Twenty Four

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The Next Morning

Bucky wakes up & decides to take a shower. He gets out of bed quietly trying not wake Celina. He closes the bathroom door & turns on the shower. Undresses quickly & steps in. The warm water cascades down his body.

A few minutes later, Celina wakes up & hears the shower on. She gets out of bed & quickly undresses. She walks into the bathroom, quietly. Celina opens the shower door & Bucky turns around.

"Good morning, daddy." She smirks.
"Daddy? Really?" He grabs her hand, yanking her towards him. He kisses her so deeply.

"Good morning, my sexy ass wife

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"Good morning, my sexy ass wife." He slaps her ass.
"How are you feeling?", he asks.
"We're good actually", she says touching her stomach.

He smiles & touches her stomach. He looks up at her with so much love & happiness.
"I can't believe I'm going to be a dad. I love you so much", he says kissing her. She smiles.
"See baby, papí can't wait to meet you." He smirks.

"Ooh. Say that again." She chuckles.
"Say what, exactly?" He steps in closer, biting his lip.
"You know what. Say it again", he whispers.

"Papí", she moans. He lays down in the tub.
"Come here now. I need to taste you", he says. His tongue darts out of his mouth, anticipating her wetness. She stands above him twerking, he moans as he smacks her ass. He grabs her & yanks her down, crashing her onto his face.

She squeals.
"Bucky!" They 69 in the tub. Several minutes later, she gets off & rides him reverse cowgirl. He interlocks his hands behind his head watching her. They moan together.

"Fuck baby

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"Fuck baby. So sexy", he says. She switches between bouncing, riding back & forth. She gets up & turns to face him. She grabs ahold of his dick as she slowly slides down on it.

She moans loudly. He grabs her throat & brings her down to kiss him. They moan into each other's mouths. His hand rests on her throat while the other grips her hip. Soon after, she finds her release. She arches her back, moaning his name. He slams into her as his orgasm intensifies.

They both pull away, smiling. They finish up their shower, step out & dry off.
"Please tell me that married life is always going to be like this", he says. She giggles.
"I don't know. We'll have to wait & see." They enter the bedroom & get dressed.

"So I'm on vacation for another week. What should we do today?", she asks.
"Let's go to Coney Island", he says. She smiles.
"Let's do it. Just us or do you want to invite Steve & Wanda?" He pulls her in.

"No. We can go with them another time. I wanna be with just my wife today." She kisses him.
"Ok, well let's get ready." She begins to feel sick & runs into the bathroom.

When she comes out, he holds her.
"Morning sickness sucks", he says making her laugh.
"I'm ready to go, if you are. We can stop on our way there & pick up some tea", he says. They leave the house & drive to Coney Island. When they arrive, they park & head to play some games.

Bucky eventually wins a stuffed bear & hands it to Celina.
"Baby's first toy", he says smiling.
"Aww, Bucky. This is so cute." She tells him to hold it so she can go use the bathroom. He goes to play more games. When she leaves the bathroom she hears a voice call her name. She turns around & sees Clark.

"Oh my god! Clark!", she smiles hugging him.
"It's good to see you", he replies. They pull away.
"It's good to see you too. What are you doing here?", she asks excitedly. He smiles.
"Trip with my girlfriend. She's meeting me here. It's been forever. How have you been?"
Bucky turns around to search the crowd for Celina. He sees her talking to someone & he walks over.

They're laughing as Bucky approaches

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They're laughing as Bucky approaches. Celina sees him.
"Oh Bucky. This is Clark. We're old friends. Clark, this is Bucky." They shake hands. "Nice to meet you", Clark says smiling.
Bucky eyes him.
"Yeah, you too." Clark's phone rings. He takes it out of his pocket to check it. "Sorry. She just texted. She's getting out of her Lyft so I have to meet her. It was good seeing you." They hug.

"Good to see you too Clark. Tell her I said hi", she replies. They pull apart.
"Will do. Congrats again on your marriage. Hold on, give me your number. We're in town for the next five days, we could all get together & do something." He passes her the phone & she types her number in. He saves it.
"Nice meeting you, Bucky." Bucky nods.
"Nice meeting you, too."

Clark walks away & Bucky turns to her. She looks over at Bucky.
"What is with the face?", she asks.
"How exactly do you know him?", Bucky asks suspiciously.
"When Z was arrested, I was contacted by the Daily Planet. Clark was given the assignment & I flew out to Kansas. That's how we met."

"I see", Bucky says. Celina notices his face.
"Relax, Buck." They spend the next few hours playing games, snacking & they go on the Ferris wheel, where they share a kiss.
"Bucky, I'm starving", she says getting off the Ferris wheel. He laughs & pulls her in close.

"What are you in the mood for?", he asks. They walk over to the food stands. She looks over everything. "Nachos & a funnel cake afterwards." Bucky looks at her, raising an eyebrow.
"Hey, I'm eating for two." He laughs & orders them food.

She finds a table & waits for Bucky. Clark & Lois walk over.
"Mind if we sit here?", Lois asks.
"Oh, hey. Join me", she says happily. Bucky walks over.
"Lois, this is my husband, James. Bucky this is Clark's girlfriend, Lois."

He sits down & shakes her hand.
"Nice to meet you", he says smiling. "Baby's hungry, hmm?", Clark asks. Celina laughs.
"Apparently so." They all eat & talk. When they're done, they hug goodbye & go their separate ways.

Bucky & Celina walk to their car & head home.
"Did you & Clark ever.....?", Bucky asks. She looks over at him.
"What? Fucked?", she asks. They arrive & park. He looks over at her.
"So yes or no?", Bucky asks. Celina unbuckles her seatbelt & turns to look at him.

"We flirted but he's had a thing for Lois & asked her out. He kept in touch with me for the article that they ended up not printing. We lost contact awhile back." Bucky nods.
"Wait...are you jealous?", she asks.

"Why wouldn't I be? Have you seen that man? My wife flirted with Superman." She laughs.
She leans in & kisses him.
"Yes, he's handsome but you're fucking gorgeous, Buck." She hugs him.

"You are my sexy, hot as fuck husband", she says in-between kisses. They get out of the car & walk into the house. They cuddle in bed watching a show before falling asleep.

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