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A few weeks later

Celina is relaxing in her living room, when she hears a knock on the door. She gets up to answer it.
"Hey brat", Bucky says with a smile.
"Hey, thank God you're ok." He looks confused as she hugs him.
"Why wouldn't I be ok?" She allows him to come in. He walks in & she closes the door.

"Oh. I don't know. Maybe because once we arrived back you took off & I haven't heard from you. Then the Flag Smashers showed up & there was a whole fiasco on the news. Then you still ghosted me by running off to Louisiana with Sam." She shoves him.
"Asshole. Don't do that shit again."

He steps forward.

"Be careful, brat

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"Be careful, brat." She steps in closer, her chest touches his.
"Or what? What will you do about it?" He smirks, raising an eyebrow. There's another knock.
She opens the door to find a package. She brings it in.

There's a letter attached. She opens it. It reads: A box of our memories, things I've held onto. Do what you wish with them. Take care. I love you. Zemo.

"What's that?", Bucky asks. She sighs.
"It's from Zemo."
She opens the small box.
"Oh my god", she pulls out her diamond necklace.
"Looks expensive." She holds it in her hands.
"It was."

She sets it down. She pulls out a small teddy bear & laughs.
"What's so funny?", Bucky asks.

"He bought me this bear because he forgot my birthday. Funny part is the day he gave it to me it was our anniversary not my birthday. He somehow got the days messed up but I played along & the next day that he realized his mistake." She puts the stuff back.

"Anyway, how was Louisiana?"
He tells her about Sam's family, how he helped repair the fishing boat & the community barbeque they had.
"Sounds like it was alot of fun."
"It was. So, what were you watching?", Bucky asks.
"Sex and the City. But I've seen the whole series like 3 times." He chuckles.

"Oh. Almost forgot. I have to show you something." Before she replies, he takes out his small notepad. Opens it & slides it over to her.
She picks it up.
"You crossed everyone off your list? Wow, Buck. This is amazing. Congrats." She hugs him.
"I'm so proud of you."

He smiles as they pull apart.
"So, we need to celebrate tonight. Wanna go get a drink later? My treat."
"I'm down."
"Sweet. Do you want to hang out with me? We could find a movie or something."
"No. But thank you. I'm kinda tired so I'm gonna try & get some sleep."

She nods.
"Sounds good. Well I'll see you later." He says bye & walks to his apartment.

Hours later, Bucky & Celina are at the bar. Sitting at a table with their drinks.
"So how did you & Zemo meet?"
"I take you out to celebrate & that's your first question?", she says taking a sip.

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