Forty Five

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Four years later

In the last four years, Bucky has become an official S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Every now & then, he goes on missions with Sam, who is now the new Captain America. Celina & Bucky decided to inherit Zemo's assets. All of Zemo's estates were tore down without Celina's knowledge. His family's car collection went up for auction which totaled $35.9 million dollars. Celina worked with Aidan Porter to send the money raised at the auction to Sokovia to help rebuild it. The Zemo fortune has been placed in offshore accounts. The twins are now five & started kindergarten.

Celina picks up the twins from school on her way home from her work. Celina parks near the school, gets out & waits for them by the front entrance. Soon the kids start piling out & the twins run over to Celina. She hugs them both & kiss their heads. Celina grabs their hands as they walk to the car. They all get in & buckle up. Celina drives off.

"How was school today?"
"Good, mommy", Samantha replies.
"Yeah? What did you do today?"
"We watched a movie for free time", Steven says.
"What movie?"
"101 dalmatians", they both reply.
"Really? Did you like it?"
"Yeah. Cruella is so mean, mommy."
"I know. She's the meanest."

They arrive home soon after & the kids rush to the front door.
"What time is daddy coming home?", Steven asks.
"He should be home in a little while. You guys want to help me walk Dash?"
"Yeah", they both reply.
"Go take your stuff upstairs & come back down. I'll get him ready." The twins rush upstairs as Celina grabs the leash.

The twins run downstairs.
"Uh-uh. No running down the stairs. You can fall. We ready to go?" The twins nod. They leave & spend fifteen minutes walking Dash. They say hi to the Samson's who are sitting on the porch with their daughter, Angelica. Once they're done, they head home. The kids play in the backyard on the swing set while Dash watches them play.

"What do we want for dinner?", Celina asks.
"Pizza", Steven says.
"Macaroni n cheese", Samantha adds.

"How about we have pizza this weekend?"
"Can we go to that pizza place by Uncle Steve's house?"
"Yeah, can we?"
"Sure. If that's what you two want."
"How about I make us chicken strips & macaroni n cheese?" The kids agree. Celina begins making dinner.

"Hey, gorgeous. I'm home", Bucky says closing the front door.
"In here, babe", Celina replies. The twins run inside to hug Bucky.
"Daddy!" He kisses their heads & crouches down.
"Mommy's making dinner."
"Yeah? Are you going to help her?"
"Can we play outside?", Steven asks. Bucky chuckles.
"Yeah. Go play outside, I'll help mommy." The kids rush back outside & Bucky walks in.

"Hey, doll."
"Hi." They kiss.
"How was work, Buck?"
"Not too bad. Caught up on paperwork. Need a hand?"
"Sure but not with the food." He cocks an eyebrow at her as she winks at him & sticks her tongue out. He walks over to her & kisses her.

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