Twenty One

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Bucky's birthday

Celina is up early, making breakfast in bed for Bucky. Afterwards, she brings up the tray of food for him. She comes over to the side of the bed & whispers.
"Bucky, wake up." He slowly starts to wake up. He stretches & opens his eyes.

"Hey beautiful", he says smiling.
"Hi. Happy birthday."
"Thank you." She tells him to sit up. He sits up & she puts the tray in his lap.
"Doll, this looks great. You're the best. Thank you." She smiles.
"You're welcome. So what do you wanna do today?"

He swallows & looks at her.
"You", he says taking another bite. She laughs.
"How about we go to the bar & play some pool later? Loser buys a round of drinks. You game?" He nods.
"Be prepared to lose, brat." She laughs.
"No way, old man Barnes. You're going down."

He eyes her

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He eyes her.
"I definitely will", he winks. She cocks an eyebrow. She turns on the TV & flips through the movie channels. He's in mid chew when he snaps his fingers. He gestures her to back up.

"You want to watch the Wizard of Oz?", she asks. He nods.
"I love this movie", she replies.
"Me too", Bucky says.

"You hungry? I'll share", he says. She shakes her head.
"No, I'm good. Thanks." They watch the movie as he finishes. She sings along to the movie. Once he finishes, he puts the tray down & cuddles with her. She wraps her arm around his stomach, sliding her hand up & down his abs. He lifts up her chin & kisses her softly.

She slides her hand inside his boxer briefs. Stroking him slowly. He moans softly. She giggles to herself. She pulls his underwear down exposing his dripping hard on. She begins sucking him off.

He moans loudly

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He moans loudly. She hums as she stops sucking.
"Oh yeah, just like that...fuck", he says quietly. Her humming sends a different sensation over his dick. He climaxes soon after, as she continues to hum. She swallows his load as he finishes. She sits up, he stares at her while she devilishly grins, licking all around her mouth.
"Damn. That was fucking hot", he says.

She bites her lip smiling. He pulls up his underwear while she cuddles up to him. They make eye contact. She decides to tease him.
"You taste so good", she says seductively. He bites his lip, watching the movie.
"Nasty brat", he growls. She chuckles.
"I know."

They unintentionally fall back to sleep. Hours later, they wake up & decide to get dressed to go to the bar. Celina sends Sam a text to meet them at the bar since he's in town. Bucky & Celina leave the house & walk to the bar. The bar is a few blocks away. Sam meets them soon after they arrive. They have a drink at the bar & order some appetizers to share.

Their food comes a little while later. They eat, catch up & talk about the wedding plans. Once they've finished, Sam & Celina play pool while Bucky watches. Sam wins. Bucky takes her place in the next round. She goes to buy a round of drinks at the bar when a random man approaches her. He tries talking to her but she dismisses him quickly. She goes back to the guys, handing them their drinks.

Celina observes as the men play. Bucky wins the round & Sam goes to the bathroom. Celina goes to the juke box, flipping through songs. The same random man comes up to her. She dismisses him again. She plays "Con Calma" by Daddy Yankee & walks away. Sam comes out & sees the man smack Celina's ass. Before she can react, Bucky rushes over & slams him against the bar.


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"Shit. Bucky! Let go! He's not worth it!", Celina says.
"Don't ever put your hands on my woman again! Do you hear me?! Apologize to her. NOW!" Sam & Celina grab onto Bucky.
"I said apologize!", he snaps. The man gets scared.
"I'm sorry", he says.
"Louder!", Bucky shouts.

"Enough. Stop", Celina says pulling him off. The man holds onto the bar as Bucky is pulled back.
"I, I'm sorry." Celina nods.
The bartender tells the man to leave. The bartender gives Celina a free shot.
"I don't like men grabbing women in my bar", she says.
"Thank you very much." She downs the shot.

Bucky & Sam apologize to the bartender.
"It's no problem. Don't make it a habit, alright?", she says sternly. Sam, Bucky & Celina play darts for a bit before they decide to leave. Sam goes back to his hotel. Celina & Bucky make it home. She unlocks the door & they head in.

"Ugh that guy was an asshole", she says.
"I agree. Did he hurt you at all?" She shakes her head.
"No, he just pissed me off", she chuckles.
He takes off his jacket & she eyes him.
"What?" She licks her lips.
"It was hot watching you in action like that. Reminded me of that bar in Madripoor."

He walks up to her slowly.
"Oh, you liked that, huh?" She nods, biting her lip.
"Yeah. It was so hot especially with that death stare you do", she says. He walks over & pours himself a drink.

"Then undo those pants & bend the fuck over", he says

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"Then undo those pants & bend the fuck over", he says. She raises an eyebrow. He sips his drink.
"Did I fucking stutter?", he asks aggressively.

She smirks. Turning around her takes off her pants, panties & bends over the armrest of the couch. He downs his drink before walking up to her. He unzips his pants & crouches down to eat her pussy. She moans. Soon after he gets up & inserts himself.

He thrusts hard into her, making her fall forward as he doesn't stop. He spanks her ass so hard the sound echos. Her moans grow louder as she grips a pillow.

"Does that feel good, doll?", he asks. She moans. He grabs her hair & yanks her back, thrusting faster.
"I asked you a question. Does that feel good?", he asks again harshly.

"Yes", she stutters. He shoves her into the couch as he slams harder. The sounds of their thighs slapping together & their moans fill the room. She cums quickly as he fills her with his load. Once he's done, he pulls away. Her thighs shake as she stands up.

She puts her panties back on & they head upstairs to bed. She uses the bathroom to clean herself off. She jumps into bed & he cuddles up to her. They kiss each other goodnight.

"This was hands down the best birthday I've had in a long time", he says. She smiles, playing with his hair.
"I'm glad I could make it memorable." Not long after, they fall asleep.

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