Forty Three

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One month later

Celina & Bucky are relaxing on the couch on their day off. The twins are playing in between them. A knock on the door interrupts their family time. Bucky gets up to answer it.
"Hi, I'm looking for Celina Garcia. I've been trying to track her down."
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
"Aidan Porter."
"Give me a second, please."

Bucky closes the door.
"There's um, someone is looking for you. Aidan Porter?"
"Who?" She gets up as Bucky sits down. Celina opens the door.
"Celina Gracia?"
"I'm Aidan Porter. I've been trying to track you down. I am Baron Zemo's estate attorney. May I come in?"

She steps aside & he walks in. Bucky puts the twins in the playpen.
"What is this about?", Celina asks sitting down.
"We have alot to discuss. I was contacted about four weeks ago after Mr. Oeznik's passing."
"Whoa, whoa. Oeznik is....dead?"
"Yes. My apologies that you had to find out this way." He opens his briefcase.

"Upon Baron Helmut Zemo's incarceration, paperwork was filed so that Mr. Oeznik would be set to inherit the Zemo estate & assets. Since Mr. Oeznik has no heirs, either legitimate or illegitimate, this brings me to why I am here today. When Zemo drew up the paperwork he also listed you."

"Me? He listed me?", Celina asks trying to make sense of the situation.
"Yes, he did." He pulls out an envelope & hands it to her.
"I hope this will clear up the confusion." Celina takes it & opens it, reading the note aloud.

"Hello, my baby. If this ever reaches you, that means Oeznik is now deceased & you are set to inherit everything. You two were the only people I could ever entrust with everything I possess. I hope you have had a wonderful life so far. I noticed something blossoming between you & James in Madripoor. The way you looked at exactly how you used to look at me. If he is who you ended up with, I know for certain that I never have to worry about you. That man would protect you with his life. Do what you feel is right with this inheritance. I trust you. I love you, Celina.
Love, Zemo"

Celina says nothing as she closes up the letter & puts it on the table.
"Any questions, comments?", he asks.
"Is there any way to give the money to the Sokovian government?", Celina asks.
"The Sokovian government wants nothing to do with the Zemo family legacy. Estates, fortune, possessions. None of it."
"But couldn't the money help rebuild the country?", Bucky asks.

"It definitely could, yes. However, because of his heinous crimes as well as his escape from prison the Sokovian government sees it as dirty money. They have decided to distance themselves from the family name."
"Well, what if I didn't want it? What would happen to the estate?"
"Then it would be seized by the American government for them to do with it whatever they please."

"I don't know what to do", she sighs.
"I know this is alot of information I just threw at you. I'm sure it's overwhelming but you do not have to decide now. I'll be in town until the following Sunday." He hands her his business card.

"This is the best way to reach me. When you've made your decision, please give me a call. I'll just see myself out. Have a good day."
"Thank you. You too", Celina says shaking his hand. She walks him to the door.
"If you have any more questions please feel free to call me or shoot me an email." She nods & he walks away. She closes the door behind him. Celina begins to cry.

"Doll?" Bucky comes over to her.
"He's dead. He's really dead." He hugs her tightly as she cries into his shoulder.
"What the hell do I do, Buck?" They pull apart.
"I don't know, doll. I don't know.(he pauses) You know what, let me make some calls. I'll be right back." He heads upstairs. Celina walks over to the twins. Bucky comes down about 20 minutes later.

Bucky sits on the couch with her when her phone rings. Caller I.D. says it's a blocked number.
"You might want to answer that." Celina answers & puts it on speaker.
"Hello, my baby." Celina looks at Bucky. Bucky mouths, "it's ok."
"Are you still there, Celina?"
"Yeah, I'm...I'm here, Zemo."

"The estate attorney came to see you I heard."
"Yeah. But why me, Zemo?"
"Who else would I leave it to?"
"A relative, maybe." The babies start to fuss.
"You know I didn't have a big family."
"I know but I..."
"I trust you, Celina. Whatever you choose to do with it." Celina starts to cry.

"Celina, don't", Zemo says sounding concerned.
"Don't cry. Everything is how it's supposed to be." Celina runs a hand through her hair.
"I don't know what to do, Zemo."
"Yes, you do. Go with your gut. How is James?"
"He's wonderful. We're married. A little over a year now."

"That's great. Are you happy?", he asks genuinely.
"You have no idea." She wipes her tears, smiling.
"I can hear you smile as you said that. So, was that your child I heard?"
"Children, actually. We have twins."
"That's fantastic. This is all I wanted for you." Zemo stays quiet.

" there", Celina asks. Zemo clears his throat & lets out a sniffle.
"Yes, I'm sorry. The only thing I can say is trust your gut. Alright?"
"I have to go, my baby.(he sighs & begins to cry) I'm sorry, Celina. I regret everything. I love you. God, Celina. You have no idea how much I miss you. How much I've wanted to hear your voice.(he cries harder) I know you moved on & you're happy. I'm happy for you, I am."

"Zemo...please", Celina pleads.
"Ah. He's listening. Hello, James."
"Zemo", Bucky replies.
"I really must be going. Take care, my baby. I love you. Always will. Barnes, take good care of her. Don't fuck it up like I did. Goodbye, my love." Before Celina can reply, he hangs up.

Celina barely says anything throughout the day & Bucky doesn't force her to. Bucky puts the twins in their cribs for bed. Celina sits up in bed contemplating her next move. Bucky walks into their bathroom & draws them a bubble bath. Celina follows him in the bathroom. He undresses & so does she. They get in. Bucky lies against the tub with Celina's back facing him.

"Penny for your thoughts?", he asks rubbing her back.
"I don't know what to do."
"I know, doll. You don't need to decide anything right now, ok? Just relax with me." He kisses her shoulder then her neck. She turns to face him.
"I love you. You make me so happy."
Likewise. I love you too." He kisses her softly.

"Is everything alright? You haven't said much since Zemo called."
"Can we not get into this right now?"
"Ok. But at some point, we have to."
"I know...just....not tonight. Please." Bucky nods in response. She kisses him. Her hands slide down his chest. Bucky sets her in his lap. They stare into each other's eyes. Bucky leans in & kisses her.

"Let's get out", Bucky says. Celina drains the tub & they get out to dry off. They get in bed. They cuddle up together & Celina purposely pushes her booty into Bucky. She plays it off as if she's trying to get comfortable. However, she does it again. Bucky turns her face & kisses her.
"Is this what you want?", he asks as he slowly peels her panties off. She looks him in the eyes & nods.

He wets his fingers & slides the saliva over her pussy then enters her. She gasps softly. She grabs the back of his head as he thrusts into her. He moans into her ear then kisses her neck. His metal hand grips her hip. She pulls away & lays face down, ass up. Bucky gets behind her & enters her.

He thrusts into her, harder & harder. Celina's screams are muffled by the bed. She wiggles her hips against him. Bucky slams into her as their orgasms sync together. Soon they pull apart & lay together.
"I love you, Buck."
"I love you, too."
"It was weird today."

"I can imagine. It was a bit awkward. It's seriously annoying hearing him tell you that he loves you."
"I know. I know it bothers you."
"Doesn't it bother you?"
"It does but I can't help the fact that he feels that way about me, babe."
"I know. I know." She cuddles up to him, falling asleep.

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