Thirty Seven

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Five months later

Bucky awakes & finds that Celina's not in bed. He gets up & walks over to the nursery. Celina is tucking the babies in, humming to them. She looks over at the door. Bucky is leaning on the doorway, smiling. He watches her.
"Morning", he whispers.
"Morning", she replies. He walks over to them & kisses her cheek.

"Happy anniversary babe", he says in her ear.
"Happy anniversary." Bucky watches the babies sleep.
"Can I talk to you in the bedroom?", he whispers. She nods & they walk to their room.
"What's going on?", she asks sitting down on the bed.

"Well, I have a surprise for you. You & I are going away for the weekend."
"But what about the twins?"
"Everything is taken care of already. Steve & Wanda are going to watch the babies. Alright?"
"I don't know, Buck. I don't want to leave them." He crouches down & takes her hand.

"I know you don't. But it's our anniversary & I wanted to do something special. Just us. So what do you say, brat?" She smiles & hugs him.
"Alright. Fine. Let's do it." He gets up & kisses her.
"That's what I thought you'd say. Pack a suitcase. Get some of your hottest outfits. Steve & Wanda are coming at ten to pick up the babies. I'll go get their bags ready."

"You pretty much thought of everything, I see", she chuckles.
"I did. Now, get up & pack." He leaves the room & she rushes to their closet to grab her suitcase. She snatches a few outfits & folds them into the suitcase. Several minutes later, she's all packed & ready to go. Bucky comes back in & begins packing.

"So husband, what else do you have planned?", she asks.
"I'm not telling you."
"Please, Buck", she pouts. He walks over to her & grabs her face.
"Come on. Tell me."
"Shut up, brat", he says before kissing her.
"And let me kiss you." He kisses her again.

They pull away & she smiles

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They pull away & she smiles.
"Fine. I'll stop asking", she says.
"Good. Cuz I'm not telling you anything." She rolls her eyes. A few hours later, Wanda & Steve arrive. Celina lets them in & Bucky comes down with the twins in their car seats.
"Thank you both for watching them. Call us right away if you need anything", Bucky says.
"If it's an emergency, you know we will. But you two need to enjoy yourselves", Steve replies.

"Have fun, you guys. You deserve it. Don't worry about them. They're in good hands", Wanda smiles.
"We know they are. Goodbye my babies", Celina says giving them a kiss. They all say goodbye. Steve & Wanda leave.
"Let's go get our stuff & head out", Bucky says.

They walk upstairs to their bedroom & grab their bags. Soon, they get in the car & Bucky drives them. After a thirty minute drive, they arrive at the Renaissance Hotel
in Midtown Manhattan. They park in the lot, grab their bags & head in. They walk into the lobby. Bucky walks up to the front desk while Celina waits. Soon after, Bucky walks over with the key to their room.

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