Thirty Six

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Six weeks later

Celina is at the doctor & Dr. Grisham gives her the ok to be able to have sex again.
"If there's any issues for you, please feel free to call me."
"I will. Thank you."
"You're welcome. How are the babies doing?"

"They're getting bigger before my eyes. They're able to stay asleep a bit longer."
"That is wonderful. From all the breastfeeding, I see your almost to your pre-pregnancy weight. That's great." The exam is over. Celina leaves the office & drives home.

When she arrives, she parks & heads inside. Bucky is coming back from grocery shopping & running a few errands. They bring the groceries in the house & close the door. They put all the groceries away & walk into the living room.
"Tonight, it's on babe", Celina says.
"Good. I need you." They kiss.

Wanda comes down the stairs.
"Aww. You guys are so cute." They pull apart, chuckling.
"How are the twins?", Bucky asks.
"They're great. Steve is in the nursery watching them sleep. It's quite adorable."

"Go see your babies, Buck", Celina says.
He kisses her quickly & rushes up the stairs.
"How was your doctor's appointment?", Wanda asks.
"Great. I'm almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight. So that's awesome", Celina laughs.

"That's good. You do look great. Motherhood suits you." Celina smiles.
"Thank you. That's so nice to hear", she replies. Steve & Bucky come downstairs.
"The twins are asleep. We're going to get going", Steve says. He hugs Celina & so does Wanda.

"Thank you for watching the babies", Bucky says. They both smile. Steve & Bucky hug.
"You know you never have to thank me. We're family."
"Yeah, it's what we do", Wanda replies.
They say goodbye & Bucky closes the door.
"Come here gorgeous", Bucky says. He touches her face, both longing for each other's kiss.

He kisses her passionately, his tongue slipping into her mouth

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He kisses her passionately, his tongue slipping into her mouth. She moans softly.
He picks her up & take her to their room. He lays her on the bed, their kissing intensifies.
"I need to be inside of you, baby", he says.
"Mmm I need you, Bucky."

They slowly start taking their clothes off. Just then, the babies start to whine.
"You've got to be kidding me", Bucky says. Celina grabs his face & kisses him.
"Don't worry. Tonight is about us." They kiss & get dressed. Bucky & Celina walk into the nursery quietly. They each pick up the twins & rock them in their arms.

The twins settle down & they are placed back into their cribs.
"Let's go take a nap. You're gonna need it", Bucky whispers. He drags her into the bed & they snuggle up together, falling asleep quickly. An hour later, all four of them wake up. Celina & Bucky bring the babies into the room with them. The twins hold hands.

"It's so cute when they do that", Bucky says

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"It's so cute when they do that", Bucky says.
"I know right." Celina kisses them little cheeks. Bucky & Celina change their diapers.
"Who knew a baby could shit this much", Bucky says.
"It's official. We're parents of poop machines." They laugh.

They hang out until it's time to make dinner. Celina cooks dinner while Bucky hangs out with the babies. A while later, she comes upstairs & they go downstairs to have dinner. Once they're done, Bucky does the dishes while Celina cleans up. For the next few hours, they play with the babies. Bucky looks over at Celina.

"Go take a shower & get ready."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I'll give the babies a bath & feed them."
"Buck, I can help you."
"Nope. Go get ready." They kiss & she rushes to go take a shower. Bucky gives the twins a quick bath & dresses them. He takes them into the nursery & gives them both a bottle. Soon after, they fall asleep.

Celina finishes her shower & dries off. She  lays on the bed & waits. Bucky walks in & sees her. He takes off his clothes quickly & jumps into bed. They kiss intensely. Bucky trails his kisses down to her chest. Taking each nipple into his mouth. Sucking & lightly biting. She moans. He continues to kiss going lower & lower. He grabs her thighs & begins tasting her.

She moans his name as she grabs onto his hair. Bucky pulls away & kisses her.
"You taste so good, doll", he says. He slides his fingers inside, watching her expression. She moans as he kisses her. His fingers softly stroking her spot. She arches her back, his signal to pick up the pace as she reaches her climax.

She moans loudly as she orgasms. He takes his fingers out & licks them clean as he keeps his eyes on her. He goes back down on her for another 30 minutes, making her orgasm 3 more times. He pulls away & finally inserts himself.
"Holy shit, doll. You are tight", Bucky says.
"Stretch me then", she replies seductively.

Bucky pins her wrists above her head & begins thrusting.
"I've missed this", she says, kissing him.
"I've missed you, doll. God, you feel so good", he says moaning. He thrusts faster, both moaning louder. He pulls out, sits up & angles her legs back towards her head as far as they can go. He enters her, thrusting. The angle drives him in deeper.

"Oh fuck....Bucky....", she moans. He smirks & pounds into her.
"Feel good, doll?"
"Yes....oh god." He pulls out & tells her to turn over. She flips onto her stomach & he enters her. Bucky starts thrusting, he moves her hair to one side & begins kissing her neck. He grips her hands as she raises her ass in the air.

Bucky moans into her ear, Celina muffles her moans into the bed. Bucky thrusts harder & shoots deep inside her, moaning her name. She feels his cock pulsate as his orgasm reaches the end. He pulls out & he rolls over.
"We're not done yet, doll."
"I didn't think we were", she laughs.

They kiss.
"I love you, doll."
"I love you too, papí." He shivers.
"You know what that does to me."
"I know." She kisses him & whispers it again. He grabs her face, kissing her deeply. He licks his palm a few times & slide it over her pussy.

He enters her one more time. Then another before they fall asleep.

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