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A couple months later

Celina is getting ready in her room when Bucky opens the front door.
"Doll, you ready?" She shouts from her bedroom.
"Yeah. Let me grab my purse." She grabs her purse & keys then heads to the door.

She's dressed in a one piece black top/ colorful shorts romper with wedge heels.
"Damn, you look good", Bucky says.
"So do you." They kiss quickly.

"Let's go", he says. They rush downstairs & get into Celina's car. Bucky drives them & they arrive at the restaurant about ten minutes later.

Clint, Laura, Sam & Sarah are outside waiting & talking. They park & walk towards the group. Everyone sees them approaching. Bucky introduces Celina to everyone. Sam greets her with a hug.

Clint opens the door & everyone piles in, they sit at their reserved table. The waiter comes by to get drink orders. Everybody orders & they look over the menu. Clint eyes her suspiciously. The waiter comes back & they place their order for appetizers. Everyone is talking & getting to know each other. Bucky holds her hand.


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"Ok. I'm just gonna say it. Celina, you're Zemo's ex, right?", Clint asks. Everyone turns to Clint.

"Seriously, man?", Bucky asks. Celina looks at Bucky.
"Honey, it's fine", she says. She looks back over to Clint.
"Yes, I am. I will never deny it."
"So you knew all about his plan, right?" Sam rolls his eyes.

"No. He never told me what he was doing until after it was all over the news."
"But you didn't leave him? Makes me think that you were ok with it."

"I loved him. The good, the bad, all of it. I despise everything he's done to y'all & so many others. But please don't judge me on something he did that I had nothing to do with. I don't see people condemning Laura for your actions as Ronin." She mouths "sorry" to Laura. Laura gestures that it's fine.

"That's not even the same thing."
She looks him dead in the eye.

"Isn't it though? Both of you went through a tragedy that deeply affected you where you did things you wouldn't normally do. You were an Avenger. Zemo was in the military. The only difference is your family came back, his didn't. Underneath all that hurt, sadness & tragedy was an intelligent man who I fell in love with. He wasn't always evil."

Clint doesn't say anything so Celina continues.

"I make no assumptions of who you are, Clint. I loved Z so much & yes, I overlooked things for years. Like every naive woman, I assumed my love would be enough to change his ways. I tried getting pregnant, praying that if we had a family maybe this shit would stop. He was the only family I had. (a tear falls down her cheek) I've done many things I'm not proud of & blinded myself to his actions because I didn't want to face the fact that he changed. I couldn't. Who wants to admit the man they love isn't the person they fell for?"

The appetizers finally arrive. Celina feels more tears about to fall so she excuses herself. She goes to the bathroom & begins crying. She wipes her tears, fixes her makeup then leaves the bathroom. She comes back to the table.

Clint & Celina stare each other down. Nobody says anything as they're eating.
"I was adopted." Everyone looks over at her.

"I was the only child & my parents were killed by a drunk driver when I was sixteen. None of my adopted family liked me or saw me as part of the family. I've had several bad relationships. One of my relationships before Z...was abusive, he beat me & sexually assaulted me after I broke up with him."

Bucky has a shocked look on his face.
The waiter comes back & they order their entrees. Celina begins speaking again once the waiter leaves.

"I met Z while I was visiting a friend's family in Sokovia. He wasn't my type but I was so drawn to him. I slept with him the night I met him. I loved how intelligent he was. He treated me better than any of the other guys I dated. He was different. God, he treated me like a fucking princess. We didn't see each other alot but when we did it was....intense. I fell hard & quick. When his family died I saw the shift in him. He was angry alot & we would argue. We barely ever argued before. Z was my first real love & I regret turning a blind eye. But I thought maybe at some point, he would change. I am so tired of everyone only seeing me as his ex girlfriend. We haven't been in a relationship for years now & still that's all I am. There is more to me than that relationship. I'm sorry that you can't look past it."

She gets up, goes to the bar & downs three shots. Clint walks up behind her.
"Come here often?" She turns to look at him & chuckles.

"Yes, Mr. Barton?"
"I'm sorry for being an asshole. You didn't deserve it."

"You're right I didn't. But I accept your apology. I care about Bucky, he's a good guy. I promise I won't do anything to hurt him." He nods, looking down.

"I didn't expect you to reveal all that."
She sighs.
"I know. Some of that Buck didn't even know. I just wanted you to see me for me, you know."

"Yeah. I'm sorry." He holds out his arms.

She smiles & hugs him

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She smiles & hugs him.
"You smell good", she says. He laughs as they pull apart. They head back to the table, enjoying their main course.

"Everything ok?", Bucky asks looking at Clint. She lightly squeezes his thigh.
"Yeah, everything's fine. Let's eat."

They talk & laugh. Clearing up all the tension away. Afterwards, everyone chips in to pay & they leave the restaurant.

"Anyone down to go clubbing?", Sarah asks.
"Girl, hell yeah!", Celina says happily. "Whatta you say, Laura? No kids, let's have fun, let loose a bit." She chuckles.
"I'm in."

"There's a club a block away", Bucky says. Everyone heads to the club.

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