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Celina starts crying.
"I'm so sorry that I ruined tonight. I never wanted either of you to see me like that."

Sam & Steve sit in between her.
"We're really sorry that happened to you. Bucky said it was true. It is isn't?" Sam asks. She cries harder.
"I'm so sorry, Celina. That is horrible. You didn't deserve that", Steve says.

"He's been dead for years & he still haunts my life. All I did was break up with him. I moved away. I remember what he wore, the smell of his aftershave. Sometimes I can still smell it. The worse part is he laughed & said that was my parting gift. All because I didn't want to take him back."


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Steve & Sam look devastated

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Steve & Sam look devastated. She cries. They don't speak for awhile, allowing Celina to cry as they comfort her. Bucky arrives about thirty minutes later.
"Bucky, I'm so sorry." He rushes over & hugs her.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I'm sorry for everything you've gone through. But please, promise me you won't let it consume you." He pulls away. She wipes her tears & nods.

"Celina, that was terrifying to watch. I've never seen that much anger & hate in you. You scared me, doll. You know I don't scare easily. Your eyes were pitch black, you looked like you were ready to kill her."

"I...I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I never wanted to be like this again." They hug tightly.
He holds her as she cries, shaking.
"Doll, please stop crying. It's ok. You're ok. Just calm down."

"I haven't lost control like this since I beat Daniel up. This isn't me anymore, Buck. I'm scared."
"Baby, look at me", he says pulling away. She looks at him, he wipes her tears.

"Don't be scared. You went through something so horrific. The trauma is still there. You are strong, baby. Believe me, you are." She nods, wiping her eyes.

"I want to go bed." Bucky gets up.
"Ok, come on I'll take you." They start to walk away but Celina stops, turns to face Sam & Steve.
"Thank you for being here with me. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. I'm sorry for my behavior tonight. I feel like I ruined things. Goodnight."

Steve & Sam get up to hug her.
"None of this is your fault. She started it. But Bucky's right, you can let it consume you", Sam said. She nods.

"You didn't ruin anything. We're here for you because we care about you. That's what families are supposed to do", Steve replies.

They both say goodnight to Celina & Bucky gets her into bed. He throws the comforter over her & gives her a kiss on her cheek. She falls asleep quickly. Bucky closes her bedroom door & walks back to the living room.

"Well, she's in bed. Thanks guys for everything."
"We're family, Buck. You know that. Do you want us to stay?", Steve asks.
"No. You guys go. I'm gonna stay here", Bucky says.
"You sure?", Sam asks.

Bucky nods. They all hug & Bucky walks them out, locking the door behind them. Bucky turns off the living room lights & heads to the bedroom. He strips down to his boxer briefs & cuddles up to next Celina.

A few hours pass by when Bucky wakes up. Celina's having a night terror. She mumbles.
"No. Stop. No. No", she cries.
Bucky tries to wake her.
"Doll. Doll wake up", he says shaking her. As she opens her eyes, she screams, trying to punch Bucky.

"Whoa. Whoa. Hey, hey, baby it's me", he catches her hand.
"Bucky?", she asks unsure.
"Doll, it's me." She cries, breathing heavily & shaking.
"No. No. Not again." She wipes her eyes.
"What are you talking about? Hey look at me", he says softly.

He hugs her

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He hugs her.
"It happened again. I've been fine for years now & it's starting again. He's in my dreams, Bucky. He's trying to hurt me", she cries, feeling scared.
Bucky tears up.
"No baby. He's dead. He can't hurt you anymore. Ok?"

Bucky lifts her chin up to look at him. He stares deeply into her eyes. A tears falls down his cheek.
"Nothing & no one will ever hurt you again, you got that? Not while I'm here. Ok? He can't hurt you anymore. I love you."
He kisses her & hugs her.

"I love you too, Bucky." They pull apart & lay back down. He holds her tight. She taps him.
"Yeah?", he asks.
"Your metal arm is squeezing me too tight."
"Oh, sorry." He loosens the grip a bit.

They fall asleep soon after. At about 6am, Celina wakes up. She decides to get up & go for a drive. She carefully gets out of bed, grabbing a sweat suit & her car keys. She changes & leaves a note for Bucky on her pillow. She grabs a pair of slippers & leaves the apartment.

She rushes down the stairs & gets to her car. She unlocks the car, gets in & drives off. After driving around for about thirty minutes, she decides to go to a place she's been dreading.

She arrives to her destination. She parks & sits in her car for a moment. After what seems like forever she gets out.

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