Forty One

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The next day at 7am sharp, Bucky is up & gets dressed for his orientation at S.H.I.E.L.D. Celina is downstairs making breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, bacon. The twins are in their high chairs eating. Not long after, Bucky comes downstairs & greets the twins. He gives them a kiss on the head before walking over to Celina. He kisses her cheek & wraps his arms around her waist.
"Morning, Buck."
"Morning, doll." 

He helps her finish up breakfast & makes himself a plate

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He helps her finish up breakfast & makes himself a plate. Celina grabs two cups & pours coffee. She brings it over to the table. They both eat their food & feed the babies.
"Look at those teeth", Bucky asks.
"Right? It's adorable. You excited to go to work, babe?"
"Definitely. Call me if you need me."
"I'm not bugging you at work unless it's an emergency."

Once they've all eaten breakfast, Celina washes the dishes & Bucky gets ready to leave. He kisses the babies goodbye & gives Celina a long kiss.
"Have a good day, Buck."
"Thank you. You too." He looks over at the twins.
"Don't be giving your momma a hard time. Behave you two." The babies smile. Celina walks him to the door, gives him one last kiss & he drives off.

Celina goes back into the kitchen & unstraps the babies

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Celina goes back into the kitchen & unstraps the babies. She places them in a playpen while she cleans off their chairs. The babies play & she rushes upstairs to get a diaper bag ready. She grabs some clothes & rushes back down to get the babies dressed. She takes out the stroller & buckles the babies in. They leave the house to run some errands. Mr. & Mrs. Samson are coming back home from the grocery store. They strike up a conversation with Celina & say hi to the twins.

"Where are you headed, dear?", Mrs. Samson asks.
"I'm going to walk around for a bit & stop off at the bakery on my way home."
"That sounds nice. Where's James?"
"He started work today at S.H.I.E.L.D."
"Oh, well that's great news! Tell him we say congratulations. We'll see you all later", Mr. Samson says.
"I will. Have a good day, you two", Celina replies as they walk away.

Celina runs her errands & comes back to the house a little while later. When they get home, she takes the babies into the backyard to play. A few hours later, Bucky comes home.
"Baby, you here?", he shouts as he walks into the living room.
"In the kitchen, babe." Bucky goes into the kitchen & sees the twins are in their high chairs. Celina walks over to him & kisses him.

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