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The Next Morning
Brooklyn, 8:03am

"Morning, doll", Bucky says as Celina wakes up. She stretches.
"Morning." She sees him smiling.
"Why are you so happy?", she asks.
"Get up & dressed. I have a surprise for you. Wear something nice." He gets up quickly.

"Could you be anymore vague?", she laughs. She gets up & uses the bathroom, doing her morning routine. Afterwards, she goes to her bedroom closet & finds an outfit. She wears a V- neck shirt, jean shorts & some gym shoes. She puts her hair up in a high ponytail. Bucky checks on her.

"You look great

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"You look great." She puts on a necklace & matching earrings.
"Thanks. I'm ready, if you want to go now." He tells her to grab her stuff. They head out & Bucky drives. They arrive about twenty minutes later.
"We're here", Bucky says.

"Where's here?", Celina asks. They get out. Bucky tells her to wait by the car. He runs up to a house, opens it & walks in. Confused, she just stands there waiting. Bucky comes to get her.
"Come on", he says. They walk into the house together.

He closes the door behind them. An old man comes forward. Hearing his voice she knows who it is.
"So this is her, huh? Nice to finally meet you, Celina. Bucky's told me all about you." They shake hands. She smiles not saying a word. They both look at her.

"You ok, brat?", Bucky asks. They wait for her to speak. She clears her throat.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm just....speechless. I mean, you're Steve Rogers. Thee Steve Rogers. I...shit."

"Language", Steve says. She chuckles.
"Forgive me, had I known I would be meeting you, I would've dressed better."

"No. You look fine", Steve says. Her face lights up. She hugs him. They pull apart.

"Sorry. I've seen pictures of you & I always thought you were so handsome. Well, I mean you're still handsome but never did I think I would actually be meeting you. I mean, I've seen the articles & the news coverage of you & the rest of the Avengers. Oh my god. I'm sorry. I'm rambling. Buck, you could've told me I was meeting him."

He chuckles, "And miss this reaction? No way." They laugh. Steve grabs her hand.

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