Forty Two

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July 4th(Steve's birthday)

Celina & Bucky are cleaning up the house & getting everything ready for Steve's birthday dinner. The fireworks are put away. Once they're done, Bucky helps Celina in the kitchen.
"Do we have everything or do I need to make a trip to the store?", Bucky asks.
"I think we have everything. Could you start on the Pico de Gallo?"

For the next hour or so, they prepare everything for their build your own taco party. A knock on the door interrupts them & Bucky goes to answer it. Bucky walks into the kitchen with Bruce.
"Hi, Bruce." Celina washes her hands & comes over to him to hug him.
"Glad you could make it. You look handsome."


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"Oh. Thanks", he replies awkwardly. She chuckles.
"Oh Bruce. You need to learn how to accept a compliment."
"I know I just....never saw myself as handsome."
"Looks aren't everything, Bruce. You're very intelligent. Intelligence is sexy."
"Are you done flirting?", Bucky asks.

"Relax, mí amor. I'm not flirting. I'm just complimenting."
"So who's all coming?", Bruce asks.
"May, Peter, possibly MJ. Strange, Wanda, Steve of course, my friend Clark & his fiancé Lois, Sam, Sarah, her kids. Clint, Laura, their kids. I invited Pepper & her group but I'm not sure if they're coming."

"Wow. Alot of people."
"Do you need a hand in the kitchen?"
"I think I got it all covered but thanks, I appreciate it."
Bucky & Bruce go outback to set up the chairs, tables, place settings. The doorbell rings & Celina answers.

"Clark. Lois. You're here." Celina steps aside to let them in. They hug.
"Thanks for inviting us", Lois says showing off her engagement ring. Celina admires the ring.
"Wow. Clark. You did well."
"Thanks. We brought liquor." He holds up a bottle of tequila.
"Awesome. Thank you." Bruce & Bucky come in. Celina introduces Bruce to Clark & Lois.

"Lois, can you give me a hand in the kitchen?"
"I asked if you needed help", Bruce states.
"I know. But we need girl talk." The girls head into the kitchen to finish up, talking & giggling. The doorbell rings & Celina shouts, "It's open." In walks Steve, Wanda, May & Peter.
"Hey. Happy birthday", Celina says hugging Steve.

"Thank you." Celina introduces everyone to Lois.  Everyone heads out to the backyard. The twins wake up & Celina washes her hands.
"I can help you", Lois says. They head upstairs to the nursery.
"Oh. This room is adorable."
"Thanks. Bucky, Peter & Steve decorated it. Lois, this is Samantha & Steven." She holds Samantha & Lois picks up Steven.

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