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The next morning, Bucky awakes up & watches Celina sleep. He kisses her cheek softly. Celina starts to wake up as Bucky plants a kiss on her lips. She stretches & finally opens her eyes.
"Good morning, doll."
"Morning." They kiss & cuddle up.
"Ready to go home & be with the twins?", Celina asks.
"Definitely. I can't wait to see their faces."

Bucky holds Celina's hand & kisses it.
"Should we check out early & go home?", Bucky asks.
"Mmm, can we grab breakfast on the way?"
"Sure", he chuckles.
"Let's go then, Barnes." They spring out of bed & begin packing. It takes them a few minutes to pack everything up. They brush their teeth & head down to the lobby.

Celina takes the bags & walks to the car while Bucky deals with the checkout. She puts the bags in the trunk & starts the car. Bucky gets in a couple of minutes later. They drive off. Bucky turns on the radio.

"Animals" by Maroon 5 comes on & Celina starts jamming

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"Animals" by Maroon 5 comes on & Celina starts jamming. Bucky looks over at her & smiles. He rests his hand on her thigh, squeezing it lightly. They stop by Dunkin Donuts to grab coffee & bagels. A little while later, they arrive home. They park & head inside.
"Home sweet home", Celina says as the go upstairs to their bedroom. As they unpack, Bucky puts all the dirty clothes in the hamper. Celina puts the suitcases away.

Bucky heads to the dining room & calls Nick Fury. Celina comes downstairs a few minutes later.
"Yeah......Got it. No problem...thanks for taking my call, Fury. See you next week", Bucky says.

Celina quietly comes into the dining room as Bucky hangs up

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Celina quietly comes into the dining room as Bucky hangs up.
"So how'd it go?"
"Good. I start next Monday." She comes over to him & wraps her arms around his neck.
"That's awesome. I'm proud of you, babe." She kisses his cheek.
"Thank you. I'm really excited", he says touching her arm. He kisses her.
"Thank you."

"For what?"
"Everything. You're my rock, Cel."
"And you are mine. I got your back. Always. So, I texted Wanda & they're dropping off the twins around 1 o'clock. We have the house to ourselves for a bit. Want to celebrate with a drink?"
"Alright. But only 1 drink then you're all mine." He licks his lips at her. They head to the kitchen & pop open a beer. They clink bottles.

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