up a twin.
"Happy birthday", they say in unison.
"I can't believe you two rascals are one! Where did the time go?", she says.

"Hungry, doll?"
"Sure am." They all go downstairs into the kitchen. Celina feeds the babies some baby food while Bucky makes pancakes & eggs. Once Bucky finishes, he pours her a cup of coffee & places it in front of her.
"Looks great. Thank you." They both sit down to enjoy their food. Afterwards, they take the babies upstairs to give them a bath & get them dressed.

Celina & Bucky take the twins to their bedroom. They lay them on the bed & Celina snaps a few photos of them.
"Ooh. Bucky, look. This one is adorable."

"Aww, look that those faces", he says gushing over the babies

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"Aww, look that those faces", he says gushing over the babies.
"They look adorable", Celina adds.
"But those eyes though."
"They get that from their unbelievably gorgeous daddy", Celina says wrapping her arms around his neck. He pulls her in for a quick kiss then they play with the babies. The babies kick their feet wildly as they giggle.

"Hey, since it's your birthday, you wanna go get some boobies?", Bucky asks. The babies smile & coo. Celina & Bucky laugh hysterically.
"Just like their dad. Oh my god", Celina laughs so hard, wiping away tears. Bucky's face turns red from so much laughter.

"Oh man, my stomach hurts", Celina says

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"Oh man, my stomach hurts", Celina says.
"Mine too."
"I love you, dork."
"Love you too, brat. Did you remember to pick up the cupcakes?"
"You told me you were yesterday after you got off of work."
"No, I didn't. You seriously didn't pick them up?"

"They're in the fridge." He throws a pillow at her. She chuckles.
"That's rude. Samantha, go beat up your daddy." Samantha kicks her feet.
"See? At least she's on my side."
"Yeah? Watch this. Steven, mommy's being mean to me. Bite her." Celina throws the pillow at Bucky.
"That's parental abuse."
"Oh & you telling our child to beat me up is what?"

"Revenge", she says.
"You irritate me", he says jokingly, pulling her in. He is so close to kissing her but then pulls away.
"Ugh. I hate when you do that", she says shoving him. He grabs her hand & pulls her in again. He grabs her face & kisses her passionately.

The babies fuss as they kiss

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The babies fuss as they kiss. They pull apart & chuckle.
"They always do that", Bucky says.
"I know. Apparently they don't like us kissing."
"I swear they don't." Bucky & Celina sit on the floor & watch the babies walk around. Dash comes up the stairs & barks. Celina gets up & brings him over the baby gate at the top of the stairs.
"Hey chunky butt", Bucky says as Dash rushes over to him.

The twins come over & sit near Celina so they can play with Dash. An hour passes by & they put the twins down for a nap in their bed. Dash lays at the foot of the bed. Celina falls asleep with the twins but Bucky stays up. He watches them sleep. Celina wakes up about 20 minutes later.
"Hey", Bucky says softly.
"Hi. I didn't realize I fell asleep."

"You did. Snored too."
"I don't snore." He laughs a bit.
"Sure, doll."
"Bucky, look at their faces. They look so peaceful."
"Our little angels", Bucky says.
"God, who knew you would turn into such a sap", Celina jokes.
"You made me into one." Dash begins to wake up.

He walks over to the babies & sleeps in-between the gap of their bodies.
"Such a good protective puppy." Less than an hour later, the twins wake up from their nap & take a big stretch. Samantha accidentally hits Steven while stretching & he cries a bit. Bucky calms him down.
"Sshh, sshh, sshh. She didn't mean it", he says rubbing Steven's tummy. The twins simmer down & Dash wakes up.

A few hours passes by when they decide to go into the kitchen & have some cupcakes. Celina & Bucky take out two to feed the twins. They sing the happy birthday song & the babies eyes widen. They wiggle excitedly, anticipating their sugary goodness. Celina swipes a bit of the frosting off to give them a taste. After tasting it they babies go wild.

They laugh as the twins taste their first cupcake. Both kicking their feet in excitement & happiness. They finish the whole cupcake minus alot of the frosting. Celina & Bucky eat theirs.
"Damn, these are amazing", Bucky says.
"You can thank the Samson's daughter. She made them. I always forget her name."

Celina snaps her fingers.
"Thank you." Later, they make dinner & watch the babies play in the living room. Soon, it's time for bed. Bucky & Celina place them in their cribs. Celina reads them a story while Bucky takes Dash for a walk. Celina stays in the nursery, watching the babies fall asleep. Bucky comes back & fills up Dash's bowls. Celina comes downstairs.

"Babies are down for the count."
"Nice. Want a drink?", he asks holding up a red wine bottle.
"Ooh. Yes, please."
"I have a couple of hours to kill before I have to head to bed. Wanna watch a movie?" He hands her the glass.
"Yeah. Let's do it."
"I forgot to tell you, I have to go to D.C. next week."

"How long are you going to be gone?"
"A couple days. That's all."
"You know I really love seeing you so happy. I'm starting to think you love your job." They walk into the living room.
"I do. This is what I'm good at. Hopefully, I can become an official S.H.I.E.L.D. agent."
"You will. I don't doubt it." Bucky puts the blanket on them & flips on the TV.

They cuddle up together & watch one of the best Christmas movies ever, Home Alone. Once the movie is done, Bucky heads up to bed while Celina does the dishes. She goes upstairs & gets ready for bed. She finally crawls into bed next to Bucky, who's already asleep. She gets comfortable & falls asleep a little bit after.

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