Twenty Eight

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A couple days later

Celina & Bucky have Wanda, Steve & May over for dinner. Peter will be meeting them later. Bucky & Celina cook dinner for everyone. Everyone else sets the table.
"Hey, I'll bring the food out. Go sit down. I don't want you on your feet too long", Bucky says.
"Baby, I'm fine but I'll join them if that makes you happy." She kisses him & enters the dinning room.

"Oh my god, Celina. Look at your belly", May says. She comes over & touches her belly.
"Oh. I'm sorry", she says removing her hands. Celina chuckles.
"No, no it's fine." Everyone takes turns touching the belly & feeling the babies kick.

Bucky brings out the food & everyone takes their seats.
"Guys, this looks delicious", Wanda says. There's a knock on the door.
"I'll get it", Bucky says. He walks to the door & opens it. He walks back in with Peter.

"Hey everyone

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"Hey everyone. Sorry I'm late", Peter says. He makes himself a plate & sits down.
"Hey, Celina. Would it be ok if I invited MJ to the baby shower?", he asks.

Celina finishes her bite.
"Of course. I would love to finally meet her", she smiles. Everybody talks & laughs while eating dinner. Once they've finished, Bucky does the dishes while everyone plans the baby shower. Everything is coming together. May & Wanda will be hosting it at the Barnes house.

"My neighbors daughter works for a bakery & she's giving us a discount on desserts", Celina says.
"That's awesome. Could you text me her information so we can contact her?", Wanda asks. Celina pulls out her phone & sends Wanda the information. Bucky finally joins them in the living room as they continue discussing the baby shower.

Soon after, Bucky brings out a 7up pound cake for everyone. Everyone grabs a piece & chill, watching a basketball game. About an hour or so later, everyone gets ready to leave. They all say their goodbyes & they all head out. Bucky closes the door.

"Ready to head up? I'll run you a bath & we could watch a show or something?", Bucky says

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"Ready to head up? I'll run you a bath & we could watch a show or something?", Bucky says. Celina smiles.
"Yeah, sounds great. But a shower would be better. I won't be able to get up if I lay down in the tub." Bucky chuckles.
"Alright then it's settled. Shower it is."

They walk upstairs to their bathroom. Bucky opens the shower door & turns on the water. Celina undresses & steps in. Bucky follows right after. Bucky washes her hair & uses the loofah all over her body.

"Buck, I can do it myself, you know."
"That's not true. I saw you struggle the other day. Just let me do it. Stop being so stubborn, brat", he says. She sticks her tongue out at him. He chuckles, shaking his head. He kisses her & showers quickly so he can get out first. Once they're both done, Bucky steps out the shower & helps Celina to get out.

The babies are kicking. She chuckles.
"These babies are going to be soccer players. I swear they love kicking around so much", she states. Bucky laughs as he gets dressed in a tank top & boxers. Celina throws on a nightgown. They leave the bathroom & crawl into bed. Celina lays back but the babies are active.

Bucky turns on the TV & places his hands on her belly, talking to them

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Bucky turns on the TV & places his hands on her belly, talking to them.
"Hi babies. It's daddy. I know you're excited but momma wants you to calm down a bit, ok? Can you do that for daddy?", he asks. He kisses her belly & they're not moving around as much.
"Aww. Bucky, I think it worked." He smiles & baby talks her belly.

"That's because our babies love their daddy's voice. Yes I know", he says in a baby voice. He sits up & she looks at him.
"What?" She smiles, touching his hand.
"You're gonna be a great dad, James Buchanan Barnes." He smiles & leans in to kiss her. They pull apart.
"Careful. That's how we ended up conceiving these twins", she laughs.

"Actually, if I remember correctly we conceived the twins with you bent over the armrest & me hitting it from behind", he says sarcastically. They laugh as she playfully smacks his chest.

"Jerk." He smirks at her.
"Oh jerk, huh?" He begins tickling her.
"Ok ok. I take it back", she laughs. He stops & they stare into each other's eyes, not saying anything.
"I love you, brat."
"And I love you." They get cuddle in bed as Bucky takes over the remote.

"Anything in particular you want to watch?", he asks.
"Nah. Whatever you put on is fine", she replies. He nods, flipping through the channels.
"You ok with The Terminator?", he asks.
"Hell yeah. Good movie. Ever seen it?"
"Bruce & Tony made us watch it for movie night one time. I thought it was decent."

Celina turns to her other side, her back touches Bucky.
"Everything ok, baby?", he asks. She nods, pushing her ass into him twice.
Catching the hint, he turns to his side & she pulls her panties off while he takes off his boxers. He positions himself as easily slides into her. She moans loudly, gripping her pillow. He begins to thrust into her as she wiggles against him.

She moans his name as he thrusts a bit harder. A few minutes later, they both climax as he pulls out. Bucky grabs his boxers & cleans himself off. He tosses both his tank top & boxers to the floor.
"Ooh. Someone's naked. That's hot", she says. He laughs as he gets comfy.

She puts her panties back on & they finish the movie. Once the movie's over, Bucky brings up the subject of baby names. For about an hour they discuss what names they like. Soon after, they agree on names for the babies.
"Oh man, we have their names picked out. I can't wait to meet our babies" she says.

"Me either. I can't wait to hold them in my arms", Bucky says happily.
Bucky & Celina say goodnight to the babies before the cuddle & fall asleep.
"Goodnight, Buck. I love you."
Love you, doll. Sweet dreams."

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