Thirty Two

342 10 0

December 13th

Celina wakes up & checks the time on her phone. She sits up & slowly gets out of bed. She walks into the bathroom & tries to walk over to the toilet. She feels a rush of water splash down to the floor.
"Shit", she whispers to herself. A sharp pain hits her stomach. She grips the sink as she tries to breathe.

"Bucky. Bucky!", she calls out. Bucky rushes into the bathroom.
"What's wrong?" She looks up.
"I think my water just broke. The contractions started", she says. Bucky panics, unsure what to do.
"Um, ok. Don't panic. We got this." She grabs the towel & tries to clean herself off.

"Bucky, I need you to call Dr. Grisham & tell her what happened. We need to get to the hospital."
"Right", Bucky says. He rushes to his phone & dials Dr. Grisham's number. He goes into the closet & grabs the hospital bag.

"Dr. Grisham. Hi, it's James Barnes. We think Celina's water just broke. (pause) Ok yeah, she's getting ready. Ok, we'll see you there." He hangs up the phone.
"Baby, she's gonna meet us there. Ok. What do you need?"
"I need a pair of panties, pants & my shoes."

He grabs any pair & she rushes to get dressed & helps her down the stairs. A contraction hits, she yells out in pain.
"Bucky, I can't do this. It hurts."
"Baby, look at me. You got this, ok? We got this. We need to get you to the hospital." She nods & he helps her outside to the car. He drives her to the hospital & make it there in fifteen minutes.

Bucky parks & they walk into the ER.
"Hi, I'm James Barnes. My wife, Celina is in labor. We called Dr. Grisham."
Dr. Grisham appears.

 Grisham appears

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"Celina. James. Let's get you to a room." They put Celina in a wheelchair & take her up to the maternity ward on the 10th floor.

" They put Celina in a wheelchair & take her up to the maternity ward on the 10th floor

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They arrive in the room & get Celina situated. They hooked her up to a heart rate monitor for her & the babies & blood pressure cuff.
"How far apart are the contractions, Celina?"
"About ten minutes apart, I think", Celina replies. They check how much she's dilated. She's only at three centimeters.

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