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A few months later

"Celina, hurry up", Bucky yells. She rushes to grab her stuff & meets him in the living room.
"Buck, what's the rush? We don't have to be at Steve's for another hour."

"I have a surprise for you. Now come on brat, let's go." They leave the apartment & head to the car.

They get in & drive off.
"So what is the surprise?", Celina asks.
"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise. Just relax", Bucky says. At a red light, Bucky hands her a blindfold & tells her to put it on. She does.
"This better be good", she says.

"I promise it will be", Bucky says excitedly.
Twenty-five minutes later, they arrive. He tells her to wait in the car.  He gets out to open her door. He grabs her hand & helps her out, closing the door. Bucky guides her.
"Ok. Take the blindfold off." She does.

"I'm confused." She looks at the house.
"Because of my pardon, a foundation in NYC contacted me & I found out that this house was on the market. They gifted it to us, because I'm rehabilitated."

"Wow. But what's so special about the house?", she asks curiously. He steps in front of her.
"This rebuilt house was my childhood home."

She smiles.
"Oh my god, Buck. (she pauses looking at the house) Oh my god, we have a house! We have a house!", she says happily, hugging him. She kisses him so passionately.

"I'm so happy Buck! I can't wait to move in", she says

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"I'm so happy Buck! I can't wait to move in", she says.
"Good surprise, right?", he says happily.
"Great surprise", she says hugging him.
"Want to take a look around?", Bucky asks as he pulls out the house keys.

"Oh my god, this is really happening. Yes, let's do it!" He grabs her hand & they walk up to the front door.
"Wanna do the honors?", he asks handing over the keys. She grabs them & unlocks the door.

Bucky closes it & they do a walk through of the house. Afterwards he shows her the backyard.
"Bucky, this place is amazing!"
"I'm glad you love it", he replies. She hugs him tightly, planting a soft kiss on his neck.

"I love you, Bucky."
"I love you too, Brat." They pull apart.
"Let's get going so we can tell everyone during dinner", he says. They lock up the house & drive to Steve's house. They arrive soon after & Wanda greets them at the door.
"I thought that was your car", she says smiling.

They all walk in.
"Oh. I didn't realize everyone was coming", Celina says. Everyone is hanging out. Clint, Laura, their kids. Sam, his two nephews, Sarah. Pepper, Morgan, Happy, Rhodey. Bucky & Celina say hi to everyone. The doorbell rings & Wanda answers it. May & Peter have arrived. Steve comes out of the kitchen saying hi to everyone.

"Do you need any help, Steve?", Celina asks. He smiles at her.
"Thank you but no. Wanda & myself have this covered." Morgan runs up to Celina, tugging her hand.
"Celina, Celina, come play with me", she says excited.

Everyone mingles while Morgan, Lila, Pepper & Celina play candy land. The men are watching football. A couple of hours later, Celina helps Wanda & Steve bring out the food. Everyone sits down & begins to eat.
Bucky clears his throat.

"So, I uh, we have a big announcement", Bucky says

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"So, I uh, we have a big announcement", Bucky says. Everyone grows quiet.
"Since I was pardoned, this particular foundation in NYC contacted me. We started talking for a few weeks now. Since I did complete therapy & rehabilitation, they gifted us a house. Crazy thing is, it's my childhood home. We move in ASAP."

"Guys, that's amazing! Congrats", Steve says. Everyone claps & congratulates them. They both have big smiles on their faces.
"When we finally get settled, we should have all of you over to celebrate with us", Celina says.

"That sounds like a great idea", May says smiling. Everyone conversates while eating. Once they're done, Wanda & Steve do the dishes. Everyone's hanging out in the living room watching football. Celina goes upstairs to use the bathroom, Bucky follows her. As she is about to close the door, Bucky stops it with his foot.

"What do you think you're doing?", she asks.
"This", he says pushing the door open then closes it. He pins her against the door, kissing her. His hands roam her body.

"Buck, we're not having a quickie in the bathroom."
"Can you blame me for trying? You're so sexy", he says.

She giggles.
"Down boy. I have to pee", she says. He lets her go pee as he washes his hands. He chuckles to himself. After she's done, she washes her hands & they leave the bathroom together. Clint sees them & smiles.

"What were you two doing?"
"Nothing. I had to pee."
"I wanted a quickie but she turned me down", Bucky states. Celina smacks his arm.
"Shut up." Clint laughs.
"I tried that with my wife earlier. She turned me down flat."

"These women, man. They always say no", Bucky says.
"Right?", Clint replies. She laughs.
"I'll leave you men alone. Enjoy." Bucky smacks her ass as she walks away.
She walks back to Bucky, she smirks.
"You plan on doing that later too or what?", she winks.

She walks away before he replies.
"And she wonders why I want her so much", he says biting his lip. Clint laughs.
"I gotta admit, she's your perfect match." They talk a bit more until Steve brings out desserts. Pumpkin pie, cherry pie & Celina made flan.

"Celina, your flan is so good", May says. Celina smiles.
"Thanks." Everyone hangs out a bit longer before they all start leaving. Bucky & Celina leave not long after.
"So Christmas at your house right?", Steve asks.
"Yeah, we could definitely do that", Bucky says.

"Oh. I was kidding", Steve states.
"We weren't", Celina smiles. Wanda, Steve says goodnight to Bucky & Celina. They drive home & cuddle on the couch.

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