Twenty Seven

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Several weeks later

Bucky & Celina have a quick morning sex session before their doctors appointment. Afterwards they get dressed & drive to the doctors office. When they arrive, they check in & wait to be called.

Bucky grabs her hand & kisses it. A few minutes later, Celina is called. Normal routine: weight, blood pressure, etc. Bucky & Celina are placed in a exam room, waiting on the doctor. Bucky can't contain his excitement. Today is the day they find out the gender of the babies.

Not long after, Dr. Grisham walks in.

"Good morning you two

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"Good morning you two. How are you feeling? You guys excited?", she asks smiling.
"We're good, Doc. So excited to find out", Celina says. Bucky smiles.
"Well, let's get to it, shall we?", she asks.
She grabs the ultrasound cart & rolls it over. Celina lifts up her shirt & Dr. Grisham applies the gel & grabs the wand.

She examines the babies but stays quiet. Bucky & Celina grow impatient.
"Well what's the verdict, Doctor?", Bucky asks. She smiles.
"Well, you two will be proud parents of a boy & a girl." Bucky & Celina exchange a look.
"Oh my god", Celina says as Bucky's face lights up.
"A boy & a girl", Bucky says. He kisses her head.

"Congratulations to you both. They babies are healthy." Dr. Grisham cleans off Celina's belly & pushes the machine back where it was.
"Alright, Celina & James. We need to discuss what your preferred birthing plan is." Celina & Bucky look at each other.

"I know we're halfway through the pregnancy so you don't need to decide this moment but it is something to think about. Whatever makes you comfortable." She hands them some information on the birthing plans.

She stands up & grabs the iPad.
"Now, if there aren't any questions, you both are free to go. If you guys have any questions later, feel free to email me. I check my email very frequently so don't hesitate to ask. Ok?", Dr. Grisham states. They smiles.
"Will do. Thank you Dr. Grisham." She nods, smiles & leaves the room. Bucky & Celina leave the exam room.

They schedule their next doctors appointment & head back to the car. Bucky & Celina get in. They drive to the store to buy groceries. At the store, they mass text everyone the genders of the babies. Once they leave the grocery store, they head home. Celina & Bucky discuss baby names.

They arrive home & Bucky grabs the bags while Celina unlocks the door & makes small talk with one of their neighbors. An elderly couple, Mr. & Mrs. Samson stand on their porch when Celina tells them the genders. They congratulate them & they leave for their walk.

Bucky is putting away the groceries when Celina calls him into the living room. He rushes over.
"What's wrong? You ok?", he asks.
"Feel this", she says grabbing his hand placing it on her belly.
"My babies kicked. Wow", Bucky says happily. They giggle as they feel the babies kick for the first time. Bucky crouches down & speaks to the babies.

"Hi babies

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"Hi babies. It's daddy.(they kick harder) I can't wait to meet you both & hold you in my arms. I already love you so much", he says trying to hold back his happy tears.
"Mami & Papi can't wait to meet you munchkins. I can't wait to kiss your little toes & cheeks." Bucky & Celina wipe away their happy tear.

"I love you, Bucky", she says. He kisses her softly.
"I love you too, doll." Hours later, Bucky prepares dinner. Celina fell asleep on the couch & wakes up smelling the delicious food being cooked. She struggles a bit to get up & walks over to the kitchen.

"Mmm, smells good in here", she says wrapping her arms around Bucky's waist. He kisses her cheek.
"Thanks. I'm making us some pork chops, cheesy potatoes & a salad."
"Aww. Bucky this is so great."
"Dinner should be ready in like fifteen minutes."

Celina sets up the table while Bucky finishes up. She brings over the salad bowl to the table. Dinner is finally done & Bucky sets the serving platter down. Bucky serves her & she thanks him. She takes the first bite.
"Mmm, Buck this is so delicious", she says. He smiles.
"I'm glad you like it."

They eat & chit chat. The babies are kicking more. She laughs.
"The babies seem to enjoy it too. They're real active right now." Bucky puts down his fork & touches her belly.
He smiles. They continue eating & once they're done, Celina cleans up. She washes the dishes as Bucky cleans off the table, stove & island.

They relax on the couch once they're done. A few hours later, they head to bed & fall asleep not long after. Celina wakes up & checks the time. It's only 1:30am. She tries to go back to sleep but her stomach begins to rumble. She struggles a bit to get up but she's does very quietly. She leaves the bedroom, hearing Bucky snore.

She walks downstairs to the kitchen & rummages through everything. She's craving funnel cake & finds the mix in the pantry. She grabs it & starts preparing to heat up the oil. A little while later, she has her mix ready to go & the oil is almost done heating up.

Soon, she pours the mix in, hearing the mix sizzle against the oil. Bucky turns over & begins to smell something coming from the kitchen.
"Doll?", he calls out softly. He gets out of bed & goes downstairs. He sees her in the kitchen, flipping over the funnel cake.

Once it's done, she plates it & throws on chocolate syrup, powdered sugar & strawberries

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Once it's done, she plates it & throws on chocolate syrup, powdered sugar & strawberries. She looks up.
"Crap. I woke you up didn't I?", she asks. He partially smiles.
"No, the smell did. Why are you up at 2am?", he asks.
"Woke up at 1:30 & tried to go back to sleep but I was craving funnel cake. So I came down & made some. Want me to make you one?", she asks. He smiles.
"No. I'm good, brat."

He keeps her company in the kitchen while she eats. They discuss baby shower ideas, nursery room ideas, etc. Once she's finished, she cleans her plate & they head up to bed. Bucky snuggles up to her & they fall asleep soon after.

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