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A few days later

Celina is working from home when she gets a phone call. She answers, not recognizing the number.
"May I speak to Celina Garcia?"
"Speaking, who's this?
"My name's Dr. Raynor. I'm looking for James Barnes. He has missed his appointment today."

"I haven't seen him

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"I haven't seen him. If you don't mind me asking, how did you get this number?"
"He has listed you as an emergency contact. If you see him please call me right away."
"I will if I hear from him."
"Thank you very much."
She hangs up.

She sends him a text. A few minutes later, he replies saying he's in Baltimore. She gets up, packs a bag, hurries to her car & drives to Baltimore.
Bucky's therapist texts her & let's her know he's been arrested.
"What the hell did you do, Bucky?", she asks herself out loud. She arrives at the police station a couple of hours later.
She sees Bucky & Sam walking down the street from the police station. She gets out & rushes over to them.
"Seriously, Buck?!", she yells as she walks towards him. He mouths, "shit."

"Shit is right, Mr. Barnes. What the hell were you thinking?" Sam looks at her.
"You must be Celina. I'm Sam Wilson."
She looks over, smiles & shakes his hand.
"Nice to finally put a face to the name. Nice to meet you, Falcon." She turns back to Bucky.
"What the hell was so important that you skipped your therapy session?"
Bucky explains what they found out about the stolen super soldier serum & the Flag Smashers.

"I thought they stopped trying replicating the serum. I was wrong.(she sighs) What are we going to do about this?"
"Uh, I'm sorry. We?", Sam says.
"Yes. We", Celina reiterates.
"You know what I have to do", Bucky replies.
"No. Absolutely not. No way."
"Cel, he's the only one who could possibly know something." She shakes her head. Sam looks confused. Celina runs a hand through her hair.
"Ugh. Fuck, I hate to admit this but you might be right."
"Do you want to tag along with me?"

"What the hell is going on?", Sam asks.
"Celina is Zemo's ex." Sam gives a face.
"Nope. I don't want to see him."
The three of them travel to Berlin. Once they arrive Bucky heads to the prison & gets clearance to visit with Zemo. Celina & Sam are waiting for Bucky to return from visiting Zemo.
"'re Zemo's ex? That must've been interesting", Sam says.
"It was. But that's ancient history." They make small talk until Bucky arrives.

Bucky explains to them both about what transpired between him & Zemo.
"Celina? Is that you?" Both Sam & Bucky look between Zemo & her.
She turns around slowly to face him.
"Hello, Zemo." He walks up to her but she takes a step back.
"Forgive me. I'm just happy to see you."


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