But The Work Is Done. It Always Will Be.

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Wanda and I hopped in the car. I chose to ignore my Toyota and drive one of Tony's sports cars. He'd be disappointed knowing I couldn't even say which one it was, just that I knew it was fast.

I sped to Peggy's apartment, weaving in and out of traffic. I barely put the car in park before we hopped out, I left it running just in case. We ran to the door and I slammed the door open, Wanda and I ready to fight.

Just to see Peggy sitting with Fury at the dining table, both drinking coffee.

"It's nice to see you, Agent Aimilios." Fury nodded. And then he turned to Wanda. "Miss Maximoff. What a surprise."

"You don't seem very surprised." Wanda replied, stepping closer to me.

"No, I suppose I wouldn't. Agent Aimilios, I'm sure you're aware that Miss Maximoff is a wanted criminal now. Terrorism, I believe is the specific crime." Fury looked towards me, Peggy stared at her cup.

I stepped in front of Wanda. "She was overcome by grief and didn't have control. She's fine now. And you will not touch her."

Fury stood up suddenly. "I'm getting damn tired of being told what I can and can not do, Aimilios."

I smirked. "Yeah? Well, last time I checked. SHIELD is over, so you're not the director of anything anymore. And quite frankly, have no real authority over me. I respected you because I thought we were on the same team. But if you're sending spies to infiltrate my family and intend on harming it, you can be damn sure I'm not taking that. Now, please step away from Agent Carter, and the three of us will be on our way."

Fury laughed, but I was very aware nothing was funny. "I've always loved your attitude, kid. But this is not the time. Someone needs to keep you all in check. Rogers bringing people from the past, protecting criminals, disregarding both civil laws and the laws of time..." he shook his head. "And you expect me to just step aside?"

"That's interesting. Because if I recall correctly, your ass would still be dust if we didn't do what we did. Now I'll repeat myself for the last time. Step. Away." I stared him down. Truthfully, if it was between just Fury and I... I don't know if I'd win. But I had Wanda. So I knew he wouldn't even try.

Fury stepped back. "This isn't over."

I reached my hand out to Peggy and continued staring at him. "You're damn right it's not." Peggy took my hand. I held it as Wanda and I walked backwards to the car, still watching Fury until we were out of the apartment and out of sight.

We brought Peggy to the car and I started to drive back. "Peg? Can you tell me what he wanted?"

"He..." she cleared her throat. "He wishes to start SHIELD again. Only, different this time. He said it would be under better control. And the Avengers... would be under control."

I scoffed. "Oh, sure. That's great. Just what I fucking need." A fight against Fury when I need to be worrying about getting Bucky back. And then fixing Steve. And then sending Peggy back through time. Sure, one more damn thing to deal with.

Wanda reached out and grabbed my hand, she smiled at me and I sighed. "Sorry, I'm stressed. It's not either of you. Are you okay, Peggy?"

"I am unharmed, yes. We're going to where Steve has been, is that correct?" She seemed hesitant and well, I couldn't blame her.

"He's better. I've been fixing him." Wanda turned to talk to Peggy. "He's not all back to before, but he's aware of the situation now."

"Hm." Was all Peggy said. The rest of the drive was quiet.

But it wasn't quiet in my head. What the hell am I supposed to do? I have to go back and see the three spies and deal with them now. How? It didn't make sense. Sure, fine. I can accept the spying. Fury being an untrustworthy piece of shit isn't new. But why Maria? That couldn't have been part of it, right? HYDRA wouldn't be cooperating with them. And Wanda saw her, she was definitely with HYDRA. And it was a definite Winter Soldier 2.0 situation.

And god, was everything with Kai a lie too? What purpose did that serve? All of this made no sense.



I sighed. "How hard is it to break a barrier wall in someone's mind?"

"That depends on a lot of factors really, but mostly how willing the person is to it." She answered.

I nodded as I pulled into the garage. "Okay, well. Let's see just how convincing we can be."

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