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The next morning

Celina is up & about to take a shower when there's a knock at the door. She's wraps herself in a towel & rushes to answer it.
"Hey. Sorry to bother. I know you get up early so I got us breakfast", he says.

She lets him in.
"Aww. Thanks Buck. That's so sweet." She closes the door.

"I'll be right back."
"Take all the time you need." She heads to the bathroom & throws on her pjs. She comes back out & sits at her kitchen counter to eat. She sips her coffee.

"Thanks for breakfast. My coffee was made perfectly."

"You're welcome. So...tell me about yourself, Celina." She takes a bite out of her scone.

", I was adopted by a Mexican couple. I was the only child, raised in Bronx. Orphaned at 16, graduated high school, went to college, got a job as a bartender. Years later I stopped working after I started dating Z. That's about it."

"Damn. Wow, that's fucked up." She nods.
They finish their food & hang out on the couch. She runs her fingers through his hair.
"You have great hair", she says.

"Thanks, I think?"
"I'm curious about you, Buck. Tell me more about yourself."

"Not much to tell. Born & raised in Brooklyn. Only child, met Steve, became best friends, well brothers basically, joined the war."
"A man of a few words, aren't you Barnes?", she chuckles. He smiles.

"Hey, so, I need to ask you something", he says.
"Sure. Go ahead."
"Do you wanna....maybe....go out with me some time?"
"Mr. Barnes, are you asking me out on a date?", she says teasing.
"I know you're probably not over.."
She interrupts.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. I would love to go out with you", she smiles. He breathes a sigh of relief.
"It's strange you know."

"What is?", he asks.
"I met you when Zemo broke you out & I was quite terrified of you."
"You were?"
"Yeah. I mean, I saw the way you punched through that confinement cell to escape & now you're asking me out on a date."

"Why is that strange?", he asks.
"Well.....let's be honest...who really wants to date the ex- girlfriend of the man who started the in-fighting & near end of the Avengers? It's just nice to know despite how he used you for his revenge, you don't hate me since I didn't do anything to stop him."
"But that's exactly it. HE used me, you didn't."

She kisses him softly & bites his lip as she pulls away.

She kisses him softly & bites his lip as she pulls away

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"Thank you", he says.
"For what?"
"For seeing me not Winter Soldier."
"There's more to you than that, James Buchanan Barnes. Plus I'm sure I'll discover more on our date. If you know what I mean", she winks getting up to throw away her garbage.

He laughs.
"Are you sure about that?"
"Very sure. Um, before we go on this date, there's a few things I want to tell you."

"I grew up in the Bronx, I got into a lot of fights. Like so much to the point where I debated on becoming a pro fighter. Z knew about it too. Anyway years ago, Z hired this guy to replicate the Super Solider Serum & I was the test subject. Hoping it would enhance my fighting skills. However, the guy completely fucked it up. The serum did only 2 things. I age a bit slowly & it left me infertile."

He rubs her back.
"Wow, Cel. That's alot. I'm sorry."
"Thanks. I just wanted you to know." He hugs her & kisses her softly before pulling away.
"Well, I guess I should go to my therapy appointment. That way you can go shower." She nods.

"Yeah, sounds good", she says smiling.
They get up & she walks him to the door.
"Hey Buck. You doing anything tonight?"

"No. Why?" She steps in closer.
"Want to go out on a date with me? Maybe get some dinner?" He smiles.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that. There's this new restaurant that just opened up. Kinda fancy. Do you wanna try it?"
"Yeah. Just let me know what time I need to be ready by."

"How about we say 6ish?", he says.
"Sounds great." They smile as she opens the door & exchange goodbyes. She closes the door & heads to the bathroom to shower. Once she's finished & dressed, she opens her laptop & begins working.

Hours pass by & she decides to take a nap. She wakes up at 4:15pm & decides to get ready. She puts on some music as she dances & searches for an outfit. She finds a pair of black jeans, small wedge sandals & a grey silky tank top. She goes into the bathroom to do her makeup & hair. After she's done, she gets dressed. At exactly 5:45pm, Bucky knocks on her door. She goes to answer the door.

"Hey Barnes

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"Hey Barnes."
"Hi", he smiles.
"You look amazing", he blushes.
"Well you look gorgeous, Mr. Barnes. You clean up well." She to grabs her things.
"Ready to go?", he asks.
"Yes I am. Let's have some fun."

They leave & head to the restaurant.  She holds his hand. They get to the restaurant & are seated quickly. They look over the menu. The waiter comes by soon after & they place their order. They talk & laugh. About twenty minutes or so later, their food arrives.

They dig in. They taste each other's food & compliment how good it is. After they've finished dinner, the check comes & Bucky tries to pay.
"Absolutely not. I asked you out to dinner."

He chuckles.
"But I asked you out first." They decide to split the bill. Celina leaves a good tip.

They leave the restaurant & walk back to the apartment. Once inside, he walks her to her door.
"Thanks for dinner", he says smiling. "Likewise. I had fun. Do you want to come in?", she asks.

"Uh, yeah." She unlocks her door & they step inside. Bucky pulls her in & kisses her.

His kisses send chills down her back

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His kisses send chills down her back.
"Should we take this to the bedroom?", she asks unsure.
"Lead the way", he says.

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