Thirty Five

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Two weeks later
Christmas Morning

The twins have woken up, their cries are heard over the baby monitors. Celina gets up & walks over to the nursery. She opens the door & walks in. She grabs Steven & feeds him while Bucky rushes to make Samantha a bottle. He rushes back up & feeds her.

"Steven is pretty hungry this morning", Celina says.
"Takes after his mother's appetite", Buck jokes. They chuckle.

"Bucky, there's something I need to tell you." They take the babies into their bedroom.

"What's wrong, doll?"
"I had a nightmare after their delivery."
"Ok, what was the nightmare about?" She begins to tear up.
"Zemo found us in the hospital & knocked you out with a sedative. Saying that it should've been me & him that had the twins. Bucky, I was so freaked out." He kisses her.

"I love you, Celina

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"I love you, Celina. It was just a nightmare. Don't think about it too much."
"But what if it's an omen or something?"
"It's not. That jackass is in prison. For the rest of his life. He can't hurt us. Even if he could, he would have to go through me first. I will always protect my family." She nods.

"I love you, Buck."
"You haven't had any other nightmares, have you?", he asks.
"No. That was the only one." He kisses her forehead. She grabs the remote & turns on the tv. She flips through the channels & sees one of her favorites.
"Sweet. I haven't seen this in years. You're watching this with me."
"What is it?"
"The Rocky Horror Picture Show."

The movie starts & the babies fall back to sleep. Celina pumps more breast milk.
"What is this about?" She pauses it & gives him a rundown of the movie.
"Doesn't sound interesting."
"I think you'll love it." She plays the movie & they cuddle up with the sleeping twins. Celina sings along to most of the movie & dances slightly. She makes sure not to wake the babies, who are cooing in their sleep.

Bucky smiles as he stares at his babies sleeping & his wife jamming along. A couple of hours later, the credits roll & Celina asks Bucky, "So what did you think?"
"I can't believe you made me watch that. That was the weirdest interesting movie I've ever seen", he laughs.
"So good or bad?"
"Pretty good." Bucky & Celina kiss. They pull apart, resting forehead to forehead.

"4 more painfully long weeks to go", he says. She flicks her tongue at his top lip.
"Don't tease me when I can't do anything about it, brat." They pull apart.
"You can use your tongue for other things though."
"No dirty talk in front of the twins, Mr Barnes." She chuckles.

The babies start to wake up.
"Merry Christmas my babies", Celina whispers.
"It's your first Christmas. Yay", Bucky says grabbing their small little hands. Bucky kisses their hands as the twins start to whine a bit. Bucky picks up Steven.
"Sshh, sshh, sshh, sshh", he whispers gently rocking him. There's a knock on the door.
"Were we expecting anyone?", Bucky asks.

Bucky goes downstairs & opens the door.
"Surprise", Sam says.

"What the hell? Why are you here so early?""Figured you'd both be up

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"What the hell? Why are you here so early?"
"Figured you'd both be up. I guess I was right. Can I come in?"
"Nuh-uh. Nope."
"Come on, Buck. It's cold. Don't make me call Celina."
"Go ahead & call her. What's she gonna do?" Sam takes out his phone & scrolls through his contacts.

"Nope. Give me the phone, Sam", Bucky says trying to snatch it out of his hand. Sam puts the phone to his ear & Celina hears commotion on the other end.
"Celina, come get your man." Celina stands at the top of the stairs & whistles loudly. They stop & stare.
"James Buchanan Barnes, let him go." Sam laughs as Bucky lets him go.

"Haha you got in trouble", Sam says walking in.
"I don't know you're laughing, Sam. Now the twins are crying, thank you for that." Celina turns to go back to the room when Bucky shoves him.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
"Cuz I knew you wouldn't want to see him."
"Yeah, you were right."

"Aww, don't be such a sour puss. It's not my fault she yelled at you."
"My wife doesn't yell at me."
"You sure? Sounded like yelling to me", Sam jokes.
"She's latina. She's just....passionate when she speaks."
"Uh-huh sure." Bucky takes Sam upstairs to their bedroom.

"Knock, knock", Sam says.
"Come. Sit on the bed", Celina says. She picks up Samantha as Sam sits down.
"Samantha, meet your Uncle Sam." Sam holds out his arms & holds her.
"Hello baby Samantha", Sam says holding her hand. She coos in his arms. He gives her a kiss on the nose. Celina takes a photo of them. Sam passes Samantha to Bucky & Celina hands Steven over to Sam.
"Hey there buddy boy."

Sam rocks Steven in his arms.
"All jokes aside, the twins are adorable. You two make beautiful babies."
"Aww. Thank you."
"Oh, so you're being nice now?", Bucky says.
"Only to your wife. She doesn't try to physically attack like you do."
"Don't start", Bucky says.

They stare at each other

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They stare at each other.
"Oh my Lord, you guys are ridiculous", Celina says. The guys laugh. Sam & Bucky take the babies downstairs & begin making breakfast. Celina gets up to take a shower & tend to her stitches. A bit later, Celina's done in the shower & comes down the stairs. Someone rings the doorbell & she opens the door.
"Merry Christmas", Steve & Wanda say.
"Merry Christmas. Come in."

Celina closes the door behind them.
"We brought bagels & cream cheese", Wanda says.
"Sounds amazing."
"Hey guys", Sam says.
"What are you doing here?", Steve asks.
"Came to visit my niece & nephew."

"You all hungry?", Bucky asks. Everyone agrees. Soon after, they all sit & eat breakfast in the dining room. They all catch up on one another. Bucky & Sam talk about their mission they did. After breakfast is finished, they all open presents. Sam, Steve & Wanda spoiled the babies. New outfits, toys, blankets. Steve bought them a swing set.

"Steve, they're only 2 weeks old but thank you. They're going to love it", Celina says. They spend the whole day hanging out, talking, watching Christmas themed movies & playing with the babies.

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