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Christmas Eve

Celina is in the kitchen. She has set up a fruit, cheese & cracker tray while Bucky does the veggie tray. The doorbell rings. Bucky goes to answer it. Steve & Wanda have arrived.
"Hey doll, we got company", Bucky shouts.
Celina leaves the kitchen & comes into the living room.

"Hey, you guys are early", she says smiling. Steve & Wanda hug Celina.
"I made something. I hope that's ok. This is the one thing I know how to make correctly", Wanda says chuckling. She passes the container over to Celina.
"Aww. That's sweet. Thank you, Wanda", Celina says opening it.

"Sokovian Christmas cookies. I haven't had these in forever", Celina says. Celina grabs one & takes a bite.
"Hey, hey, don't be spoiling your appetite", Bucky says.

"Oh my god, these are so good", Celina says closing the container. Wanda's face lights up.
"I'm glad you like them", she replies. Bucky & Steve go to the car to grab the gifts & put them under the tree.
"You guys want a tour of the house?", Bucky asks happily.

Bucky shows them around while Celina sets up a table for the food in the dinning room. She brings out the snack trays, some drinks, cups, plates, utensils. Celina turns on the TV & flips through the channels. Bucky, Celina & Wanda come back down.

They all sit in the living room.
"Oh, wow. It's A Wonderful Life is on", Celina says. All three look at her confused.
"It's a black & white movie from the 40s. It's really good. Watch it with me." Doorbell rings.

"I'll get it", Wanda says rushing to the door.
May & Peter have finally arrived. They hug & say hi to everyone.
"Ooh, It's A Wonderful Life is such a good movie", May says happily. She sits down next to Celina.
"What are you holding, May?", Bucky asks.
"Oh. Right, I almost forgot. I made chocolate rum balls", May says opening the container.

Everyone takes one & tastes it. Celina grabs May's hand as she swallows it.
"Oh man. That is good", Celina says standing up.
"I set out some drinks & snacks, if any of you want. Help yourselves, I'll go check on the food."  Bucky shows May & Peter around while Wanda & Steve tag along.

A couple of hours later, Bucky helps Celina bring out the food.
"Alright, dig in everybody", Celina says. Everyone serves themselves & sit down.

"I just wanted to say a quick thank you for being here today with us to celebrate. Let's make this Christmas for the ages. Cheers", Bucky says. They all say cheers & clink glasses.

Everyone enjoys the food while they laugh & talk

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Everyone enjoys the food while they laugh & talk. About an hour or so later, everyone finishes & hangs out in the living room. Bucky calls Steve & Peter upstairs. The girls are having fun laughing.
"We need a girls night once it gets nicer", May says.
"Yes", Wanda says.
"We so need to", Celina responds.

The guys come back down & join the women. They play a few board games, watch another Christmas movie. A few hours later, everyone decides to open presents. Once they almost finish opening their gifts, Bucky excuses himself to the bathroom. He comes back down five minutes later.

He grabs a big garbage bag & tosses out all the wrapping paper & unused boxes.
"I hope you guys like your presents", Celina says. They all smile. Bucky smirks.
"Hey doll, can you sit here for a moment? I have a surprise for you", Bucky says.

Wanda, Steve, Peter, May all sit on the couch. Celina sits across from them in a chair.
"Cover your eyes. You guys make sure she doesn't open them", Bucky states.
Bucky begins his speech.

"Since it's Christmas Eve, I wanted to do something special for you. Because you mean alot to me & I wanted this to be perfect. (he pauses & turns her chair) Ok, open your eyes", he says. Celina removes her hands. Bucky pulls out a small gift box.

"Now before I give this to you, I have to do it right", he says. May begins recording. Bucky crouches down in front of Celina.

"I love you so much. We've only been together less than a year but I feel like I've known you my whole life. You are the best part of my day. I am proud to call you mine. You are the sexiest, funniest, intelligent, badass I've ever met. So with that being said, (he unwraps the box, revealing a smaller velvet box. he opens the box) I am asking you, Celina Rose Garcia(he turns the box to face her & gets down on one knee), will you make me the happiest man alive & marry me?"

 he opens the box) I am asking you, Celina Rose Garcia(he turns the box to face her & gets down on one knee), will you make me the happiest man alive & marry me?"

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Tears stream down her face as she smiles happily.
"Yes, yes. A million times, yes", she says. He takes the ring out & slides it onto her finger. She hugs him & kisses him deeply. Everyone cheers & congratulates them.

 Everyone cheers & congratulates them

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They pull apart.
"We're getting married", Bucky says happily tearing up. Celina shows off the ring.
"Bucky, you did well. That ring is beautiful", Wanda says hugging him.
"Thanks", he says.
"Wow. I don't think I've ever seen Bucky smile this much", Peter says.

May sends the video to Laura, Sam & Pepper in a group chat. Not long after, Bucky & Celina's phones vibrate a few times. Both are receiving congratulatory texts. Celina sends a quick reply back. A couple of hours later, everyone decides to leave.

They all pack leftovers to take home.
"Thank you for inviting us. It's been fun", May says hugging Celina.
"No problem. Thanks for coming. It's good to see you again. You too, Peter."
"Congratulations again you too. That proposal was beautiful", Steve says.

"Thanks everyone. Drive safe", Bucky says. They all hug each other goodbye & leave. Celina admires her ring in the light, watching the diamond sparkle as she wiggles her hand. Bucky & Celina clean up, putting the rest of the food away. Once they're done, they head upstairs & get ready for bed.

Celina cuddles with Bucky. She stares at her ring smiling. He chuckles, watching her.
"I can't wait to marry you, doll", he says. She looks up at him & plants a soft kiss on his lips.
"I can't wait to marry you either, Mr Barnes", she replies. They cuddle up tighter, falling asleep soon after.

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