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A few days later
Grocery store

Celina & Bucky are shopping.
"Hey, can you grab me some Apple Jack's?", Celina asks.
"Yeah", Bucky smiles. Celina is grabbing veggies when a woman approaches her.

"Hi. Um, excuse me?" Celina turns to her.
"Yeah?" Celina notices her.
"You look like a girl I used to know. Are you Celina Garcia?"
"Yeah. I am. Wait, May? May Parker?"

She nods smiling. Celina pulls her in for a hug.
"Oh my God, I haven't seen you in forever." They pull away.
"Man, you still look so gorgeous", Celina says. May blushes.

"Aww. Thanks. You too." Peter walks over.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Celina, meet my nephew, Peter. Peter, this is Celina." They shake hands & Bucky walks up.


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"Peter." He smiles, "Hey Bucky."

"Hey. So what's going on?", Bucky asks.
"May & I ran into each other. We knew one another years ago."
"Nice to see you again, Bucky."
"Yeah, you too."

They start chatting for a few minutes. May & Celina exchange numbers. Bucky & Celina say bye before heading to the self check-out. Bucky scans the items, Celina bags them, they pay & leave. They take the groceries to the car & get in. They buckle up & Bucky asks, "How do you know May?"

"She dated one of Daniel's friends years & years ago. So we hung around each other alot. So yeah." Bucky smiles.
"I love you. You know that right?" She looks over at him, smiling.
"Yeah. I love you too." She leans over & kisses him.

They arrive at home & take the groceries up. Once they unload, they relax on the couch.
"So what time are Steve & Wanda coming over?"
"6 o'clock. Should we watch a movie or something?", Bucky asks.
"Yeah but hold on, it's hot." She gets up & takes off her shirt & shorts.

"Are you serious right now? You're killing me, Cel." He laughs. She rushes to the bedroom & puts on a silky nightgown. She comes out & cuddles with Bucky. He kisses the top of her head. She kisses his chest.
"I love you, Buck."
"I love you, brat."

A couple of hours go by, they finished the movie & begin making dinner. She puts on music. Not long after, Steve & Wanda show up.
"Smells like we're in the right place", Wanda says. Celina giggles, hugging them both.

"Hope you guys brought your appetite", Bucky says. Celina quietly says, "He helped too." They smile.
"Do you need any help?", Steve asks.
"No. But thank you. Make yourselves at home." She smiles.

"So what did you guys make?", Wanda asks.
"Enchiladas, some cilantro lime rice & a salad. I didn't want to make it too heavy." Steve sits on the couch.
"Sounds delicious." Bucky sets the dining room table & Celina brings over the food. "Dinners ready, everyone", Celina says. They all sit down & dig in.


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"Wow. Celina this is so good. Probably the best enchiladas I've ever had", Steve says.

"Thank you. It's my adopted grandma's recipe. I'm actually surprised I remembered how to make it. I used to make this for Zemo alot." The room goes quiet.

"I really wish I didn't say that out loud. Sorry." Bucky laughs.
"It's ok, doll. You guys were together for a while."
"Yeah but still. Anyway, new topic."
"So does that mean you speak Sokovian?", Wanda asks.
"Yes. Along with a bit of Russian, Wakandan as well as Spanish."

"So if you don't mind me asking, did you know Zemo was married?", Steve asks.
"Steve", Bucky scolds. She touches his arm.

"It's fine. To answer your question, not at first. I was so stupidly in love with him that I believed he would leave her." Everyone nods.
"Celina said you helped make dinner, Bucky", Wanda states.
"Yup, I did", he says proudly. Steve chuckles.

"What's so funny, Steve?", Bucky asks.
"I never thought I'd see the day that you're cooking."
Bucky laughs.
"Celina, you have done a number on Buck. I like it", Steve says. They're all enjoying dinner & each other's company. Later, everyone is stuffed.
"Oh my god, that has to be the best dinner I've had recently", Wanda says.

"Aww, thanks Wanda. I appreciate that."
"Do you need help with the dishes", she asks.
"No, Bucky & I got it but thank you", she replies. Steve & Wanda hang out in the living room.
"How long have you lived here, Celina?", Steve asks.
"Uh, 8 years now."

After they finished the dishes, Bucky & Celina join Steve & Wanda.
"So you guys are living together. How's that going?", Wanda asks.
Bucky smiles.
"Actually really well." He wraps his arm around her.
"That's so great. You both look happy", Steve says.

"We are." Wanda gets comfortable.
"How serious is this getting? Like do you see yourselves getting married or having kids?"

"Um, I don't know. I am unable to have kids", Celina states. Wanda feels bad.
"I'm sorry that I mentioned it."

Celina interrupts, "Don't be, you didn't know. Zemo tried to find someone who could recreate the super solider serum, he eventually found someone & I was the lab rat. He knew how well I can fight but it failed. I age a bit slower than the average person & it left me infertile, unfortunately."

"Oh wow. I'm sorry Celina", Steve says.
"Thank you." They all make small talk until Wanda & Steve leave. Bucky & Celina are talking on the couch.

"Where do you think this relationship is going?", Bucky asks.
"I don't know but it has been great so far. I mean, it's been 4 months now & we're already living together. If it gets even more serious & we talk about it, I would love to explore our future together."

"Would you want to still live here or buy a house? Would you want to get married?", Bucky asks.
"I would love to have a house. I've always been open to being married. What about you?"
"It was never something I thought about but being with you changed that. I'm open to being married."

They speak more about their future before they head to bed.

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