Part Of The Journey Is The End.

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"Can you take me home?"

"Talia, are you okay?" He grabbed my face so I was looking at him.

"No, no I'm not." I took a deep breath so I wouldn't burst into tears. For a while there I forgot everything. My ring finger felt empty, and my heart ached.

We got into the car and sat. "Talia, I know you're hurt. But you should talk to him."

"Bucky, don't."

"He's my best friend and he didn't mean to hurt you."

I turned to him. "Tonight, I need you to be my best friend, Bucky. Because I don't have anyone else now. I lost my best friend and the closest thing to a father I've ever had, in one day. And now Steve-" my voice cracked "and now Steve has Peggy, and I can't do this Buck, I can't." I started sobbing and Bucky wrapped his arm around me and pulled me towards him.

"I'll be whatever you need. I understand." I cried into Bucky's chest as he held me. "I got you. It's okay. I'm here."

"I don't know how to do this, Bucky. I really don't. Steve wasn't supposed to hurt me, it wasn't supposed to be like this. I thought we'd been through the worst."

Bucky didn't speak, just kept holding me as I sobbed.

I pulled myself together enough to stop crying. I looked at Bucky's shirt that was now soaked with tears. "I'm sorry about that." He shrugged and started the car, driving us back to the compound. "I don't know if I can stay here, Buck." I whispered.

"What do you want to do?"

I stared at my hands, at the small mark where the promise of forever used to sit on my left hand. "I don't know."

"I know someone who owes us a favor." Bucky smiled before pulling his phone out and making a call.


I walked up to see Thor and Loki, handcuffed and muzzled. Good. I watched as Thor gave Loki the other end of a tube and leap into a beam of energy. As Bruce and Tony climbed in a car, Natasha saw me and walked over. "Hey! I didn't think I'd get to see you."

"And meet the Avengers? Wouldn't miss it. Shame I missed most of them though." Pointing where Thor just was. Natasha smiled. I looked over at the man standing against a motorcycle and I could feel my jaw drop. The man looked good on tv but in person? Holy shit. Natasha laughed.

"Hey, Rodgers. Get over here." The man looked over and made his way to us. "Steve Rodgers, this is Talia Aimilios. Talia, Steve Rodgers. Talia and I trained together in the red room. She's probably the only person who could maybe kick my ass."

"You know it's been a while since we tested that, Nat." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Name the time and place, baby." She smiled.

I looked back at Steve. "Pleasure to meet you."

His eyes met mine as he replied. "Pleasure is all mine, ma'am."


We pulled up at Clint's house and I saw him and his kids outside, his wife sitting on the porch waiting for us. She walked over to our car as we exited. Laura opened her arms wide and I met her with a hug. "Hey, it's okay." She squeezed me tight and I was so, so thankful for her, but she was another reminder of what we lost.

We sat in the living room and I told her what happened. Bucky had stayed outside with the kids while I filled in Clint and Laura.

"I'm sorry, you're kidding me. He did not!" Laura shook her head in disbelief.

"He's out of his mind. Because of what we lost. He's just clinging to anything he can." Clint answered, I knew he wasn't purposely defending him but I was just so angry.

"What about me? What I lost? How am I supposed to deal with this? It's Peggy. The love of his life, Peggy. My god, we've been through so much now! And he throws it away for someone from seventy years ago? I just..." I inhaled quickly to calm myself down.

"He's an idiot. All guys are." Laura sat next to me and put her arm around me. I leaned against her.

"I'd argue, but she's right." Clint shrugged.

I gave a half smile. "Is it okay if I shower? I'm still a little drunk and honestly, I probably stink."

"I'm glad you said it." Clint replied and Laura gave him a look that made him put his hands up defensively. Laura showed me to the bathroom and I turned the water on as hot as it could go.

I just stood there, letting the water relax my body when there was a knock at the door. "Yeah?" I yelled.

"Hey, it's me." I peaked my head out of the curtain and Bucky was standing there with his hand over his eyes. "We didn't bring extra clothes so Laura said you could borrow some sweats. I figured you'd need them."

"Thanks, Buck." He nodded and turned around to walk out and I continued. "I'm serious. I know you're his best friend and-" he turned to face me, not covering his eyes. They looked directly into mine.

"Hey, not today I'm not. Remember?" He flashed me a smile. "I'll see you when you're done." And he walked out.

I leaned against the wall and sighed.

After the shower I got dressed in the clothes Bucky brought me. I made my way back to the living room and Bucky had changed too. Looks like he borrowed some clothes from Clint. I looked at him and laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"We match." I pointed at our outfits. Sure enough, he had one an identical black t shirt and gray sweatpants.

He looked at me and then looked down before laughing too. "Oh, Clint definitely did that on purpose."

We spent the night at the Barton household, the next morning watching Bucky play with Clint's kids was a whole different version of him I'd never seen before. And they loved him. Everything was going well until Bucky was trying to teach them knife safety after showing them how he did his knife flips and Clint put his foot down.

"You taught them how to use a bow and arrow!" Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Yeah well, my kids. Have your own." Clint crossed his arms.

"Whatever. They loved it." Bucky smirked before walking over and sitting next to me. "Steve called a meeting for tonight." I didn't answer. Just nodded. "We have to go."

"I know, Buck." My heart broke again at the thought of seeing Steve again, and I knew damn well what the meeting was about. I even less wanted to see Peggy. Peggy and Steve. Fucking hell, this was a mess. Fucking time travel. I instantly regretted that thought when I saw Clint hug one of his kids as Laura walked out towards them from the barn. Seeing the smile on his face as he saw her.

It was worth whatever it took.

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