Twenty Six

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One month later
Dr. Grisham's Office

Celina & Bucky are waiting to be called to the back. Bucky is excited for this visit & can't stop smiling. Celina holds his hand. They look over at each other, smiling.

"Celina Barnes", a nurse calls out. Celina & Bucky stand up & follow her. They check her vitals, height/weight. The nurse takes them to an exam room, asks Celina a few questions. Not long after she tells them the doctor will be with them shortly & smiles, leaving the room.

"How are you feeling?", Bucky asks.
"I'm fine. How are you feeling? You ok?" He smiles, sitting down.
"I'm excited. I can't wait to see my baby", he says. About fifteen minutes later, Dr. Grisham knocks & comes in.

"Good morning Celina

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"Good morning Celina. Oh, so this must be the husband. Nice to finally meet you, I'm Dr. Grisham", she says smiling & shakes Bucky's hand.
"Nice to meet you too, Doctor." Dr. Grisham washes her hands.

"So Celina, how have you been feeling? Are you taking the prenatal vitamins everyday?", she asks finishing up.
"I've been good. Occasional morning sickness but it's gotten better. My husband makes sure I take it every morning." Dr. Grisham comes over to them & smiles.

"That's what I like to hear. Good job, husband." She grabs the ultrasound cart, bringing it closer to Celina & pulls out the stirrups. Celina plants her feet on them & lifts up her shirt. Bucky stands next to her as Dr. Grisham sprays on the ultrasound gel. Dr. Grisham begins.

"Well. Um, looks like I made a mistake. It's twins", she says. Bucky & Celina can't believe it, they look at each other then the machine.
"Twins?", Bucky asks.
"How is that possible? I thought it was just one", Celina asks.

"One was most likely hiding the other. It happens quite often. Do you want to hear their heartbeats?", Dr. Grisham asks. They both smile & nod. She turns up the volume & the sound of two rapid fetus heartbeats echos the room.
"Wow", Bucky says looking emotional.

 "Wow", Bucky says looking emotional

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"Bucky? What's wrong?", she asks.
"Nothing. I just....those are my babies. Our babies." He kisses her & smiles.
"Our babies. I always wanted a family. I thought that dream was dead but now, I have a beautiful wife & beautiful twin babies. I couldn't be more ecstatic."

"When will be able to find out the genders?", Celina asks.
"Usually it's between eighteen to twenty-one weeks. Or even as early as fourteen weeks", Dr. Grisham replies. She finishes up & prints the images. She cleans off Celina belly & the ultrasound wand.

Dr. Grisham stands up & rolls the machine away.
"So any questions, comments, concerns?", she asks. Bucky asks a few questions & Dr. Grisham spends the next six minutes answering them.

"Well, alright you two. I've printed the ultrasound photos & you can collect them on your way out. (she shakes Bucky's hand) It was great to finally meet you. I will see you in a month, Celina."
"Thanks, Doctor", she says as Dr. Grisham leaves the room.

Bucky helps Celina get down & they kiss.

"I love you, Bucky

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"I love you, Bucky. Are you ready for twins?", she smiles. He chuckles.
"I love you, too. I'm ready. Are you?"
"Yeah, I am. Let's get out of here", she states. She grabs her bag, they head out to the reception desk & make another appointment. Soon after they leave with the photos in hand.

Celina drives while Bucky contacts Steve to see if he's home. Steve answers & Bucky let's him know they're on their way to see him & Wanda. They arrive about twenty minutes later. Wanda & Steve wave at them as they park. Bucky puts the photos in Celina's bag.

They get out & hug Wanda & Steve before they all head inside. They all sit in the living room. Wanda breaks the awkward silence.
"How was the check up?", she asks.
Bucky & Celina hold hands, glancing at each other.

"It was great. We heard the heart beats." Bucky clears his throat.
" it turns out, we're uh, having twins." Steve & Wanda's faces light up.
"Twins? That's great you guys, congrats", Steve says smiling.
"Wait, I thought it was only one baby?", Wanda replies.

"The doctor said there was a possible chance that one was hiding. She said it happens quite often", Celina responds.
"Guys, that's so great", Wanda says congratulating them. Bucky takes out the sonogram photos out & hands them to Steve & Wanda.

"Buck, they're adorable. I'm happy for you. How are you feeling about this?", Steve asks.
"I'm excited to meet them. This is all I ever wanted in life. I finally have it. Almost feels too good to be true." Celina smiles, squeezing his hand.
"I feel the same way."

They stay & chat for a couple of hours before they head home. Once they're home, Celina goes into the kitchen. She walks over to the pantry & grabs funnel cake mix. Bucky goes for a run & comes back about thirty minutes later. When he gets back, he walks into the kitchen.

"What are you making?", he asks.
"I'm craving funnel cake so I made some. Want me to make you one?", she asks. He chuckles, "Sure. I'm gonna take a real quick shower though." He kisses her & runs upstairs. Not long after, Bucky comes down & Celina passes him a plate.

"These look delicious, baby", he says sitting down

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"These look delicious, baby", he says sitting down. She smiles.
"Good. I'm glad you like it." She sits next to him & they devour the funnel cakes. She makes herself a huge one right after.
"You're that hungry, huh?", Bucky laughs.

"Well, I mean I am eating for three", she chuckles. Once it's done, she adds her toppings & chugs it down with a big glass of milk. They spend the rest of the day just hanging out. They go for a walk together, watch a few episodes of one of her trashy reality shows & he draws her a bath before bed.

He massages her back after her bath as she sits in between his legs, watching a movie in their bedroom. Once the movie is over, they watch another one & cuddle. They fall asleep halfway through the movie.

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