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Celina stares at the sky for a moment before walking up. She feels the slight warmth of the sun on her face. She takes a deep breath. She stops walking & crouches down.

"Hello...... Daniel." She moves grass away from his headstone.

"I never wanted to come here. I always knew where you were though. I've driven by several times but I guess I didn't have the courage. But now, now it's time you hear everything I have to say."

She sits on the grass Indian style & begins.

"I hate you. You have made my life an endless nightmare. I couldn't escape you. Your fucking sister attacked me last night but I went in swinging. She blames me for your suicide, can you believe that? As if I made you do it." She scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"Anyways. The irony of it all is, Officer Anderson, the same officer who took my statement in the ER, was the one who stopped me from beating your sister to a bloody pulp", she states.

She goes silent for a minute, trying to hold back her tears. She shakes her head wiping her eyes.

"I've spent countless years with this disgusting tragedy you put me through. I've been in therapy on & off for years. (she closes her eyes) I can still picture it in my mind. You pinning me down, your kicks. I can still smell your gross aftershave.(she opens her eyes) But I'm done. I've been going through this too long."

She cries.

"You enjoyed hurting me. I saw the look on your face. The satisfaction, the thrill my paralyzing fear gave you. You taunted me on purpose as if what you did wasn't enough. All I wanted to do that day I testified was kill you with my bare hands. I will not allow you to keep controlling my life. You will never realize how fucked up it made me. I'm glad you're dead. You were nothing more than a useles piece of fucking trash. You couldn't handle your own created karma, huh?"

She gets up.
"Even after all this, I am strong enough to stand here & tell you, I forgive you. I forgive you, Daniel. Goodbye. Enjoy hell."

She walks back to her car, feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off her shoulders. She sits in her car, crying happy tears. She drives back home. Arriving almost an hour later, she unlocks her door.

Bucky is sitting on the couch.
"Thank God, are you ok?", he says getting up to hug her.
She pulls away, smiling.
"I am better than ok. There was something I just needed to do."
"Where did you go?", he asks.
"Cemetery", she says. They pull away.

"Bucky, it felt good to let it all out. I feel so much freer, lighter. Like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I haven't felt like this in a really, really long time."

She hugs him once more. When they pull apart, they stare into each other's eyes.
"Bucky, kiss me", she says softly.

He kisses her, his tongue tasting hers

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He kisses her, his tongue tasting hers. Their foreheads touch as they stop kissing.
"I love you so much, Bucky."
"I love you too, Doll." They sit on the couch together.

"How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?", he asks. She shakes her head.
"No. Everything is great. I feel good. I'm gonna go shower, ok?"
He nods. She kisses his cheek & goes into the bathroom. She turns the shower on, quickly undressing.

She steps in & closes the curtain. She feels the water flows down her body, over her injuries. She places her hands on the shower wall as she tips her head back. Bucky has quietly undressed & steps in.

"Now that is a gorgeous sight." She chuckles.
"Ya know, it's real creepy how quiet you can be", she says not turning around. He laughs.
"Turn around."

She turns to face him. Wrapping their arms around each other, they kiss.

 Wrapping their arms around each other, they kiss

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She takes her loofah & squirts the body wash. She begins scrubbing his body clean as he watches her. She starts with his chest down to his torso, gliding her fingers over his abs then down to his feet. He turns around as she continues on his back to his feet. She switches places as he stands under the showerhead.

She watches the soap wash down his body, biting her lip. He chuckles.
"Nothing. Just, I could admire your body all day." He blushes.
"Likewise brat." He begins washing his hair. Once finished, he takes the loofah & begins scrubbing her.

He starts with her neck down to her chest as he looks at her. He slowly washes around each boob as he gets down on his knees, scrubbing down her body. She turns & he continues from her feet to her neck. Grabbing the shampoo, he washes her hair.

Both of them feeling the lust growing as neither one speak. He switches places with her as she now stands under the showerhead rinsing off. She takes the conditioner & washes her hair. He helps rinse the conditioner off. As they stare into each other's eyes, she wraps one arm around his neck as her other hand touched his face.

"I don't think I've ever had such an intimate shower like this before." His hands are on her waist as he kisses her nose.
"I love you, Celina Garcia."
"And I love you, James Buchanan Barnes."
They kiss, turn off the water & step out.
They both get dressed & lay in bed.

They cuddle & turn on the TV. Flipping through the channels they leave it on food network. They fall asleep, not long after. Both feeling a bit more at peace.

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