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She leads him to her bedroom. He looks around.
"Wow, this is nice. It's cozy", he says. She smiles.
"Thanks", she says before undressing. He watches her as he undresses himself. They walk up to each other & kiss.

 They walk up to each other & kiss

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He moans against her lips. He walks her to the bed, not breaking their kiss. She pulls away & tells him to lay back. She pulls down his boxers, springing his hard-on out.
"Damn", she whispers. He laughs.
"You know I can hear you, right?"

She laughs.
"Shut up." She gets on her knees, grabs him & slides her mouth around his dick. He moans. She takes it slow, her tongue encircles his tip. She does a few tongue tricks as her mouth goes up & down. He tells her to come to him. Sticking out his tongue, she knows what he wants.

She sits on his face as she bends forward to suck him off. She rides his face as he thrusts into her mouth. She's getting closer to her climax. She pulls her head up. Enjoying his tongue performance making her inner walls throb. She cums in his mouth, moaning loudly. His mouth drinks up every drop of her wetness.

He flips her over & he climbs on top.
"I can't take it anymore. I need you", he says inserting himself. He begins thrusting & she moans his name.
He thrusts with not alot of force. Just enough for her to enjoy him stretching her. He smiles hearing her moan. He starts picking up the pace, making her eyes roll.

Both moaning loudly. Celina pushes Bucky in deeper as she cums hard around him. Her body shivers as her orgasm makes her walls clench around him. He pulls out of her. She climbs on top of him as he grabs onto her hips. She rocks her hips back & forth as she changes rhythm.

He slams into her as he explodes inside of her. Moaning loudly. Not long after, she rolls off.
"Wow. That was... amazing", Bucky says. They look at each other. She kisses him.
"I agree. Holy crap", she says catching her breath. He holds her hand.

"Wait, I'll be right back", she says getting up. She rushes to her bathroom to grab a towel & goes to the fridge for 2 waters.
"Here", she says throwing the towel & passing him the water.
"Thanks", he chuckles. They clean themselves off.

He grabs his boxers & puts them on. She puts her panties on & grabs a tank top.
"Hey, want to watch a movie or something?", she asks. He looks up & smiles.
"Yeah." They go into the living room & sit on the couch. She flips through the channels.
"Ooh, Casablanca is on. Have you seen it?", she asks.

"Oh man. I actually saw it in theaters", he chuckles.
"No way. Tell me about it."
She cuddles up to him, putting his arm around her.

"I knew this girl Connie from the neighborhood. We flirted & one day I asked her out. I was trying to score some points with her so I chose Casablanca, since it's a romantic movie. I kinda liked it. I walked her back to her house & she kissed me goodnight. She was my date to the Stark Expo too, later that year."

"That's so cool. Not to change the subject or anything but I have some turtle cheesecake, do you want a piece?" He smiles.
"Sounds great."

She gets up & walks over to the fridge

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She gets up & walks over to the fridge. She grabs the cheesecake along with milk & two cups. They sit on the couch, eat & enjoy the movie.
"Mmm. This is delicious", Bucky says.
She smiles, "I'm glad you enjoy it." He eyes her.
"What? Do I have cheesecake on my face?", she asks.

He chuckles.
"No. You just look like you're glowing. That's all." She chuckles.
"Likewise, Buck." She sips her milk.
"So, tell me about one of your dates", Bucky says. She has a thinking face on as she takes another bite.

"Mmm. Ok. I was eighteen & I was dating this guy. We spent the whole day at Coney Island & watched the 4th of July fireworks display. He won a stuffed animal for me too." He smiles.
"Sounds nice."

"It was. He was...nice."
"Why does that sound so mean?", he eyes her. She shrugs.

"No, I mean he was nice. I used to think good guys were boring. Plus I seemed to always attract the bad ones, sadly." Bucky nods & looks away. She gets up & sits in his lap.

"Why did you make that face?", she asks. He sits back with his hand on her thigh.
"Because I am a bad guy", he says. She touches his face.

"Hey, you are amazing. You're not a bad guy, Buck. You just got dealt a shitty hand & had no control over your life. I see how good you really are." She kisses him.

She gets off & Bucky helps her put away the milk & dessert

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She gets off & Bucky helps her put away the milk & dessert. They watch the movie until Bucky starts yawning.
"Well, I'd better go", he says. He gets up & she turns off the TV.

"Buck, why don't you spend the night?"
He looks surprised by that.
"You can't always sleep on the floor. I have a queen bed, we both could fit", she says.

He contemplates for a second as she stands up, waiting for his answer.
"So what ya say?" He nods.

"Yeah, I'd like that." They turn off all the lights then head to the bedroom. They lay in bed together. She lays on her side with her back to him & tries to get comfortable. So does Bucky. He pulls her in tight, wrapping his metal arm around her.
"Goodnight, brat." He kisses her cheek. "Night, Buck."

They fall asleep rather quickly. A couple hours later, Celina wakes up hearing Bucky panting in his sleep. He sits up. Sweating & breathing heavily. She sits up.

"Hey, hey. Buck. It's ok." He looks at her trying to calm his breathing. She holds his face as he stares into her eyes.
"Everything is fine. You're with me. Ok?", she says.

She lays down & he snuggles her tightly as she strokes his hair. She whispers, "Sshh, you're safe with me. Get some sleep." Soon, they fall back to sleep.

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